
Saint Casimir Parish
December 31, 2016 - January 1 , 2017
On Sunday, January 15th,
Father Bacevice will celebrate his 40th Anniversary as a priest. On
that day, we will have one Mass at 10:00am (bilingual) followed by a brunch in
our upper hall (gym). We invite everyone to join us that day at Mass and at the
brunch. There is no cost for the brunch but we ask you to notify Loretta Gudenas
at (or drop a note in
the collection basket) by January 5th to let us know if you
are attending and how many people are coming from your household. Even if you
forget to respond, please know that you are still welcome to come to the brunch.
Father Bacevice has appointed Ingrid Civinskas to a two year term on the
Pastoral Council effective immediately. We thank her for her willingness to
serve on the Council. The Council’s first meeting of the new year will be on
Tuesday, January 3rd,
at 7:30pm in the
Rectory Conference Room. At this meeting, we will elect the officers for the
coming year.
The Altar Society thanks everyone who donated for Christmas flowers and helped
decorate the Church. Because of your generosity ($1,001 was collected), they
were able to purchase quality plants and purchase other items for the Church.
They also remind everyone that their 5th Annual “Soup for the
Soul” fund-raiser will take place on the weekend of January 28-29.
Thank you to everyone who worked to make our Christmas celebration a beautiful
and spiritually uplifting experience. We thank those who decorated the church,
those who planned the liturgical celebrations, our liturgical ministers and
music ministers who all contributed to make our celebration of Christmas truly
meaningful. God Bless all of you!
January 6th
is the First Friday of January. That day after the 7:30am Mass, we will have our
monthly Holy Hour from 8-9am in the Church. On Wednesday, January 11th,
we will have our Eucharistic Adoration from 6-9pm. We invite everyone to stop in
and spend some time in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. If you are
able to make a commitment to be present in the Church for adoration, please sign
up in the Book Room.
As we begin 2017, let us
resolve to live according to the words of the prophet Joshua – “…but
as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Around this time every year since
we opened in 2009, I have shared my reflections with you about our parish and
how we are fulfilling our mission as a Catholic parish in the Diocese of
As I
look back on 2016, I would say we have had a challenging year. Finances remain a
problem for us. Our offertory collection was down over $10,000 from the previous
year and our fund-raising has not been as successful as we had hoped. In 2014 we
borrowed $226,500 from the diocese and as of today, we have repaid $90,600 and
still owe $135,900. Our concrete repairs were costlier than expected: we had
budgeted $35,000 and the work cost $51,000+. We found additional work that will
need to be done on the steps to the Church and Rectory buildings, as well as
concrete work in the tunnel between the two parking lots. We have been notified
that the Cleveland City Council passed an ordinance requiring an inspection of
all buildings over 75 feet in height. This year, our inspection will cost $2,500
and we will have to make immediate repairs on any deficiencies found. Although
we are able to pay our bills, making necessary repairs will continue to be a
problem for us. Our “Giving Tree” donations decreased for the first time since
we started the program to help needy families. Though we helped the same number
of families as last year, we cut the gifts by more than 10%.
In spite of our financial
worries, we continue to grow as a parish. Since summer, we have had six new
families join the parish and have lost only one active family. We continue to
have Eucharistic Adoration twice each month. Last April, we were one of only two
parishes in our Diocese who promoted and showed the Documentary Film on Divine
Mercy. We drew people from all over the diocese to watch this amazing film.
Our challenge going forward
is to continue searching for new ways of increasing both membership and
participation in the life of our Parish. Too few of us are willing to commit our
time and talent to serve the Church, and because we rely so much on the same
people to do everything, those volunteers are getting “burned out.” So we
continue to discuss and search for new ways to bring more families back to our
Parish, reaching out both in our neighborhood and to the Lithuanian community
throughout the area. We have met with some success, but I know we can do better.
As we begin 2017, let us all
commit ourselves to work closer together to build up our parish community, to
reach out to the alienated, and to pool our time, talent and treasure to make
both the physical and spiritual sides of our parish vibrant and something that
all of us can look to with pride.
Wishing all of you a HAPPY
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
Parishioner contribution statements for 2016 will be sent out on request. To
request a statement, drop a note with your name and envelope number in the
collection basket or call us during office hours (Monday through Friday, 10:00am
to 6:00pm). Statements will be sent in the mail. |

WEEKEND - DEC. 31 - JAN. 1, 2017
NEXT WEEKEND - JAN. 7 - 8, 2017 |
8:00am |
8:00am |
Arv Valiukas |
Judy Kowalski |
Erin Randel |
Caruso-Taylor |
Judy Kowalski |
Sara Oligny |
Sami & Jackie
Arv Valiukas |
Judy Kowalski |
Faye Roth,
Dave Oligny
Chris RaddelL |
Faye Roth,
John Milikas |
Arv Valiukas |
Dave Oligny,
Ted Egan
Donna Flynt |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Sinead |
Shawn |
Briana |