Not counting this piece,
there are eight articles in
this week’s bulletin. Each
article is asking us for
something: pray for the
dead, donate a recipe to our
parish cookbook, buy a
ticket to a pancake
breakfast, commit yourself
to time for prayer in the
Church, a reminder to pay
your pledge/increase your
pledge, or make a pledge to
Catholic Charities or Rooted
in Faith, donate your time
to help others learn, or
join others in a day of
joyful celebration of our
Catholic Faith.
Does it seem like I’m
asking a lot from you? I’m
sure some would say: “yes,
and quit bothering us with
this drivel,” although I
would hope this is a
I look on these
announcements as an
opportunity to live our
Catholic Faith. These
announcements come from
worthy projects in our
parish and from outside
organizations working to
improve the lives of others.
We are called to use the
gifts we have received with
the less fortunate. Those
who are able to, are asked
to make monetary
contributions, others are
asked to give of their time
and talent. All of us are
asked to come together in
prayer and to joyfully
celebrate our Catholic
I’m just presenting the
offers. It is up to you to
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
remember in your prayers the soul of
Marianne Repice
recently died and was buried through our Parish. May he have
eternal rest in the peace of God’s Kingdom.
August 7th,
we will have our First Friday period of adoration in the
Church from 8:00-9:00am, and on Wednesday, August 12th,
we will have our monthly Eucharistic Adoration in the church
from 6:00-9:00pm. All are invited to spend some quiet time
in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. For those able to
make a commitment to spend time in prayer, we ask you to
sign up for a specific time. The sign up sheet is located in
the main entrance to the Church.
week, we received our quarterly distribution from the Rooted
in Faith campaign of $1,865.00, which brings the total we
have received from this campaign to $40,004.00. This is
slightly more than half of the money we will receive when
all the pledges are paid. Every payment you make on your
pledge benefits our parish as well as our diocese. 30% of
the money given from parishioners goes to our parish to help
us with building and property repairs. Thank you to everyone
who makes this possible. If you have not yet made a gift to
the campaign but would like to do so, or if you would like
to make an additional gift, go online to
or contact Angie Pavlik at the Catholic Community Foundation
216-696-6525, ext. 1303.
Our next
Pancake Breakfast will take place on Sunday, August 9th,
in our Lower Hall after all the Masses (8:30
am to1:30 pm). All are invited to come down
and enjoy the best pancakes in North Collinwood. Tickets are
now available at the main entrance to the Church after the
English Masses, in the Lower Hall after the
Mass, and at the Rectory during office hours. Adult tickets
are $7 and children 6 to 13 are $4 at the door. Save $1 by
purchasing your tickets in advance.
Join us next Sunday, August 9, 2015 for the
FEST – our 15th Annual Catholic Family Festival
from 12:00 noon until 10:00pm on the seminary
campus (28700 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe). Come together with
thousands from across our region, for a day of faith, family
and great fun! It’s all FREE. Listen to inspiring music,
visit activities for your kids, participate in an impressive
Youth Rally, and see displays to help you strengthen your
family life and so much more. There is plenty of FREE close
parking. There’s great family affordable food, thanks to
Executive Caterers and Marc’s. There is something for
everyone at The FEST. The day concludes with a beautiful
outdoor Mass followed by an incredible American Fireworks
display. It’s a perfect family day and it is all free thanks
especially to Medical Mutual, Marc’s, PNC, Notre Dame
College and Sherwood Foods. Please join us.
and baking are probably the furthest thing from your minds
in the summer months. But, we are still gathering recipes
for our Parish Cookbook. Submission forms are in the Book
Room, and recipes can also be submitted through our website.
We would like to have at least 200 recipes in our cookbook
and we are getting close to that number. If you haven’t
submitted your recipe yet, please do so this week.
second Catholic Charities in-pew appeal raised over
$500,000, and will receive an additional $100,000 challenge
grant. As of June 30th, our Parish is just shy of our goal
of $11,856.00. So far, 2015 Catholic Charities pledges from
parishioners amounted to $11,173.00. All we need is
another $683.00 to reach our goal. For information of
donating to the Catholic Charities Annual Appeal, go to
or contact them at
216-696-6525, ext. 1910,
Seeds of Literacy, a nonprofit organization offering free
one-to-one tutoring in adult basic education and GED
preparation. Founded in 1997 by the Sisters of St. Joseph,
it is an award winning organization and the only nationally
accredited adult literacy provider in Cuyahoga County.It has
an urgent need for more volunteer tutors. Volunteer tutors
work individually with adult students on reading, writing,
and math skills, offer encouragement and support, and help
students develop confidence and positive attitudes about
learning. For more information about becoming a tutor and
for training information, contact Alexandria Marshall by
or at
216-661-7950. |