Saint Casimir Parish


September 7 - 8

    On the cover of our weekly bulletin, we welcome new people to our Parish and invite them to register.  I’m often asked: Why register? There are many reasons. For the Parish, it gives me a better picture of our Parish. I am required to report statistics to the diocese which are used to determine the size of the diocese. These numbers are sent to Rome each year so there can be an accurate count of the number of Catholics in the world. The information we obtain from registrations helps us plan programs and events that will meet the needs of our people.  Simply knowing the age of our members can help us design programs of religious education for our young people, assess the need for communion ministers to the homebound, and make plans for our future. We can also keep accurate records regarding contributions to the parish. For registered members, there is a sense of belonging to a faith community, the ability to fully participate in the life of the parish, determining jurisdiction for the sacrament of matrimony, and having a say in what happens in the Parish. When someone new starts coming to our parish, I invite them to register. For those who have been coming here for a while, I invite you to make the commitment of joining our parish community. I also want you to know that we do not share any personal information with any other orga-nization including the Diocese.  Registration forms are conveniently located by the church entrances, or just give us a call, and we’ll be happy to mail one out.  American Express used to advertise that “Membership has its privileges”. The same is true of St. Casimir Parish.

                                                                                  Blessings!  – Fr. Joe Bacevice

      Tuesday, September 10TH, from 5-6pm, you are invited to spend some quiet time with the Lord.  Stay in the church for a few minutes or for the whole hour.  It’s a beautiful opportunity to grow closer to our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.

       We will celebrate the Mass of the Anointing of the Sick on Saturday, October 12TH at 5:00pm. This gives everyone the opportunity to receive this sacrament at Mass.  People who are chronically ill, advanced in age, facing serious illness or surgery are encouraged to receive this sacrament. We usually offer this opportunity during October each year and we hope to offer it again in the spring of next year.

      On Monday, September 9TH at 7:00pm, the Cleveland East Deanery parishes will celebrate the Sacrament of Confir-mation at St. Mary Parish on Holmes Ave. We have one candidate who will be confirmed - Eamon Robertson.  You are invited to participate at this celebration.

       From September 25 to November 3, you are invited to join with other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of fasting and prayer for an end to abortion.  You are also invited to stand and peacefully pray anytime between 7 am and 7 pm during the 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Preterm, 12000 Shaker Blvd, Cleveland, or Planned Parenthood, 25350 Rockside Rd, Bedford Hts, or Signature Health, 54 South State St., Painesville.  For more information, contact John Noall at or call 216-245-9744. Visit their website: .
        Do you pray?  We all do, but some pray more than others.  We all know our prayers, again, some more than others.  For all of us, prayer is our communication with God.  How would you like to do a better job with your prayer life?  Join Jackie Taylor on Tuesday, September 17TH at 7:00pm in the Hope House to learn about the many ways to pray and why prayer is important for personal and spiritual growth. For more infor-mation and to register, contact Jackie at 216-509-0401 or by email . 


       All are invited to the Hope House after the Sunday Masses to share coffee and donuts with fellow parishioners.  It is a great opportunity to get to know those with whom you worship on Sunday mornings.  This event is free, but donations are always accepted.
kryžiusSeptember 7 - 8 September 14 - 15


Faye Roth

Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Tony BaceviceFaye Roth
Eucharistic MinisterMaureen AndersonArv ValiukasArv ValiukasTed Egan
ServerFrances K.Frances K.