
Saint Casimir Parish
DECEMBER, 2017 St. Casimir Parish
Almighty God,
grant that with the help of St. Casimir’s intercession we may serve you in holiness and justice.
That the elderly,
sustained by families and Christian communities, may apply their wisdom and
experience to spreading the faith and forming the new generations.
Papal intention)
That the Church be renewed in holiness during
this sacred season of Advent.
That as we rejoice in the Immaculate
Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we, like her, give God thanks and
That the birth of the Redeemer may bring
peace and hope to all people of good will.
That God who has begun the good work of
drawing our parish community together in faith will continue to perfect it
this Advent.
That God
bless Father Bacevice and the Pastoral and Finance Councils in their efforts
to secure the future of St. Casimir Parish.
That all parishioners
recognize their responsibility to St. Casimir Parish’s future through
financial support, commitment to parish activities, sharing ideas, and most
importantly prayer.
That parents will be
evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith.
That those who
experience any kind of hardship or sorrow during the holidays will
experience the tenderness of God’s love through the kindness of those around
That those who pray be
validated in their belief in its power.
Dec. 1st First Friday Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament, 8:00 – 9:00am in Church
Dec. 8th Immaculate
Conception, Holy Day of Obligation
Dec. 13th Evening
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 – 7:00pm in Church
(1390?-1473 )
“Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness,
and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil
the best cause.”
(St. John Kanty)
John Kanty grew up in a rural
environment. As an adult he studied at the University in Krakow,
Poland. He was ordained a priest and became a professor of theology.
John was a serious man, who taught well and quietly exercised very
strict discipline on himself. When he was warned to look after his
health, he was quick to point out that, for all their austerity, the
fathers of the desert lived remarkably long lives. The opposition of
his associates led to John’s being sent to do parish work. However,
he had not been trained for parish duties and felt the burden of the
Eventually John returned to the university to teach Scripture. The
material he taught was not remembered as much as the holiness of his
life. Everywhere he was known for his humility and spontaneous
generosity. He gave everything to the poor and kept only the clothes
he most needed. Four times he made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land,
carrying his luggage on his back.
John died, people already claimed he was a saint. At the time of
John’s canonization Pope Clement XIII wrote: “Saint John of Kanty
deserves a high place among the great saints and scholars who
practice what they preach and defend the true faith against those
who attack it.”
Sources: IN HIS LIKENESS, by Rev.
Charles E. Yost, SCJ, STL; SAINT OF THE DAY, Leonard Foley, O.F.M.,
SAINTS AND FEAST DAYS, Loyola University Press) |
The Coming of Jesus
The coming of God’s Son
to earth is an event of such immensity that God willed to prepare for it over
the centuries. He makes everything converge on Christ: all the rituals and
sacrifices, figures and symbols of the “First Covenant.” He announces through
the mouths of the prophets who succeeded one another in Israel. Moreover, he
awakens in the hearts of the pagans a dim expectation of this coming.
When the Church celebrates the liturgy
of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the
Messiah, for by sharing in the long preparation for the Savior’s first coming,
the faithful renew their ardent desire for his second coming. By celebrating
John the Baptist’s birth and martyrdom, the Church unites herself to John’s
desire: “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
Jesse Trees are a very old Christmas Tradition and first started
in medieval times. They are used to help tell the story of the
Bible from creation to the Christmas Story.
The name comes from Jesse who was the
Father of the great Jewish King David. One prophecy in the
Bible, in the Book of Isaiah 11:1-4, says: “A
shoot shall sprout and from the stump of Jesse, and from his
roots a bud shall blossom. The spirit of the Lord shall rest on
him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of
counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of
the Lord, and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord. Not by
appearance shall he judge, nor by hearsay shall he decide, but
he shall judge the poor with justice, and decide aright for the
land’s afflicted.”
A bud is a
sign of new life and new beginnings. Jesus was a descendant of
King David and Christians believe that Jesus is this new bud.
The first Jesse trees were large
carvings, tapestries or even stained glass windows put in
Churches that helped illiterate people to learn about the Bible
from creation to the Christmas Story. But now Jesse Trees are
used as a kind of Advent Calendar. A normal Christmas tree or a
banner in the shape of a tree can be used as a Jesse Tree. Each
day through Advent (or sometimes just on the four Sundays of
Advent) a special decoration or ornament that represents a story
from the Bible, is hung on the tree.
Advent Readings |
Dec. 1
Gen. 1
Dec. 2
Gen. 2:4 - 3:24
Dec. 3 Gen. 6:9 -9:17
Dec. 4 Gen. 12:1-7 & 15:1-6
Dec. 5
Gen. 22:1-18
Dec. 6
Gen. 28:10-19
Dec. 7
Gen. 37 & 50
Dec. 8
Ex. 2:1 - 4:20 |
Dec. 9
Ex. 12:1-42
Dec. 10
Ex. 19:1-20:20
Dec. 11
Joshua 6:1-20
Dec. 12
Ruth (whole book)
Dec. 13
1 Samuel 16:1-3
Dec. 14
1 Kings 6
Dec. 15
1 Kings 18:16 -39
Dec. 16
Isaiah 11:1-11 |
Dec. 17
Jonah (whole book)
Dec. 18
Matt. 3:13-17
Dec. 19
Lk. 1:26-28
Dec. 20
Lk. 1:39-56
Dec. 21
Lk 1:57-80
Dec. 22
Matt. 1:19-25
Dec. 23
Lk. 2:8-20
Dec. 24
Matt. 2:1-12 |