
Saint Casimir Parish
December 30 - 31, 2017
is the First Friday of January. After Mass on that day, from 8-9am we will
have our monthly Holy Hour in the Church. On January 10th,
we will have our Eucharistic Adoration from 6-7pm also in the Church. We
invite everyone to stop in and spend some time in quiet prayer before the
Blessed Sacrament. If you are able to make a commitment to be present in the
Church for adoration, please sign up in the Book Room.
next pancake breakfast will be on Sunday, January 14, after all the
Masses. We invite everyone to enjoy the best pancakes in the area. Tickets
will go on sale next weekend. Adult tickets at the door cost $7, children
6-13 cost $4. Save $1 by purchasing your tickets in advance. All proceeds go
to the parish.
At this time, the Diaconate Formation Office is accepting inquiries for men
interested in the diaconate. To be considered, an applicant must be Roman
Catholic, at least 30 years of age (minimum age for ordination is 35), and
an active member of his parish with the support of his pastor. He must be in
good health, of sound moral character, mature in faith, regularly
participate in the sacramental life of the Church, and have a sense of
vocation to service. If married, he must be in a valid Catholic marriage for
a minimum of five years, have the support of his wife and family and be in a
strong, stable marriage. If unmarried, he must be willing and able to commit
to celibacy. Although an upper age limit for application has not been
established for the Cleveland diocese, the expectation is that ordained
deacons will have the health and energy to provide a minimum of ten years of
ordained ministry to the diocese of Cleveland. If anyone is interested or
wants more information, contact Father Bacevice.
Our 2018 Church calendars are still available on the
tables in the main lobby of the Church. We thank our friends and fellow
parishioners at the Jakubs Funeral Home for providing them again this year.
The Altar Society thanks all of
the volunteers who came to help decorate the church for Christmas. The
Christmas season ends with the feast of the Epiphany (Three Kings). We will
be removing the decorations on Sunday, January 7, after the 12:00 Mass.
Once again, we ask you to come lend a hand and help us take everything down
that day. We thank you in advance.

Last week, the Friday before Christmas, I woke up with quite a scare - I
had a bloody nose that wouldn’t stop bleeding, and it was bleeding profusely. A
quick trip to the emergency room turned out to be several hours until the
bleeding was stopped and I was ordered to rest and do as little as possible for
five days so everything could heal. Later that day I saw an ear, nose and throat
specialist who treated me further and gave the same order to rest.
Celebrating eight Masses over two days was not what the doctor ordered, and
trying to find clergy help for Masses at Christmas with just a day or two notice
was next to impossible. But Laura was able to do it. So I want to thank Fathers
Walsh, Pizmoht, and Klein who are retired, and Father Hudak, the pastor of
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish. Even when they had full Mass schedules of their
own to celebrate, they came in on short notice to celebrate both the Sunday and
Christmas Masses for all of you. Because of their generosity with their time, I
only celebrated the 10:30pm Mass on Christmas Eve. This was the first time since
I was ordained a deacon back in 1976 that I did not have a full schedule of
services and Masses at Christmas.
I guess this was all God’s way of telling me to slow down and take better
care of myself. I think I will.
Bless and Thanks for Your Prayers!
Fr. Joe Bacevice |
Monday, January 1st,
is the Feast of Mary Mother of God. Because this feast falls on Monday this
year, the obligation to participate at Mass is abrogated.
Mass will be celebrated on January 1st at 11:00am.
Thanks goes to everyone who worked to make our Christmas celebration a
beautiful and spiritually uplifting experience. We thank those who decorated
the church, those who planned the liturgical celebrations, our liturgical
ministers and music ministers who all contributed to make our celebration of
Christmas truly meaningful. God Bless all of you!
The Altar Society wants to thank everyone who donated for Christmas flowers
and who helped decorate the Church. Because of your generosity ($845 was
collected), they were able to purchase quality plants directly from the
grower for the church. The remaining money will be spent to replace our
aging Christmas trees and lights. |

DECEMBER 30-31, 2017
JAN. 1, 2018 |
JANUARY 6 - 7 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
11:00am |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Nancy |
Judy |
Faye |
Jackie |
Caruso Taylor |
Arv Valiukas |
Dave Oligny |
Shawn |
-------- |
Maureen |
Jackie |
John Milikas
Maureen Anderson |
Martinich |
Dave Oligny
Ted Egan |
Peter |
Briana |
------- |
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Peter |
Briana |
Deidre |