The World Day of Prayer for Vocations always falls on
the 4th Sunday of Easter, which is also called
Good Shepherd Sunday because of the Gospel readings. This
year, May 11th also happens to be Mother’s Day.
How can we celebrate these two important days together in a
harmonious way? We can start by remembering the words of
Pope St. Pius X: "Every vocation to the priesthood comes
from the heart of God, but it passes through the heart of a
mother." In reading this quote from Pius X, I was
inspired to look for some stories about popes and their
mothers. I hope you will enjoy the ones I found:
Pope Pius X was a very humble man and had a
saintly mother. Because they were so poor, she worked as a
washer woman and a school janitor to earn enough money so
that he could go to the seminary. When elected pope, he was
embarrassed and uncomfortable with the pomp and circumstance
of his office. "Look how they have dressed me up," he
lamented to a friend. His mother was present at his
installation and kissed his large papal ring, as is the
custom. She then presented him her tiny hand with her
wedding ring and said, "Now you kiss my ring – for without
it, you would have never received yours."
In an interview for a Spanish language newspaper,
Pope Francis’ sister, Maria Elena Bergoglio, recounts
how their mother discovered he was interested in the
priesthood. At age 19, young Jorge Bergoglio initially felt
drawn to study medicine. Wanting him to have a quiet place
to study, his mother prepared a special room for him by
cleaning out the cluttered room on the family’s terrace. One
day, the future pope’s mother entered the room to clean it.
But she ran into a surprise – books of theology. The pope’s
sister recounted the conversation between mother and son:
"Jorge, come here. You told me that you were going to study
medicine." "Yes, mother." "Why did you lie to me?" "No, I
did not lie to you mother; I am going to study the medicine
of the soul." Surprised by the news, his mother wept,
because she understood that he would have to leave home to
study. His father, however, rejoiced in his son’s vocation.
Eventually his entire family embraced his call to
priesthood. Jorge Bergoglio was ordained a priest in 1969,
and elected Pope in 2013.
As we pray for vocations, let’s not forget to pray for
our mothers.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice

Sasnauskas is receiving her First Communion this weekend at the
10:00 Mass. We congratulate her on
achieving this important milestone in her life and welcome her
to the table of God’s children.
Wednesday, May 14th, we
will have our monthly Eucharistic Adoration in the church from
6:00-9:00 pm.
All are invited to spend some quiet time in prayer before the
Blessed Sacrament.
This Sunday,
is Mothers Day, the day we honor our mothers. On this day, we
remember the prayer of blessing given to new mothers on the day
their child is baptized: "God the Father, through his Son,
the Virgin Mary’s child, has brought joy to all Christian
mothers, as they see the hope of eternal light shine on their
children. May he bless (our mothers). They now thank God for the
gift of their children. May they be one with their children in
thanking God for ever in heaven, in Christ Jesus our Lord."
The World Day of Prayer for
Vocations is being celebrated this
Sunday, the 4th
of Easter. All of us need to be aware of the need for prayers
for vocations to the priesthood. Here are some suggestions for
Join the Invisible
Monastery. Pledge to pray for vocations on the international
www.invisiblemonastery.com It
was inspired by a Vatican document urging Catholics to "organize
an invisible monastery" in which many persons, day and night,
are committed to continuous prayer for priestly vocations."
Pray the rosary for
the priests in your life. When praying the rosary, offer the
first decade for the priest who baptized you, the second for the
priest who gave you your First Communion, the third decade for
the bishop who confirmed you, the fourth for the priest who
witnessed your marriage, and the fifth for the priest who will
anoint you at your death.
This weekend we are accepting
donations for the Office of Catechetical Services. This office
focuses on supporting and enhancing the catechetical initiative
(PSR programs) throughout the Diocese and supports faith
formation for all including adult faith formation, catechetical
leader training and catechist formation for teachers of
religion, media literacy, and the Newman Campus Ministry
program. Please use the envelopes provided for this collection
and please be generous.
Thank you to everyone who
participated in the spring campaign of 40 Days for Life. God has
abundantly blessed the 40 Days for Life mission, and 728 babies,
mothers, and families were spared from abortions where campaigns
were conducted this spring, including seven in
Cleveland/Painesville. We look forward to praying with you in
the 2014 fall campaign, September 24 through November 2.
Birthright, a pregnancy service
which helps pregnant women and new mothers, is in need of
volunteers to answer telephones, make up infant layettes and
help women find community resources. No
experience is necessary and
training is provided. If you are interested in helping us help
the women and babies in our community, please call Toni Sabo at
216-228-5998 for more information.
The Lithuanian Academic Scouts are
having a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the
death of Lithuania’s first president, Antanas Smetona. It will
take place next Sunday, May 18th, at
at the Gintaras Restaurant at the Lithuanian Village. All are
invited to attend. |