Saint Casimir Parish  


January 2 - 3, 2021

           Welcome to 2021.  I think all of us can be glad that 2020 is now behind us.  Traditionally on the Feast of the Epiphany, the important dates of the Church year are announced.  The Christmas Season ends with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord on January 10th.  Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17th.  Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, March 28th, and the Resurrection of the Lord is celebrated on Sunday, April 4th, Easter Sunday.  The Ascension of the Lord is celebrated on Sunday, May 16th, and Easter concludes with the celebration of the Feast of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost on Sunday, May 23rd.  The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ – Corpus Christi – is celebrated on Sunday, June 6th.  The Feast of Christ the King takes place on Sunday, November 21st.  The new Year of Grace, 2022, begins on Sunday, November 28th, the First Sunday of Advent.  Let us all celebrate together and grow closer together during this Year of Grace, 2021.

God b
less! Fr. Joe Bacevice


We ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of Jean Sersen who died recently. May she and all our faithful departed live forever in the blessedness of God’s heavenly Kingdom.


Our weekly online Mass on You Tube will resume next weekend.  The Mass will be available beginning on Saturday, January 9th at 4:00 pm.  We invite everyone who is unable to participate at Mass in person to go to our website weekly and click on the link to our online Mass.  Also we would like to hear your comments regarding this Mass.  We will continue to provide this as long as it is needed and used.


Parishioner contribution statements for 2020 will be available in January.  Statements will be sent to those who requested them last year.  To request a statement, drop a note with your name and envelope number in the collection basket, send an email to Janet with the same information or call the office on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.  Statements will be sent in the mail.


Your support of the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal has made a difference, especially as the needs of our communities continue to grow during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Because of your generosity, people who ae hungry and homeless, addicted and struggling, lonely, sick and hurting will have services available to assist them during the pandemic and have hope for the future.  Here at St. Casimir’s, our parishioners and pledged and donated $12,948.00, which is 82.4% of our goal.  This is especially gratifying because we also raised over $70,000, for the Heart of a Shepherd campaign.  Your financial support really does make a difference and transforms people’s lives.  The 2021 Catholic Charities Parish Appeal will begin at the end of February, 2021.


While we find within the Gospel and the Second Reading of today’s Mass historical events in which Jews and Gentiles are brought together by the light of Christ, we are still waiting for the fullness of Isaiah’s prophecy to take place in which the radiance of God’s peace will eradicate the darkness of violence, war, pain, suffering, and bloodshed.  We are reminded that the newborn King of the Jews was not found in the palace of Jerusalem, but in a humble home in Bethlehem.  How does your family recognize Jesus in the poor and the vulnerable?


THIS WEEKEND -  Jsnuary 2 - 3

NEXT WEEKEND - Jsnuary 9 - 10

Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am



Jackie C- Taylor Nancy Anclovar Fay Roth Judy Kowalski
Fay Roth Tom Egan Jackie C- Taylor John Milikas