Saint Casimir Parish  

Earlier bulletins Jan.06 Jan.13 Jan.20 Jan.27 Lietuviškai Feb.03 Feb.10


2014 2018                      

February 23 - 24, 2018 m.


     One of the things all of us can be most proud of in our parish is the quality and the variety of our liturgical music program. We are fortunate to have a classically trained director of music and organist.  She directs our Lithuanian choir and works with a soloist for our 5:30 Mass. The only thing missing is the congregation joining in singing at Mass.

     There are indeed some who really make an effort to participate at Mass by singing, but so many more do not. For many, there is a good reason. Up to about 50 years ago, people just went to church on Sunday to “hear Mass,” because the priest just “held Mass.” It was only with the Second Vatican Council that we were invited to “participate” at the “celebration” of Mass. So many of us have kept up with the idea of going to Church to “hear Mass” up to the present day.

     For many people, music at Mass is just to listen to and many feel they don’t want to ruin the music with their voices. I could probably write pages of excuses why we don’t want to participate by either singing or reciting the people’s parts of the Mass. Rather than do that, I simply want to offer everyone a challenge: Let us all participate at Mass by singing and reciting the congregation’s parts of the Mass. Hymns are announced at all our Masses. We provide English language Missalettes with all of the music and recited parts of the Mass at the English Masses, and Lithuanian Missalettes with all of the recited parts of the Mass as well as Lithuanian hymnals and Scripture reading sheets at the weekend Mass in Lithuanian.
     I believe that by participating more fully at Mass, all of us will experience a more meaningful celebration of the central act of our Catholic Faith.

                      God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice


Friday, March 1st is the First Friday of the Month. Eucharistic Holy Hour will take place after the 7:30am Mass until 9:00am. We invite you to spend some time in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.



On Monday, March 18th, we will be hosting all the parishes in Collinwood for our Lenten Cluster Mass. After Mass, everyone is invited to our Upper Hall (gym) for food and fellowship. We need volunteers to bake, set up and clean up. Those willing to help out are asked to sign up at the main entrance to the church or contact Ingrid Civinskas at: or call 440-838-0652.




Our next Pancake Breakfast will be on Sunday, March 3, from 8:30 to 1:30. Tickets are now available at the main entrance to the Church after the weekend Masses and at the Rectory during the week. Adult tickets are $7, children 10 and younger are free. Save $1 by purchasing your tickets in advance. All proceeds benefit the parish.



Last weekend, we published a survey with our bulletin regarding our weekend Mass schedule. So far we have heard from 32 people. Additional surveys are available on the table at the main entrance to the Church. Return them in the collection basket or drop them off at the Rectory. Please return them by March 17th.



Families each teach their own set of values. The Gospel speaks of judging, condemning and forgiving, noting that “what goes around comes around.” Stop judging, and you will not be judged. Stop condemning, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and your will be forgiven. Practice and grow with the gospel virtues of mercy and forgiveness. Be bold and stop the family blame game. Forgiving families prosper.



On Saturday, March 23rd, the Catholic Men’s Fellowship of Northeast Ohio is holding its 18th annual “Answer the Call” conference at he Holiday Inn Rockside in Independence, Ohio. Dynamic speakers include John Leonetti, dedicated to spreading the Good News and helping Catholics on their Faith Journey, and Peter Burak, a member of Renewal Ministries who seeks to form adults into intentional disciples of Christ. Bishop Perez will also speak and celebrate Mass at 4:00pm. For more information, go to



From March 6 to April 14, you are invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You are also invited to stand and peacefully pray anytime between 7am and 7pm during the 40 day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Preterm, 12000 Shaker Blvd. in Cleveland, Planned Parenthood, 25350 Rockside Rd. in Bedford Heights, or Family Planning, 54 South State St. in Painesville. Plan on joining the Kickoff Rally at St. Columkille Church, March 5, at 7:00pm, with Bishop Perez as the keynote speaker. For more information, contact John Noall at or call 216-245-9744.



Exultate choir invites you to a program of music and meditation - REFLECT and REFRESH on Sunday, March 31st at 12:00 noon at the upper hall of the Lithuanian Club. Tickets are $20 and include lunch. They are available in our lower hall after the 10:00 Mass or by calling Virginia Rubinski 216-486-9023.


THIS WEEKEND -  FEBRUARY 23 - 24, 2018

NEXT WEEKEND - MARCH 2 - 3 , 2018

Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm


Faye Roth Judy Kowalski Nancy Anzlovar Jackie Caruso-Taylor Nancy Anzlovar Erin Randel

Faye Roth,
John Milikas
Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Arv Valiukas

Donna Flynt,
Ted Egan
Robin Oligny

Faye Roth,
Maureen Anderson
Jackie Caruso-Taylor

John Martinich

Donna Flynt,
Ted Egan
Arv Valiukas


Peter Briana Deirdre Peter Briana Sinead