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 Saint Casimir Parish


July 27 - 28
      The Catholic Church in the United States is working on a Eucharistic Revival. As we continue to experience the Eucharist, we need to reflect on what it means in our lives.  Here are some aspects of the Holy Eucharist for all of us to consider. 
                                                                                      Blessings! Fr. Joe Bacevice
We experience the Eucharist as a community
    The Eucharist draws each of us closer to Christ as individuals, but also as a community.  As Catholics, we never really worship alone.  At the Eucharistic Liturgy, we gather with the young and old, the rich and poor, as well as millions around the world and the saints in heaven, to celebrate Christ’s sacrifice. This powerful reality reminds us, in the words of St. John Paul II: “A truly Eucharistic community cannot be closed in upon itself” (Ecclesiade Eucharistia [On the Eucharist], no. 39); rather the Eucharist challenges us to recognize our place within a community and the human family.
The Eucharist awakens us to our own dignity and to that of others
     The Eucharist is a sign of our incomparable dignity as human persons. This dignity, given to all equally, regardless of our social or economic status or where we come from (Jas 2:1-9), causes us to recognize “what value each person, our brother or sister, has in God’s eyes, if Christ offers Himself equally to each one. . . . If our Eucharistic worship is authentic, it must make us grow in awareness of the dignity of each person,” St. John Paul II writes (Dominicae Cenae [On the Mystery and Worship of the Eucharist], no. 6)
The Eucharist unifies and heals divisions.
     St. Paul taught that the celebration of the Eucharist is insincere if there are divisions within the community based on class (1 Cor11), status, or privilege (Rom 12), or if there are factions within the community (1 Cor 1). Partaking in the Sacrament as equals in the Body of Christ challenges us to unity as one family.
The Eucharist sensitizes us to those who suffer.
     As we meditate on the Eucharist, we experience Christ’s love for us—and for others. In the depth of prayer, we become so moved and sensitized to his love for those who suffer that the words of St. Augustine become a reality for us: “The pain of one, even the smallest member, is the pain of all” (Sermo Denis). When we receive the Eucharist but “turn a blind eye to the poor and suffering, or consent to various forms of division, contempt and inequality, the Eucharist is received unworthily” (Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia [The Joy of Love], no. 186).

     We ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of Rev. Michael Smith who died last week. May he and all our deceased deacons and priests live forever in the blessedness of heaven.
     We have one regular Mass server for weekend Masses and three servers for Funeral Masses. We are now look-ing for a few volunteers to serve Sunday morning Masses at 8:30 and 11:00.  If anyone is interested, contact either Father Bacevice or Jackie Taylor. We will provide training.

      We would like to give you information and invitation to The 2024 Cleveland International Piano Competition. It is special for us this year because one of competition jurors is renowned Lithuanian pianist Muza Rubackyte. Competition will start July 28 and will end August 6. For more inormation go to

        OWD will take place on Sunday, August 25, 2024 at the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. Included in the festivities are the parade of flags beginning at noon, passports to peace for each country represented, food, and various ethnic dance and musical performances. For details please check the website .

kryžiusJuly 20 - 21 July 27 - 28
Sat. 8:30 pmSun. 8:30 amSat. 5:00 pmSun. 8:30 am
LectorFaye RothJackie Caruso-TaylorJudy KowalskiArv Valiukas
John MilikasTed EganFaye RothJohn Milikas
ServerFrances KFrances K