ST. SCHOLASTICA Virgin (480-542?)
February 10th
asked a favor of you and you refused. The above words of St. Scholastica were spoken when her brother, St. Benedict, refused to stay the night so they could have a longer visit. He refused to do so because he would be breaking his own rule that monks not spend the night outside the monastery. Scholastica wanted her twin brother with her because she sensed her death was close at hand. The disagreement was settled when a severe thunderstorm broke out, preventing St. Benedict and his monks from returning to the abbey. Three days later, while at prayer, Benedict sensed that his sister had died. He buried her in the tomb he had prepared for himself. A short time after St. Benedict founded his monastery at Monte Casino, Scholastica established a community of women a few miles distant, most likely under the guidance of St. Benedict. The early monasteries for women were places for virgins and widows to gather in community to dedicate themselves to an intense spiritual life. Before the late fourth century they lived at home in semi-seclusion. Around the early part of the fifth century they banded together in small communities, as did the monks. St. Scholastica provided an opportunity for prayer in a setting free from the distractions of the world. The purpose then and still today is the same for religious men and women. The Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops of the Vatican II Council stated that it is the duty of religious to promote the general welfare and growth of the Church “by means of prayer, works of penance and by the example of their own lives.” (Christus Dominus, n. 33) Sources: IN HIS LIKENESS , Rev. Charles E. Yost, SCJ, STL and SAINT OF THE DAY, Leonard Foley, O.F.M., Editor. |
#2447 The works of mercy are charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in his spiritual and bodily necessities. Instruction, advising, consoling, comforting are spiritual works of mercy, as are forgiving and bearing wrongs patiently. The corporal works of mercy consist especially in feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and burying the dead. Among all these, giving alms to the poor is one of the chief witnesses to fraternal charity; it is also a work of justice pleasing to the Lord.
Ash Wednesday |
2 Corinthians 6:2 |
What area do you need to work on this Lent? Decide what you will you do. Bring it to prayer. |
2-11-16 |
Luke 9:23 |
What is it that I must deny myself in order to follow Christ more closely? |
2-12-16 |
Isaiah 58:7,9 |
This week, go out of your way for someone in need. |
2-13-16 |
Isaiah 58:13,14 |
Determine today that Sunday will be a day of rest and a day to attend church (if you can). |
2-14-16 |
Romans 10:10 |
Share with one person your Lenten resolution. Be accountable to him or her. |
2-15-16 |
Matthew 25:45 |
Choose one work of mercy that you will do this Lent. |
2-16-16 |
Matthew 6:7 |
When you pray today, just sit quietly, mindful that you are with God. |
2-17-16 |
Jonah 3:5 |
Tonight, at prayer, make a good examination of conscience. |
2-18-16 |
Esther C:12,14 |
Remember a desperate time when you found God in prayer. |
2-19-16 |
Ezekiel 18:21-22 |
This Lent, promise yourself you will not beat yourself up over your past mistakes. |
2-20-16 |
Matthew 5:46 |
To whom do I need to extend kindness and mercy? Do something for him or her. |
2-21-16 |
Psalm 27:8 |
Remember one occasion when God worked in your life. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving. |
2-22-16 |
1 Peter 5:2 |
Contribute to, or get involved with one worthwhile cause. |
2-23-16 |
Isaiah 1:16-17 |
Hand over a major shortcoming.
Calmly place it in God’s hands. |
2-24-16 |
Jeremiah 18:18 |
Am I willing to speak out for my faith? |
2-25-16 |
Jeremiah 17:5 |
Remember the people who have blessed your life. Thank God for sending them to you. Thank God for his faithfulness. |
2-26-16 |
Genesis 37:4 |
Ask for the grace to not compare yourself to others. Delete envy from your life. |
2-27-16 |
Luke 15:2 |
Go out of your way to greet those whom you consider different from you. |
2-28-16 |
Psalm 103:7 |
Reflect on the Ten Commandments. |
2-29-16 |
2 Kings 5:11 |
What are three ways you see the presence of God? |