week I read through all the notices from the Diocese, from the United
States Bishops Conference, from the Lithuanian Bishops, and other
organizations to decide what goes into the weekly bulletin. In reading
everything over the past few weeks, I could see how some would think
that all I am concerned with is money. Last fall we worked to raise
over $70,000 to support the renovations to our seminaries. Since the
first of the year, we’ve asked for offerings for El Salvador and
Catholic University, and this month we are asking for money for our Home
Missions, and the Churches in Eastern Europe. In a few weeks we will
have the Annual Catholic Charities Parish Appeal. Much less emphasis is
given to upcoming events like Lithuanian Independence Day, or Lent.
Yet all of these events and programs make up who we are. As the
Catholic Church, we are part of a worldwide, nationwide, diocesan wide
and local community, with a mission to live our lives as people of
faith. Our faith calls us to reach out to our brothers and sisters in
need, to be effective stewards of what is entrusted to us. As a result,
much of our mission is tied to money. Since we are a non-profit and a
charity, our sole support comes from you, our members. Our parish in
turn needs to support the work of the Diocesan Church, by paying our
“assessments” and collecting special offerings. Our Diocesan Church
runs the programs of our diocesan church and supports the Catholic
Conference of Ohio in their work, the National Conference of Catholic
Bishops in their work, and the Vatican in the work of the Universal
Church. So when you see an announcement asking for support, think about
all we support to carry out the mission of the Church beginning here at
St. Casimir’s and going all the way to St. Peter’s in Rome.
God bless!
Fr. Joe Bacevice |
Our weekly online Mass is
back. Beginning this weekend, Sunday Mass can be accessed beginning on
Saturdays at 4:00 pm. Go to our website and click on the Mass link. We would
also like to hear from our online congregation. Comments – good or bad – can be
sent to Father Bacevice’s e-mail
(jbacevice@dioceseofcleveland.org) along with
any requests for special prayers.
Jesus’ day in Capernaum is punctuated by healings. Last week we read in the
gospel of how, while at a synagogue, he frees a man from an unclean spirit by
rebuking the spirit. In the first reading, Job laments, “My days...come to an
end without hope.” Have you ever found yourself in a similar position of
despair? What sustains your family life through challenging times? Where do
you turn for healing and strength? In the Gospel, Jesus rises early and goes
off “to a deserted place” to pray. Where and when do you find silence and
solitude to be with God? |
The 103RD anniversary of Lithuanian Independence will be on Tuesday,
February 16TH. We will remember this anniversary at the 11:00 Mass
on Sunday February 14TH. All are invited to participate.
Love your Neighbor. Many
parishioners received letters in January, inviting their support of the Annual
Appeal. Please pray for the good work of Catholic Charities and make a pledge
today. Your donation makes a difference. Your support of the 2021 Catholic
Charities Annual Appeal will help us serve those individuals who are most in
need and vulnerable. We read in St. Matthew’s Gospel: “Whatever you did for the
least of these, you did for me.” When we feed the hungry, take care of the
sick, and welcome the stranger, we are also serving Jesus himself. We
appreciate your donation and will take special care to use it wisely in
providing essential programs and services to people in need throughout all eight
counties of the Diocese of Cleveland. We invite you to view stories of
inspiration and information at
. Double your impact! A generous donor who believes in the mission of Catholic
Charities, will match your gift up to $1 million. Do twice as much good when
you give online at
Please read Bishop Malesic’s
letter regarding Catholic Schools with this week’s bulletin.
The next Grief Support Sunday
will take place on Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 3:00 pm at the office at All
Souls Cemetery. We offer a comfortable, private and safe environment where you
can freely explore your grief. The topic for this month’s meeting as
“Experiencing God’s Loving Embrace.” Space is limited to allow for social
distancing. RSVP by contacting Rhonda at 216-930-4866.
The Catholic Cemeteries
Association invites you to attend a one hour pre-planning seminar on Saturday,
March 6, 2021, at 1:00 pm at All Souls Cemetery. Please join us to learn more
about your Catholic burial options, including options for cremated remains.
Attendees will receive a personal reference guide. We kindly ask that you RSVP
to this event to prepare for the seminar with proper social distancing.
Attendees are required to wear facial covering throughout the seminar. RSVP at
216-641-7575, ext 4.