Saint Casimir Parish


February 22 - 23

        Since the new President began his term of office, there has been a lot of talk regarding immigration.  At the same time there has been a lot of misunderstanding regarding the place of the Catholic Church regarding immigration and deportation. To help clarify this issue Bishop Malesic sent guidance to priests regarding the Church’s position on this matter.  Here is part of what he sent us:
 “Most would agree that the current immigration system is broken and needs to be rectified by our government leaders and representatives.  An authentically “Catholic” solution would be one that respects the need to maintain our national borders with appropriate limits on immigration, but that is open to humanly receiving our brothers and sisters from other countries who desire to become a part of our national family, while also furthering, as far as possible, the good of our brothers and sisters in need.  The Catholic Church in the United States has recognized, along with many government leaders on all sides of the political spectrum, the need for serious immigration reform for over two decades. However, the consistent failures of both parties to rise toward a political consensus on this issue has led to continued uncertainty for immigrants seeking a better future and the common good of our nation. An authentically “Catholic” solution would be one that respects the need to maintain our national borders with appropriate limits on immigration but that is open to humanly receiving our brothers and sisters from other countries who desire to become a part of our national family and allow their loved ones to live a dignified life. In the meantime, as disciples of Christ, we must continue to recognize and honor the dignity of every person and do all we can within the law to help our brothers and sisters in need, even if they are here without recognized documentation. This does not mean the Church encourages illegal immigration or is actively seeking to undermine the country’s immigration laws. What it does mean is that the Church sees Jesus Christ in every person, citizen or foreigner, and meets that person as if meeting Christ Himself. We will continue to echo Pope Francis’ message issued to the Bishops of the United States on Feb. 11: ‘The true common good is promoted when society and government, with creativity and strict respect for the rights of all … welcomes, protects, promotes and integrates the most fragile, unprotected and vulnerable. This does not impede the development of a policy that regulates orderly and legal migration.’” This is something all of us need to think and pray about.

                                                       Blessings!  – Fr. Joe Bacevice

      This week let us join Pope Francis in prayer as he celebrate the Jubilee of Deacons.  Let us join in prayer for all deacons both transitional and permanent, especially those serving in our Collinwood Cluster.  May our Lord guide our deacons and their families in their ministry to the Church.  Also, continue to pray for Pope Francis that he may recover from his illness and resume his duties soon.
       We thank those who have donated to the Annual Catholic Charities Parish Appeal, either through last week’s in-pew appeal, or through the mail.  For those who have not yet made a pledge or a donation, there are appeal envelopes available at the entrances to the Church.  You are invited to fill one out and return it this weekend to the collection box at the entrances to the Church or drop it at the Rectory mailbox this week.  Our parish goal for this year’s appeal is $13,037.00.  Please be generous and help us reach that goal.  
       In the gospel reading today, Jesus reaches out to touch the leper, one who had been rendered ritually unclean due to his skin infection.  This gospel story is one of mercy, acceptance, compassion and empathy.  We hear that Jesus is moved with pity at the plight of the leper and reaches out to touch him, breaking the Jewish law of his time.  How as Christians do we treat our family members with mercy, acceptance, compassion and empathy?  Throughout his life, Jesus seeks out and draws near to those on the margins.  How do we respond to those in our family who are on the margins of society or on the margins of our own family?
       This year, Lent begins on March 5TH. Again this year during Lent, the four Collinwood parishes are having the Monday cluster Masses. Our turn to host the Cluster Mass will be on Monday, March 10TH. Along with the other parishes, after Mass we will have a reception for all attendees. We are looking for volunteers to help with this project. If you are willing to help set up, clean up or bake, please contact Jackie at the rectory or at 216-509-0401.

duona ir vynas
kryžiusFebruary 22 - 23March 1 - 2
Sat. 5:00pmSun. 8:30amSat. 5:00pmSun. 8:30am


Tony Bacevice

Nancy Anzlovar

Judy Kowalski

Donna Flynt

Eucharistic MinisterMaureen AndersonTed EganFaye RothArv Valiukas
ServerFrances K.Frances K.