Saint Casimir Parish  


January 23 - 24, 2021

      As the month of January winds down, we look forward to February.  The COVID pandemic will be one year old in February and still no real end in sight.  With the vaccine becoming more available, there is hope that sometime this summer we can start relaxing some of the restrictions and bring a little more normalcy back to our lives.  Until that time comes, we need to continue to be vigilant and practice safety to avoid spreading the disease.  We still have the requirement of wearing a mask whenever you are in church, unless you are serving as a lector or a cantor.  You can pull down your mask briefly when receiving Holy Communion.  As the priest celebrant, when I am speaking, I don’t wear the mask, but I wear one during the readings and when distributing communion.  Also when I’m within six feet of anyone, as when I celebrate a funeral Mass, I wear a mask.  Most of you are following this rule.  Where I see the need for more vigilance is when you are coming forward to receive communion.  Coming forward in procession, everyone needs to be six feet apart.  The blue tape on the floors mark that distance.  Also, social distance has to be maintained if you spend time speaking with others after Mass.  I know it’s difficult to remember this, but all of us need to be vigilant.  As vaccines become available, we will provide information regarding availability and registration.  For the latest information regarding vaccine availability is on the Ohio state website:
God b
less! Fr. Joe Bacevice


Our weekly online Mass is back.  Beginning this weekend, Sunday Mass can be accessed beginning on Saturdays at 4:00 pm.  Go to our website and click on the Mass link.  We would also like to hear from our online congregation.  Comments – good or bad – can be sent to Father Bacevice’s e-mail  along with any requests for special prayers. Father‘s e-mail:


We are collecting your donations for el Salvador Missions this weekend. This is the only appeal made by the Diocesan Mission Office for the Cleveland Latin American Mission in El Salvador. It is the main support for two Diocese of Cleveland priests who work in the two parishes served by our Mission Office. This appeal also makes a contribution to the Collection for the Church in Latin America that is managed by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and benefits projects and the formation of seminarians, religious and lay leaders in 23 countries across Latin America.  Please be generous.


Wednesday February 3RD is the Feast of St. Blaise, the date throats are traditionally blessed.  The ritual “Book of Blessings” states that the blessing “if offered within Mass, may be prayed after the general intercessions or may take the place of the final blessing.  If for pastoral reasons, each individual cannot be blessed... a priest or deacon may give the blessing to all by extending hands, without crossed candles, over the people while saying the prayer of blessing.”  The US Bishop’s Conference Committee on Divine Worship suggests that the current circumstances of the global pandemic would be sufficient pastoral reason to avoid administration of the blessing to individuals.  This year, the prayer of blessing will be given only on Wednesday, February 3RD at the 7:30 Mass.


February 17TH is Ash Wednesday. The ritual for distributing ashes during the time of pandemic is given in the Roman Missal.  “The priest says the prayer of blessing the ashes.  He sprinkles the ashes with holy water, without saying anything.  Then he addresses all those present and only once says the formula, applying it to all in general: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel,” or “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”  The priest then cleanses his hands, puts on a face mask, and distributes the ashes to those who come to him.  The priest takes the ashes and sprinkles them on the head of each one without saying anything.”  There is no physical contact.  This year, there will be only ONE MASS on Ash Wednesday at 7:30 am.


THIS WEEKEND -  January 23 - 24

NEXT WEEKEND - January 30 - 31

Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am



             Jackie C-Taylor              Nancy Anzlovar

           Faye Roth

 Judy Kowalski
            Faye Roth             Ted Egan

             Maureen Anderson

John Martinich