Saint Casimir Parish  


January 9 - 10, 2021

          As I write this column, the weather is above freezing and we are looking forward to some quiet, moderate weather before the next storm comes.  This season we have already had two 12+ inch snow days, the last occurring on Christmas day.  I guess this is typical weather for winter in Cleveland.  With the snow melt along with days of rain, we had some ceiling damage in the rectory.  We made the necessary roof repairs and things will soon get back to normal until the next time.  Again, typical winter weather in Cleveland.  So at this time of year, I want to remind everyone, especially our older members, to be very careful when going outside.  The cold can be as dangerous as the heat of summer.  Also, ice and snow can make even walking dangerous.  A fall on the ice can lead to serious injury to our older members.  When the weather is too cold or snowy, please stay warm and safe at home.  I ask that our younger members call or look in on our older members as this can be a difficult time of year for them. Especially now during this pandemic, we have to look out for each other and we need to stay safe.  So let’s take care of each other and let’s all pray for an early spring, and an end to COVID-19. God bless!

God b
less! Fr. Joe Bacevice


We ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of Rev. Ernest Hepner, one of our diocesan priests who died last week.  May he live forever in the blessedness of God’s heavenly Kingdom.


Our weekly online Mass is back.  Beginning this weekend, Sunday Mass can be accessed beginning on Saturdays at 4:00 pm.  Go to our website and click on the Mass link.  We would also like to hear from our online congregation.  Comments – good or bad – can be sent to Father Bacevice’s e-mail  along with any requests for special prayers. Father‘s e-mail:


Today’s feast calls to mind the day of our own baptism.  John the Baptist proclaims that Jesus will baptize “with the Holy Spirit.”  What does this mean to you?  How have you experienced the actions of the Holy Spirit most in your family life?  Where in your family life are you in need of the peace of God, which casts out all anxieties, doubts, and fears?


Parishioner contribution statements for 2020 will be available in January.  Statements will be sent to those who requested them last year.  To request a statement, drop a note with your name and envelope number in the collection basket, send an email to Janet with the same information or call the office on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.  Statements will be sent in the mail.


Pope Francis has proclaimed a special “Year of St Joseph,” beginning on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2020 and extending to the same feast in 2021. In a new Apostolic Letter entitled Patris corde (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope Francis describes Saint Joseph as a tender and loving, obedient father who is creatively courageous, a working father, a father in the shadows. This Apostolic Letter marks the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. During this year, we will offer different reflections to honor St. Joseph.


Located in the heart of the nation’s capital, Catholic University of America offers graduate and undergraduate courses in more than 180 academic programs. By giving to the National Collection, you will help support more than 6,000 students who are seeking a faith-filled education at an institution that supports cutting-edge research in multiple fields. Your investment will enable the University to continue to support the Church and to advance its work of preparing the next generation of leadership, both religious and lay, of our Church and nation. Thank you for your generosity.  We will accept offerings for Catholic University next weekend, January 16-17, 2021.


The Diaconate Formation Office is accepting inquiries for men interested in the diaconate. To be considered, an applicant must be Roman Catholic at least 30 years of age, who is an active member of his parish with the support of his pastor. He must be in good health, of sound moral character, mature faith, regular practice in the sacramental life of the Church and have a sense of vocation to service. If married, he must be in a valid Catholic marriage for a minimum of five years, have the support of his wife and family and be in a strong, stable marriage. If unmarried, he must be willing and able to commit to celibacy. Although an upper age limit for application has not been established for the Cleveland diocese, the expectation is that ordained deacons will have the health and energy to provide a minimum of ten years of ordained ministry to the diocese of Cleveland.  Our next Diocesan Diaconate Aspirancy Program will begin in September 2021. All men interested in applying to the 2021 program are asked to please write to Deacon David S. Kushner, Director of Diaconate Formation, Center for Pastoral Leadership, 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092, or telephone the Diaconate Formation Office at 440-943-7651


THIS WEEKEND -  January 9 - 10

NEXT WEEKEND - January 16 - 17

Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am



Fay Roth Judy Kowalski                Dave Oligny               Donna Flynt
Jackie C- Taylor John Milikas               John Milikas                  John Martinich