Saint Casimir Parish


October 19 - 20

     Each October, all parishes are asked to count attendance at Mass over two weekends and report the numbers to the diocesan offices. Known as the October Count, this information is used for reporting the size of our diocese to Rome and is also used for pastoral planning for the future. This year we sampled the first and second weekends. We had an average attendance of 146 people. Last year, the average was 146.5. An average of 60 people at the Lithuanian Mass (last year the average was 62), and 86 people at the English Masses (last year the average was 84). We never recovered from the drop in attendance from the COVID pandemic. We need to continue finding new ways of sharing ideas and working together to build up our community. Our Pastoral Council is always ready to listen to your ideas. Working together, we can become a more vibrant community that will be around for generations to come.                   
Blessings!  – Fr. Joe Bacevice


KryžiusWe ask you to remember in your prayers the souls of Angelė Staškus and James Thompson who recently died. May they live forever in the blessedness of heaven.
       This Sunday is World Mission Sunday, the day when all of us are asked to support the missionary efforts of the Church throughout the world. We do this by praying for the success of our missionaries and by contributing to support their work. We invite you to participate in this effort by donating to the Mission Sunday appeal. Please use the envelopes provided for this appeal this weekend.

       Saturday, November 2ND, is the Feast of All Souls, the day we remember our dead. Because All Souls Day is on Saturday, we will offer one All Souls Day Mass at 8:00 am. The 5:00 pm Mass will be the Mass of the 31ST Sunday in Ordinary Time. An All Souls Day envelope is included with the offering envelopes with space to include the names of the dead you want to be remembered in the morning Mass. In addition, All Souls Day candles will be available at the Rectory which will be inscribed with the name of the deceased you want remembered. These candles will burn for 5 days beginning on November 2ND. The donation for the All Souls Day candle is $6. All are invited to participate in this commemoration.

       After taking a break last year, we are bringing back our Autumn Raffle. This year, the drawing will take place on Black Friday (November 29TH) after the morning Mass. Tickets are now available. You can pick up your tickets in the church vestibule. Additional ticket are also available. A total of $2,000.00 in prizes will be awarded. Donation for raffle tickets is $1 each or a book of 12 for $10.00. We are relying on everyone’s participation in this fund raiser for our parish.
       On October 27TH Catholics will celebrate Priesthood Sunday, a day set aside to celebrate the importance of the gift of priesthood in the life of the Church and for us to reflect on the ministry that our priests share with us - when we gather at the Table of the Lord, and when we call on them in our times of need. Consider sharing a personal note or a card of thanks with them. We pray that our young people will be inspired by the ministry and witness of our priests and that their hearts be open to hearing and responding to God’s call. More information on priesthood can be found at this site, .
       St. Malachi Parish’s Samaritan Ministry invites you to a program titled: The Problem with Alcohol & Other Drugs: Impact on the Family presented by local professionals on Saturday, October 26TH from 1:00 - 3:34 in the Stella Maris Auditorium. The program is free but donations will be accept-ed. For more information and registration, call Judy Stowe at 216-280-0675 or contact St. Malachi Parish at 216-861-5343.
      On Monday, October 28TH, we will be conducting an Altar Servers’ training session in the Church at 7:00 pm. Anyone who has made their First Communion is eligible to be an Altar Server.  We are looking for adults and children who are interested in serving at the weekend Masses. Contact Jackie Taylor for more information register with or at 216-509-0401.

       After taking a break last year, we are bringing back our Autumn Raffle. This year, the drawing will take place on Black Friday (November 29TH) after the morning Mass. Tickets are now available. You can pick up your tickets in the church vestibule. Additional ticket are also available. A total of $2,000.00 in prizes will be awarded. Donation for raffle tickets is $1 each or a book of 12 for $10.00. We are relying on everyone’s participation in this fund raiser for our parish.
kryžiusOctober 19 - 20October 26 - 27


Dave OlignyJackie Caruso-TaylorTony BaceviceNancy Anzlovar
Eucharistic MinisterMaureen AndersonTed EganArv ValiukasJackie Caruso-Taylor
ServerFrances K.Frances K.