
Saint Casimir Parish
January 6 - 7, 2018
The Altar Society thanks all of
the volunteers who came to help decorate the church for Christmas. The
Christmas season ends with the feast of the Epiphany (Three Kings). We will
be removing the decorations on Sunday, January 7, after the 12:00 Mass.
Once again, we ask you to come lend a hand and help us take everything down
that day. We thank you in advance.
next pancake breakfast will be on Sunday, January 14, after all the
Masses. We invite everyone to enjoy the best pancakes in the area. Tickets
will go on sale next weekend. Adult tickets at the door cost $7, children
6-13 cost $4. Save $1 by purchasing your tickets in advance. All proceeds go
to the parish.
The lay ecclesial ministry formation process assists in the education,
training, and formation of lay people leading to certification as a Lay
Ecclesial Minister. Certified Lay Ecclesial Ministers work in collaboration
with the ordained to serve the needs of parishes and Catholic institutions
in the Diocese of Cleveland. They may serve in a variety of leadership roles
such as Pastoral Associates, Catechetical Leaders, and Ministers of
Sacramental Preparation, Youth Ministers, Social Outreach Coordinators,
Bereavement Ministers, Music Ministers, Campus Ministers and Ministers of
Adult Faith Formation. An information night for all those interested in the
lay ecclesial ministry formation process will take place on Wednesday,
January 17, from 7-9pm, at the Center for Pastoral Leadership If you
cannot attend and would like more information, please call the Lay Ecclesial
Ministry Office at
At this time, the Diaconate Formation Office is accepting inquiries for men
interested in the diaconate. To be considered, an applicant must be Roman
Catholic, at least 30 years of age (minimum age for ordination is 35), and
an active member of his parish with the support of his pastor. He must be in
good health, of sound moral character, mature in faith, regularly
participate in the sacramental life of the Church, and have a sense of
vocation to service. If married, he must be in a valid Catholic marriage for
a minimum of five years, have the support of his wife and family and be in a
strong, stable marriage. If unmarried, he must be willing and able to commit
to celibacy. Although an upper age limit for application has not been
established for the Cleveland diocese, the expectation is that ordained
deacons will have the health and energy to provide a minimum of ten years of
ordained ministry to the diocese of Cleveland. If anyone is interested or
wants more information, contact Father Bacevice.
Last Tuesday, our Pastoral Council has their first meeting of the new year.
At the meeting the following have accepted leadership positions on the Council:
Ted Egan, chairperson, Debra Zeledonis, vice-chairperson, Ingrida Civinskas
corresponding secretary, and Giedre Jesmantas recording secretary. Meetings will
continue to be held in the first Tuesday of each month.
As this new year begins, I feel it is important to remind everyone of the
role of our Pastoral Council. The primary responsibility of the Pastoral Council
is to advise me on all matters regarding our Parish. I bring to the Council
issues brought to me by the Diocese, the other Parishes in Collinwood, and the
staff for consideration. The Council studies issues, discusses them and makes
recommendations on these matters.
Another major responsibility of the Pastoral Council is to represent you
the Parishioners of St. Casimir. Your ideas, concerns and suggestions are always
welcomed by the Pastoral Council. No issue is too small or insignificant to be
addressed by the Pastoral Council, so I urge everyone in the Parish to be open
and communicate with any member of the Pastoral Council regarding your thoughts
as to what is best for our Parish. The members of our Pastoral Council for 2018
are: Nancy Anzlovar, Anthony Bacevice, Ingrid Civinskas, Ted Egan, Giedre
Jesmantas, Judy Kowalski, Maryann Pecek, Faye Roth, and Debra Zeledonis.
A third major responsibility of the Pastoral Council is to assist me in my
role as leader of the Parish. They are charged with bringing people together to
accomplish the goals we set for our Parish.
I have come to rely on the Pastoral Council for the assistance they offer
and I urge everyone in the Parish to cooperate with the so that together we can
continue to grow as a vibrant Catholic Parish Community.
Bless and Thanks for Your Prayers!
Fr. Joe Bacevice |
in your prayers the soul of William Morgan who died recently. His funeral
will be here on
January 9th.
January 10th,
we will have our Eucharistic Adoration from 6-7pm also in the Church. We
invite everyone to stop in and spend some time in quiet prayer before the
Blessed Sacrament. If you are able to make a commitment to be present in the
Church for adoration, please sign up in the Book Room.

JANUARY 6 - 7, 2018
JANUARY 13 - 14, 2018 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Caruso Taylor |
Arv Valiukas |
Dave Oligny |
Dave Oligny |
Barb Pallo |
Erin Randel |
John Milikas
Maureen Anderson |
Martinich |
Dave Oligny
Ted Egan |
Dave Oligny,
Barbara Grauel |
John Milikas |
Ted Egan,
Donna Flynt |
Peter |
Briana |
Deidre |
Peter |
Briana |
Sinead |