
Saint Casimir Parish
July 9 - 10, 2016
is an update on our Neff Road Parking Lot project. Last spring we contacted
several contractors to look at our parking lot and come up with bids to
repair/replace the parking lot. After the bids were sent in, we engaged two
concrete specialists to evaluate what is needed for the lot and write
specifications. At the same time we were raising the necessary funds to complete
the project. After the specifications were written and the money was raised, a
letter went to the Bishop asking permission to make the repair. Last week, we
received the permission and we are now inviting contractors to bid on the job.
We will keep you informed as the work on this project moves forward.
Holy Name Society is pleased to invite the entire parish to attend the Holy Name
Picnic and Cookout on Wednesday, July 27th, from 5:00-8:00 pm
in the back yard of the convent. Hot dogs, burgers, snacks and soft drinks will
be served. Last year, we had live entertainment which might be repeated this
year. There is no cost for the picnic as the Holy Name Society underwrites the
entire cost. In case of rain, the food will be served in the lower hall. This is
a good way to meet fellow parishioners and learn about the Holy Name Society.
Whether you are an avid golfer or just enjoy the great outdoors, join us for
OUTDRIVE HUNGER: An Inaugural Golf Outing on
Friday, July 29 from 8am to 4:30pm at
Grantwood Golf Course, 38855 Aurora Rd., Solon. The outing will raise money to
feed 13,000 people who turn to our food pantries for nourishment each month. For
tickets call
216-696-6525, ext 3570
or order online:
Hospice is a philosophy of care, not a place. We care for patients wherever they
call home/ as a vital part of our team, volunteers come from all walks of life
and have a variety of skills talents and abilities. Opportunities to serve are
diverse, from running errands to meal preparation. Volunteers with special
training are always needed: attorneys, licensed hair dressers, massotherapists,
pet therapy dogs and their trainers. Training is provided. To become a volunteer
or for more information, call
or visit:
the summer season begins, mark your calendar for the highlight of the
summer season - The FEST. On Sunday,
August 7th, from 12noon until 10pm join together
with thousands from across our diocese for a day of faith, family and
fun. The 16th Annual Catholic Family FESTival
will be held on the grounds of the Center for Pastoral Leadership in
Wickliffe. The FEST features great Christian artists: Newsboys, Michael
W. Smith, Matthew West, and Lauren Daigle, and has engaging activities
and displays for the entire family. The FEST is free and open
to all. The day concludes with an inspiring outdoor Mass at 8pm. It’s the highlight of summer,
everything that your family needs for a great family day. For more
information, go online to:
July 1st was the beginning of the new Fiscal (Financial) Year for our
parish. On June 30th, we closed the books on the last year - which we
will report on to everyone in September - and look forward to a new year. When a
new calendar year opens, many look back at the successes and failures of the
previous year and make plans for a better year ahead; we do the same for our
Parish with the arrival of the new fiscal year.
We are entering the third year of our lease for the school building and our
tenant is beginning a new round of renovations to the school building. We are
updating our lease with the Sisters of Notre Dame which will extend that lease
for two additional years. We just wrote new leases for our two residential
tenants. Our rental income brings in the money we need to keep the parish open
and make some of the improvements needed on our buildings and property.
The new year will bring more challenges that are different from what has
happened in the past. Our biggest challenge now is to grow our parish. We have
to find new ways to attract people to our parish and to relight the flame of
faith into those who have given up on their faith. It is something that will
take years to accomplish and we have to renew our efforts to be true ambassadors
for Christ.
I believe that we have a strong and vibrant parish. For the first time in
our almost 7 years of existence, we are in a financial position to move forward
as a community, to build our community, and to make a difference in the lives of
the Lithuanian community in Cleveland and in the lives of those who belong to
our Parish. It is up to each of us and all of us to do so. So let us all
continue to work together to ensure a bright future for St. Casimir Parish.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
sincerely thank the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association for their recent
gift of $1,000, which we put into our Parking Lot Fund. We thank their members
and officers for all the support that have given us over the years. Their
generosity to our parish in the last five years exceeds $25,000. God Bless
The First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Anna Hurban Cleveland District
will have their Annual Day of Recollection to SS. Anne & Joachim on
Tuesday, July 26 at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine
(21281 Chardon Rd.) Bishop Roger Gries, OSB will be the celebrant of the
11:00am Mass. Rev. Gerald Gonda, OSB will preside at
the Benediction and Rosary at 2:00 pm. Luncheon tickets
are $15 and must be purchased by July 18th. For more information or
for luncheon tickets contact Catherine Ruzniok
(440-406-9310) or Helen Gebura

WEEKEND - JULY 9 - 10, 2016
NEXT WEEKEND - JULY 16 - 17, 2016
8:00am |
8:00am |
Nancy Anzlovar |
Barb Pallo |
Donna Flynt |
Faye Roth |
Arv Valiukas |
Dave Oligny |
M. Anderson,
Faye Roth
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Eileen Egan |
Donna Flynt,
Ted Egan,
Dave Oligny |
Faye Roth,
John Milikas
Barbara Grauel |
Judy Kowalski |
Dave Oligny,
Ted Egan
Sami Caruso-Taylor |
Shawn |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Deidra, Briana |