Saint Casimir Parish


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Jan. 2019

Feb. March April                    


APRIL, 2019
St. Casimir Parish

Almighty God,
grant that with the help of St. Casimir’s intercession
we may serve you in holiness and justice.


  • That we remember in our prayers the doctors and their humanitarian collaborators in war zones, who risk their lives to save the lives of others.                (April Papal intention)

  • That those who are baptized at Easter might grow ever stronger in their faith and be powerful witnesses of the Gospel.

  • That the event of Easter will deeply change our lives, renewing our families and blessing us with the new beginning we need.

  • That we accept the grace to be faithful in living our Catholic faith, especially through fidelity to Sunday Mass and the sacraments.

  • That Christ risen from the dead will bless our country and free us from fear and falsehood.

  • That God bless Father Bacevice and the Pastoral and Finance Councils in their efforts to secure the future of St. Casimir Parish.

  • That all parishioners recognize their responsibility to St. Casimir Parish’s future through financial support, commitment to parish activities, sharing ideas, and most importantly prayer.

  • That our civil leaders will find the wisdom to protect God-given liberties and that we will have the courage to support them in their efforts.

  • That the power of Christ’s Resurrection will touch the lives of the poor, the sick, the unemployed, the homeless, those facing financial distress, and those battling addiction.  

  • That those who pray be validated in their belief of its power.


  •      April 1st      Cluster Mass at St. Mary, 7:00pm

  •      April 5th       First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 8:00 - 9:00am in Church

  •      April 8th      Lenten Penance Service at Holy Redeemer, 7:00pm      

  •      April 10th    Eucharistic Adoration, 6:00 - 7:00pm in Church

  •      April 13th    Svyturys Dancers’ program, 1:00 pm, Upper Hall

LENT - Stations of the Cross, in Church, 7:00pm (March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th)
 - Cluster Masses, 7:00pm (March 11th - Holy Redeemer,   March 18th - St. Casimir,  March 25th - St. Jerome)




(1st Century AD)


April 25th

“When Mark became Peter’s interpreter, he wrote down accurately, although not in order, all that Peter remembered of what the Lord had said or done. For [Mark] had not heard or followed the Lord, but later, [heard and followed] Peter, who used to adapt his teaching to the needs [of the moment] without making any sort of arrangement of the Lord’s statements.”                                            (words of Papias of Hieropolis, an early second century writer)

     Another ancient text says: “Mark made no mistake in writing down certain things as he remembered them. For he was careful not to omit or falsify anything of what he had heard.” (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 3:39) Mark, called John Mark in Acts 12:12 & 25, and referred to as “Mark, my son,” in I Peter 5:13, was a Hellenic Jew in the Jerusalem Community, and a cousin of Barnabas (Colossians 4:10)

      St. Mark, the author of the shortest and oldest gospel, is mentioned at least ten times in the Bible, most often as a missionary companion of Paul. Mark was apparently a teenager when Jesus was teaching. About the year 46AD Paul and Barnabas took him with them on their first missionary journey. After a time, Mark (against Paul’s advice) decided to return to Jerusalem. Paul refused to take him along on his second missionary journey. Eventually Mark and Paul reconciled. Mark even visited and comforted Paul in prison.

     Mark wrote to proclaim the Good News to a community that had as its members both Jewish and Gentile Christians. He speaks about a Jesus who understands their difficulties, who forgives sins, and leads people to everlasting happiness. In his gospel Mark presents the account of God’s saving plan through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Mark describes Jesus as the suffering Son of God. Mark believes that to accept the Risen Jesus means to come to terms with the cross and writes that anyone who wishes to come after Jesus must accept the cross.

Sources: IN HIS LIKENESS, Rev. Charles E. Yost; CHRIST OUR LIFE SERIES, Loyola Press;
                365 SAINTS, Woodeene Koenig-Bricker



Penance In Christian Life

#1434 The interior penance of the Christian can be expressed in many and various ways. Scripture and the Fathers insist above all on three forms, fasting, prayer, and almsgiving, which express conversion in relation to oneself, to God, and to others. Alongside the radical purification brought about by Baptism or martyrdom they cite as means of obtaining forgiveness of sins: efforts at reconciliation with one’s neighbor, tears of repentance, concern for the salvation of one’s neighbor, the intercession of the saints, and the practice of charity “which covers a multitude of sins.”







1.        JESUS DID IT.  Before beginning his ministry, Jesus went into the wilderness, where he fasted from food and was tempted by Satan (Mt 4:1-11). Jesus emerged from the wilderness, having been tested, strengthened, and prepared for what lay ahead.

2.       FASTING IS A TRADITIONAL SIGN OF SORROW.  Fasting lets us put our whole selves into the experience of repentance. Though we no longer express our sorrow in outward signs such as wailing and wearing sackcloth, the symbolism of fasting remains. We not only tell God we are sorry; we show it.

3.       FASTING HELPS US ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS AND FOCUS ON GOD AND OTHERS.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying the good things in life, such as entertainment, our favorite snack or unnecessary shopping.  However, it is sometimes wise to give them up for a time, to regain our focus on what is most valuable.

4.       FASTING GIVES THAT ‘YEARNING’ FEELING.  As humans, we want good food, good drink, and other good things. But deep down we know these things can bring us only limited happiness. We have a yearning for something greater. Jesus called it “the living water” and the “food that endures” (Jn 4:10; 6:27).

5.       FASTING HELPS US DEVELOP SELF-DISCIPLINE.  Fasting can be liberating. Following through on fasting boosts one’s confidence. Mastering something small might give us the incentive to consider what else could be controlled.

6.       FASTING REMINDS US THAT OUR BODIES ARE PART OF OUR PRAYER.  Fasting is a way to get our bodies involved in prayer and worship. It is a way of showing God what we feel inside – uncertainty, desire, or loss. Whatever it is we turn it all over to God.

7.       FASTING HELPS US BE MORE MINDFUL OF OTHERS.  Our own time of “going without” can make us more mindful of those who “go without” on a regular basis, those experiencing the poverty of hunger, oppression, loneliness, or pain.

8.       FASTING BUILDS OUR SENSE OF COMMUNITY AS CHURCH.  Fasting during Lent is something we do together. Like wearing ashes on our forehead, fasting is a bond we share as Catholics.

9.       FASTING MAKES EASTER MORE JOYFUL.  After squandering his inheritance, the prodigal son was so hungry he was willing to eat from the pig’s trough. His father’s welcome changed his life from loss and wandering into joy and celebration.

10.     FASTING HELPS US IMITATE JESUS.  We give up something because Jesus gave up so much for us.  St. Paul considered every pain, every loss, and every failure a great blessing—because it gave him some share in the cross of Jesus. We too in fasting have some small share in the cross of Jesus.

Source: St. Anthony Messenger, Vol.126/No. 10, March 2019, pp. 19-21.