Saint Casimir Parish  

Earlier bulletins Jan.06 Jan.13 Jan.20 Jan.27 Lietuviškai Feb.03 Feb.10




2014 2018 Mar.17                    

March 23 - 24, 2018 m.


     With this bulletin is a letter to everyone from Bishop Perez regarding what is called “religious posture” (when we stand, sit and kneel) at the Communion Rite at Mass. During the next few weeks, there will be inserts in the bulletin and I will speak on this at Mass. As the Bishop wrote, there has always been a policy in our diocese since the New Roman Missal was introduced in 2003, and the bishop would like it to be standard at all parishes beginning this year on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27.

     This item came across my desk recently from the 40 Days For Life people: Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the U.S. Bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activities, emphasized in his March for Life homily at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception that if you see one movie in 2019, see Unplanned. This is Abby Johnson’s story – a story of hope, truth, and love – from Planned Parenthood’s Person of the Year, to Pro-Life Champion, and ultimately, to the Catholic Faith. The film opens nationwide March 29th and is recommended for 9th graders and older accompanied by a parent. Please consider attending on the all-important opening weekend. For theater locations, go to   This is a one in a generation pro-family opportunity, a time for authentic liberty and justice for all. It is a powerfully told and beautifully made film, a story of redemption, a moment of clarity that will inspire you for a lifetime Try to make time for this movie. 


                      God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice


We ask you to remember in your prayers the following who have died recently: Danute Paskonis, Emily Rieder, Lillian Esian, Danute Muliolis-Ponte, and Rev. John Tezie. May they live forever in the joy of the Resurrection.




All are invited to the third Cluster Mass this Monday, March 25th, at 7:00pm at Saint Jerome Parish (15000 Lake Shore). Following Mass all are invited to their School hall for food and fellowship. We encourage parishioners to participate in this worthwhile Lenten program in our community.



We will pray the Stations of the Cross this Friday at 7:00pm. The stations will be led by representatives of the Lithuanian school. All are invited to participate in this traditional Lenten devotion. Bi-lingual Stations of the Cross prayer pamphlets are available so all can participate.




We thank everyone who helped make our Cluster Mass last Monday and enjoyable and spiritual event. Thanks to the bakers and cooks, the helpers who set up and cleaned up, and to all who extended a warm welcome to our neighbors as they came to Mass and the gathering in the gym.



We thank all who helped out and participated at our Pancake Breakfast on March 3rd. 102 people enjoyed the breakfast. After all expenses were paid, the profit for our parish was $530.




Next weekend we will accept offerings to support Catholic Relief Services(CRS). In addition to supporting the relief and development work of CRS in some 98 developing countries, the Catholic Relief Services also supports programs that serve immigrants through Migration and Refugee Services, fosters programs in Justice, Peace, and Human Development, along with the Holy Father’s Relief Fund. Please be generous.



Spring is on the way! Now is the time to start planning your garden and ordering your flowers and vegetables from the Altar Society’s annual plant sale. There are a few new flowers and new colors this year. Order forms can be found at the church entrances on the bulletin tables. Take home an order form and choose which flowers and vegetables you would like to order. Orders will be accepted until Tuesday, April 16. Return your order form together with your payment to the parish office either through the collection basket, the mail, or simply drop it off at the rectory by the due date. Support your parish and beautify your yard. It’s a win-win! Questions? Call Jackie Taylor at 216-509-0401.




In this third week of Lent, the gospel challenges us to repent. What are you clinging to that is actually destroying you? It could be anger that is eating you up; jealousy that hardens your heart; or a false pride that blinds you to the goodness of others. These things can destroy us and the relationships that we value. Let us see repentance in a positive light as an opportunity to be embraced by Jesus’ great mercy that will set us free.



The Cleveland Lithuanian Scouts cordially invite everyone to otheir annual St. Casimir Fair, THIS SUNDAY, March 24th, in the upper hall (gym). The fair begins after the 10:00 Mass and runs until 1:00pm. Handmade crafts, delicacies and dinner will be for sale. Please stop by and support our scouts who have been active in Cleveland for 69 years. See you at the Fair!



Senior Scouts Židinys invites everyone to a concert featuring the Dainava Lithuanian Men’s Ensemble. The concert “Return From Your Journey, Oh Winds of Spring” will take place on Saturday, April 27 at 7:00pm in upper hall of the Lithuanian Club. Tickets are $20. For tickets call Terese Urbaitis: 440-442-9091.




THIS WEEKEND -  MARCH 23 - 24, 2018

NEXT WEEKEND - MARCH 30 - 31, 2018

Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm


Faye Roth Arv Valiukas Donna Flynt Jackie Caruso-Taylor Judy Kowalski Erin Randel

Faye Roth,
John Milikas
Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Judy Kowalski

Robin Oligny,
Ted Egan
Donna Flynt

Faye Roth,
Maureen Anderson
Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Arv Valiukas

Donna Flynt,
Ted Egan
Robin Oligny


Peter   Deirdre Peter   Sinead