Saint Casimir Parish



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St. Casimir Parish

Almighty God,
grant that with the help of St. Casimir’s intercession
we may serve you in holiness and justice.


  • That the language of love and dialogue may always prevail over the language of conflict.                                                                                                         (November Papal intention)

  • That the Church will reflect the presence of Christ and will draw close those searching for truth.

  • That we share the communion of charity of the saints.

  • That our celebration of Thanksgiving will be an occasion of reunion, renewed love, and lasting grace.

  • That within parishes, priests and lay people may collaborate in service to the community

  • without giving in to the temptation of discouragement.

  • That God bless Father Bacevice and the Pastoral and Finance Councils in their efforts to secure the future of St. Casimir Parish.

  • That all parishioners recognize their responsibility to St. Casimir Parish’s future through financial support, commitment to parish activities, sharing ideas, and most importantly prayer.

  • That God will bless police officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, and all those who risk their lives for us.

  • That the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the sick, the aged, the lonely, the grieving, those who are

  • out of work, those who are facing financial difficulties, and those who have no one to pray for them share in God’s gifts through the help of their community.

  • That those who pray be validated in their belief in its power.


      November   1st    All Saints Day, holy day of obligation

      November   2nd   All Souls; First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 8:00 – 9:00am in Church

      November  14th   Eucharistic Adoration, 6:00-7:00pm in Church

      November  18th thru December 2nd    Pastoral Council Elections






November 16th


         When after receiving the life-giving sacrament, I had come back to my place of prayer, it seemed to  me as though there came forth from the crucifix depicted in my book (that is, from the wound in the side), something like a ray of sunshine…it sweetly drew my affection to itself.               (attributed St. Gertrude the Great)

      St. Gertrude was born in Germany on January 6, 1256. At the age of 5 she was sent to a monastery in Helfta to receive her education and religious formation. The monastery was highly regarded for its spiritual and intellectual teaching. Gertrude excelled in her study of the arts and sciences of her day.  She did not seriously consider the monastic life until she was in her mid twenties.

     St. Gertrude recognized the importance of a spirituality based on the liturgy. The liturgy played a great role in her spiritual development. Through the liturgy she appreciated the Christian mysteries.  She believed that her life as a nun, united to Christ by holiness and prayer, could strengthen the Church (the Mystical Body of Christ). She was educated in the Scripture and acquainted with the writings of St. Augustine and St. Bernard. From St. Gertrude’s writings we learn of the spirituality of her time and her own spiritual and mystical experiences. She is counted among the devotees to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

     St. Gertrude died on November 16th, though there is disagreement about whether it was in 1301 or 1302. Pope Benedict X described her as “an exceptional woman, endowed with special natural talents and extraordinary gifts of grace, the most profound humility and ardent zeal for her neighbor’s salvation.”

Source: IN HIS LIKENESS, Charles E. Yost, SCJ, STL; CATHOLICNEWSAGENCY.COM, St. Gertrude the Great;
             CATHOLICIRELAND.NET, 16 November, 2012, Nov 16 – St. Gertrude the Great (1256-1302) German mystic and writer.



Liturgical Seasons


#1164  From the time of the Mosaic law, the People of God have observed fixed feasts, beginning with Passover, to commemorate the astonishing actions of the Savior God, to give him thanks for them, to perpetuate their remembrance, and to teach new generations to conform their conduct to them. In the age of the Church, between the Passover of Christ already accomplished once for all, and its consummation in the kingdom of God, the liturgy celebrated on fixed days bears the imprint of the newness of the mystery of Christ.

#1095  For this reason the Church, especially during Advent and Lent and above all at the Easter Vigil, re-reads and re-lives the great events of salvation history in the “today” of her liturgy. But this also demands that catechesis help the faithful to open themselves to this spiritual understanding of the economy of salvation as the Church’s liturgy reveals it and enables us to live it.





     On November 1st we celebrate All Saints Day. We honor all the saints, known and unknown, famous and not so famous. The canonized saints are just a few of the thousands of holy men and women who have been honored over the centuries. If your favorite isn’t listed, it doesn’t mean he or she isn’t a saint. Those canonized as saints are usually honored on the day of their death, and perhaps your saint died on the same day as someone famous, such as St. Francis of Assisi. Or maybe you’ve been looking for someone like St. Christopher, who was never formally canonized and whose life is so shrouded in legend that it’s difficult to discover any facts about him. In those cases, another saint with more accessible information may have been chosen.

     From as early as the fourth century, “all the martyrs” have been honored collectively. By the year 800, the feast of All Saints was firmly established as part of the Church year. All Saints Day is a good day to remember all those people – in addition to the official saints – who have touched your life: your grandmother, your parents, a beloved teacher, a good friend, anyone who has made the love of God a reality in your life.

     Take a few minutes and give thanks for everyone in heaven whom you love and who loves you. Blessed be all the saints!

 Source: 365 SAINTS, Woodeene Koenig-Bricker


     We remember the anniversaries of the death of people we know and loved. We might bring flowers or plants to their graves as signs of our continuing love and prayers. We often save pictures and mementos of the loved ones. Somehow we know that death can separate us only for a while.

     On the feast of All Souls and throughout the entire month of November, we recall our deceased, relatives, friends, and all the faithful departed, who may yet be waiting for the full joy of heaven. Christians have always prayed for those who have died. Anniversaries of death have been regarded as “birthdays” to a new life. In the eleventh century, St. Odilo, who was an abbot at Cluny, required that his monasteries pray for all the dead on the day after All Saints. Soon this custom spread.

Source: SAINTS AND FEAST DAYS, Christ Our Life Series