During this month, we
were to conduct elections
seeking four members to
serve on the Pastoral
Council. For the past month,
I have been putting notices
in the bulletin asking
parishioners to consider
running for a seat on the
Council. The last day to
submit names for nomination
was last Sunday. I extended
the deadline to
Sunday. However, to
date only one name has been
submitted. I was rather
surprised and disappointed
that more names weren’t
Four years ago, when
the Steering Committee
worked on the Pastoral
Council Charter, the plan
was to have a diverse
membership representing the
entire parish, keeping in
mind the dual mission of our
parish to minister to the
Lithuanian community along
with our neighborhood. The
Pastoral Council would be
made up of ten members,
eight would be elected and
two would be appointed. A
minimum of two members would
be from the Lithuanian
community and two from the
non-Lithuanian community.
Limiting members to two
consecutive terms would
eliminate the possibility of
having one group appear to
"run the parish."
During the next week,
the Pastoral Council and I
will work on a plan to fill
the seats on the Council. I
have decided to extend the
deadline for submitting an
application another weekend
to November 9th.
Hopefully we will have at
least four additional names.
The Pastoral Council is
the primary advisory body
that I consult to make major
decision about the parish,
set goals and priorities,
and represents the entire
Parish. It is my hope that
we can find members in our
Parish that would serve that
God Bless!
Fr. Joe Bacevice
Friday, November 7th
is the First Friday
of the Month. We will have our monthly Eucharistic Adoration
from 8-9 am.
All in the Parish are invited to spend some time in quiet
prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
in your prayers the souls of
Stase Strimaitis, Anton Zidar, and Frances Hribar
who died recently and were buried from our Parish. May they
have eternal rest in the peace of God’s kingdom.
congratulate the winners of our Annual Autumn Raffle drawing
that was held last Saturday at our clambake: Ed Hocevar won
the grand prize of $1,000, Danny Kelly won $500, Aniceta
Giedratiene won $300, and Ann Lazor and Valerija Spirikaitis
each won $100. We thank all who participated at our clambake
last Saturday evening. 176 dinners were served. We also
thank our clambake committee and all our dedicated
volunteers who worked so hard to make this fund raising
event a success. After all expenses are paid, the profit was
about $6,700.00.

getting more involved in your parish and serving on our
Pastoral Council. Application forms are available in the
Book Room. The application deadline has been extended
until November 9nd. Any
member of the parish, age 16 and older, with a few
exceptions, is eligible to run for a seat on the Pastoral
Council. We invite you to seriously consider serving on this
important council in our Parish.
November 4th is Election Day, that day that all
citizens are called to exercise their right to vote. The
polls will be open from 6:30am
until 7:30pm. As with
any "right", there is a corresponding "duty," so with our
right to vote, we also have a duty to vote. With 13 hours to
vote on election day along with absentee ballots and early
voting, there should be no reason for a citizen to not
perform their duty to vote.
Last week, we received our
quarterly distribution of Rooted in Faith - Forward in
Hope funds in the amount of $2,067.00. So far, we have
received $31,241.00 for our own parish projects. Every
payment made on your pledges benefits our parish, as we
receive 30% of the funds collected. So if you are behind on
your pledge payments, we remind you to make an effort to
catch up, and if anyone wishes to make a gift to the
campaign or increase their pledge, they can contact Angie
Pavlik at the Catholic Community Foundation:
216-696-6525, ext 1303.
Our next pancake breakfast will
take place on Sunday, November 9th, from
8:30am to 1:30pm.
Come enjoy the best pancake breakfast in all of Collinwood.
Tickets are now available at the usual places. Save $1 by
purchasing your tickets in advance.
Join young adults and those
gifted with years to pray, ponder and rediscover the wise,
witty and wonderful women of Scripture and women of faith
like us. Hosted at the homelike Bethany Retreat Center in
Chardon from Friday, Nov. 14th 7:00pm to
Saturday, Nov. 15th at 7:00pm. Cost is $75, with
a limited number of scholarships available. For information
and to register go to
www.lifebalanceenterprises.com or contact Sr. Kate Hine
at khine@ndec.org
Our Catholic War Veterans Post
613 is having a Reverse Raffle on
Saturday, November 8, 2014,
at the Lithuanian Village Hall, 877 East 185 St., beginning
at 6:45pm.
The main prize is $2,000. Tickets are $50 per person; they
include an open bar, dinner, music and dancing. Extra dinner
tickets are $25. For more information or tickets, contact
John Milikas at 216-486-0254.
Borromeo Seminary’s Annual Italian Dinner will take place
Saturday, November 8th from
5-8pm at the Center for
Pastoral Leadership, 28700 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe. In
addition to the dinner (adults $10, children 6-12 $5, under
6 free), there will be a 50/50 Raffle and Basket Raffle.
Proceeds benefit the activity fund for the college