
Saint Casimir Parish
January 28 - 29, 2017
you to the family of the late Donatas Nasvytis – daughters Audra and Rūta, and
wife Rimgailė – for their generous donation for altar flowers this week. The
flowers are in honor and remembrance of the late Donatas Nasvytis on the 2nd
anniversary of his passing.
February 3rd is the First Friday of the
month. We will have our monthly Holy Hour and Friday beginning after the 7:30am
Mass until 9:00am. Stop in for some quiet time of prayer in the presence of our
Eucharistic Lord. Our evening Eucharistic adoration will be on Wednesday,
February 8th, from 6-9 pm. Please consider committing to be in
the Church for a specific time for adoration. A sign-up sheet is located on the
table at the main entrance to the Church. Please sign up.
Next weekend, February 4-5,
we will accept donations for our Latin American Mission in El Salvador. It is
the main support for two diocesan priests who work in two parishes served by our
Mission Office. This appeal also makes a contribution to the Collection for the
Church in Latin America that is managed by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops
and benefits projects and the formation of seminarians, religious and lay
leaders in 23 countries across Latin America.

Mark your calendars for February 11-12.
That weekend, after all of the Masses, the Altar Society invites you to warm up
your body (and soul) with a hearty bowl of soup - your choice of two kinds - at
its 5th annual “Soup for the Soul.” Come to the lower hall for
a sit down meal or pick up a take-out container in the church lobby after Mass.
In a few weeks, we will begin the 2017 Catholic Charities Annual Parish Appeal.
This is a reminder to everyone who pledged in 2016, to complete your pledge
payments as soon as possible. Letters will be mailed to most of you in the
coming weeks to invite your support to this year’s appeal. Please be generous.

Did you know that on an average week, over 400 people come
into our church building? When you come to Church - whether it is for Sunday or
a weekday Mass, for a wedding, or for a funeral or a baptism, what do you expect
when you walk in? Most would say a comfortable, clean church.
Did you ever look at the little things when you come in?
Many bless themselves with Holy Water. Our Holy Water fonts are always clean and
are sufficiently filled. When you go into a church pew, there is no clutter, and
the worship aids (missalettes and music books) are neatly put in the pew racks.
The floor is clean and dry. There are no burned out lights. The sanctuary is
clean and decorated for the appropriate liturgical season. Those who drink out
of the chalice at Communion time might notice that the purificator (the cloth
used to wipe the chalice) is always clean and ironed. Each purificator is used
for only one Mass and ten to twelve purificators are used every week. Other
church linens are changed and cleaned regularly. Fresh candles are put in the
shrines for those who light devotional candles.
All of these things that we take for granted are maintained
on an almost daily basis. This work, like so much other work, is done by our
employees and dedicated volunteers. Mike, our maintenance man, takes care of the
heavy cleaning in and around the church. All of the other work mentioned above
is all done by volunteers: Marija Bartkus, Faye Roth, and Jackie Caruso-Taylor.
During Christmas, Easter, and other holidays more volunteers, especially members
of the Altar Society, come out to help. Rimas Minkunas and Joe Koeth stay after
the 10:00 and 12:00 Mass every week to straighten up the church pews, pick up
papers and look for items left by people to put in the lost and found.
A lot of people put in a lot of time to make sure that every
time you come to St. Casimir’s, you will have a clean, comfortable place to
spend time in prayer and in public worship. There are many tasks that need doing
and we are always looking for additional volunteers to help with them. If you
are interested in helping out, let me know what you would like to do, and I will
put you in touch with the right person.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
Friday, February 3rd,
is the Feast of St. Blaise, the day we traditionally bless throats. In honor of
St. Blaise, we will bless throats after Mass on Friday and after all the Masses
next weekend.
Parishioner contribution statements for 2016 will be sent out on request. To
request a statement, drop a note with your name and envelope number in the
collection basket or call us during office hours (Monday through Friday, 10:00am
to 6:00pm). Statements will be sent in the mail. |

WEEKEND - JAN. 28 - 29, 2017
NEXT WEEKEND - FEB. 4 - 5, 2017 |
8:00am |
8:00am |
Nancy Anzlovar |
Barb Pallo |
Caruso-Taylor |
Faye Roth |
Judy Kowalski |
Arv Valiukas |
Faye Roth,
Barbara Grauel
Maureen Anderson |
Judy Kowalski |
Ted Egan,
Donna Flynt |
Faye Roth,
Barbara Grauel
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
John Milikas |
Arv Valiukas,
Dave Oligny
Donna Flynt |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |