
Casimir Parish
January 9 - 10, 2016
weekend of January 30-31, after all the Masses, both
Saturday and Sunday, the Altar Society invites everyone in
the parish to the lower hall to savor a hearty bowl of soup
(your choice of two kinds) with bread, and to spend some
time with your fellow parishioners. Adult donation - $5,
children under 12 - $2. Proceeds go to the Altar Society
operating fund for 2016 and to purchase needed items for the
Annual contribution statements for 2015
will be available after January 15th, and
will be sent only to those who request them. Those
wanting a statement can call the rectory during business
hours or drop a note in the collection basket.
are always looking for additional voices to sing in our
Parish choir at the 10:00 Mass on Sunday. If you have sung
in a group before, if you are familiar with singing in
harmony, please join our Parish Choir. Rehearsals are at
9:30am, before the 10:00 Mass.
We are also looking for soloists and
accompanists for our 5:30 and 12:00 English Masses. If you
are interested or have any questions, contact our parish
music director, Roma Bandza. Join in and make 2016 a year of
music and song!
The Catholic University of America is the national
University of the Catholic Church in the United States
located in Washington, D.C. It provides an academically
rigorous education guided by the Catholic intellectual
tradition to nearly 7,000 students every year. Over 4,000
students directly receive scholarship aid from this
Collection, including many from our diocese. Next weekend I
ask you to be generous in donating to the Catholic
University of America.
you want to stay connected to Catholic news from Northeast
Ohio? Sign up for the Northeast Ohio Catholic eNewsletter.
to sign up to receive our weekly diocesan eNewsletter and
stay connected to timely news and information from the
Vatican and our Catholic community. Sign up today.
In a few weeks, we will begin the 2016 Catholic Charities
Annual Parish Appeal. This is a reminder to everyone who
pledged in 2015, to complete your pledge payments as soon as
possible. Letters will be mailed to most of you in the
coming weeks to invite your support to this year’s appeal.
Please be generous. |
Last Tuesday, our Pastoral Council had their first meeting
of the new year. At the meeting the following accepted
leadership positions on the Council:
Ted Kowalski - chairperson,
Loretta Gudenas -
vice-chairperson, Giedre Matas - corresponding secretary,
and Jackie Caruso-Taylor, recording secretary. Meetings will
continue to be held in the first Tuesday
of each month.
As this new year begins, I feel it is important to
remind everyone of the role of our Pastoral Council. The
primary responsibility of the Pastoral Council is to advise
me on all matters regarding our Parish. I bring to the
Council issues brought to me by the Diocese, the other
Parishes in Collinwood, and the staff for consideration. The
Council studies issues, discusses them and makes
recommendations on these matters.
Another major responsibility of the Pastoral Council is
to represent you the Parishioners of St. Casimir. Your
ideas, concerns and suggestions are always welcomed by the
Pastoral Council. No issue is too small or insignificant to
be addressed by the Pastoral Council, so I urge everyone in
the Parish to be open and communicate with any member of the
Pastoral Council regarding your thoughts as to what is best
for our Parish. The members of our Pastoral Council for 2016
are: Anthony Bacevice, Nijole Balciunas, Jackie
Caruso-Taylor, Loretta Gudenas, Ted Kowalski, Grazina
Kudukis, Richard Marks, Giedre Matas, Stepas Matas, and
Maria Santana. They are charged with bringing people
together to accomplish the goals we set for our Parish.
A third major responsibility of the Pastoral Council is
to assist me in my role as leader of the Parish. I have come
to rely on the Pastoral Council for the assistance they
offer and I urge everyone in the Parish to cooperate with
them so that together we can continue to grow as a vibrant
Catholic Parish Community.
God Bless! Fr.
Joe Bacevice |
This Sunday, January 10th, is the
feast of the Baptism of the Lord and the end of the
Christmas Season. We will be taking down our Christmas
decorations after the 12:00 Mass this Sunday. Helpers would
be very much appreciated. The more helpers we have, the
quicker the work will be finished.
Wednesday, January 13,
we will have Eucharistic Adoration in the Church from
6:00 to 9:00pm. All in the
Parish are invited to stop by to spend some time in
prayer and reflection before the Blessed Sacrament. For
those who are able to make a commitment to be in the
church for adoration, please sign up at the main
entrance to the Church.
JANUARY 9 - 10, 2016 |
JANUARY 16 - 17, 2016 |
5:30pm |
8:00 am |
12:00pm |
Sat. 5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Lector |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Arv Valiukas |
Erin Randel |
Faye Roth |
Barb Pallo |
Donna Flynt |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor
John Milikas,
Maureen Anderson |
John Martinich |
Faye Roth
Ted Egan |
Faye Roth, Barbara Grauel
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Judy Kowalski |
Donna Flynt
Ted Egan |
Server |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |