Saint Casimir Parish  


February 20 - 21, 2021

Last Wednesday, we began our annual journey of Lent.  Lent is the season of penance that has been set apart by the Church in memory of the 40 days our Lord fasted in the desert and as a means of sanctification of the faithful.  Lent includes days of fast and abstinence and days we are called to make personal acts of penance.  The purpose is to prepare us to resist all forms of temptation.  Lent is the time that we might want to ask ourselves some serious questions about our own spiritual lives.  Where is our life really leading us?  Do we really believe in Eternal Life and is Eternal Life really our aspiration?  Have we tried to grow in the life of the spirit through prayer, reading the Word of God and meditating on it, and receiving the Sacraments?  Lent is also a time for spiritual renewal.  All of us need to challenge ourselves to grow in our spiritual lives and turn our hearts back to the Lord.  Our parish offers many opportunities to grow in the spirit during this season.  It is up to all of us as individuals to take advantage of these opportunities and grow in the spirit during this special time of the year

God b
less! Fr. Joe Bacevice


Our weekly online Mass is back.  Beginning this weekend, Sunday Mass can be accessed beginning on Saturdays at 4:00 pm.  Go to our website and click on the Mass link.  We would also like to hear from our online congregation.  Comments – good or bad – can be sent to Father Bacevice’s e-mail along with any requests for special prayers ( .


The annual collection to support the Black and Indian Missions takes place next weekend.  This is the oldest designated collection in the United States.  We ask everyone to be generous in supporting this important work of the Catholic Church.


Next weekend we will be accepting offerings for our annual collection to support the Churches in Eastern Europe.  The Lithuanian Church receives funds from this collection, and the Lithuanian Bishops have written us to ask you to be generous.


Stations of the Cross will be prayed after the 7:30 Mass each Friday morning in English, and each Sunday after the 11:00 am Mass in Lithuanian. 

Confessions will be heard every Saturday from 3:00 to 4:00 pm in the Church.


Before his public ministry begins, Jesus spends forty days alone with wild beasts and angels.  For the people of Israel, the desert hearkened back to the time of the Exodus when God led them in the wilderness, feeding them with manna, and finally revealing himself to them at the top of Mount Sinai.  How will we, as a family unit, spend time in the “desert” this Lenten season?  How will we journey with one another in the “wilderness?”


We ask you to remember in your prayers the souls of Rev. Thomas Hagedorn and Deacon Carl Varga. May they live forever in the blessedness of God’s heavenly Kingdom.


Ash Wednesday (February 17th) and Good Friday (April 2nd) are days of Fast and Abstinence.  Fasting means having only one full meal on those days with two smaller meals allowed.  Eating between meals is not permitted.  This law is binding on all Catholics form their 18TH birthday to their 59TH birthday. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday along with all the Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence from eating meat.  Meat is defined as the flesh, organs, and blood products from warm blooded animals.  This law is binding on all Catholics from their 14TH birthday.  Individual dispensations from these regulations can be given by the Pastor.  Group dispensations must be obtained from the Chancellor of the Diocese.


The 2021 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal is underway with an in-pew commitment process taking place this weekend. This is not a special collection; rather, the Catholic Charities Annual Appeal represents the chance for all Catholics to make a significant pledge, payable in installments, to Catholic Charities, Diocese of Cleveland in order to support its mission of a society that stands united in its support of the “least among us.” Many parishioners have received a letter from Bishop Malesic requesting their support. If you have not received this letter, please respond to the in-pew commitment process today! If you have received the mailing, please respond to it. There is a box on the in-pew envelope to indicate that you have responded by mail.

      Love Your Neighbor. Your support of the 2021 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal helps us to carry out the mission that Jesus entrusted to us: I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Please consider a generous gift that will change the lives of the 400,000 who are served each year in Northeast Ohio. Please pray for the success of the Appeal, which provides for essential programs and services in need throughout all eight counties of the Diocese of Cleveland.

        Double your impact! A generous donor, who believes in the mission of Catholic Charities, will match your gift, up to $1 million. Do twice as much good when you give online at On behalf of the poor and needy of Northeast Ohio, thank you!


During the past few weeks we received $675.00 from the Rooted in Faith campaign which began in 2012, and $9,733.00 from the Heart of a Shepherd campaign that we recently completed.  This money is designated to repairs and improvements to our buildings.  We’re finalizing a contract to replace the rectory windows and are moving forward to solicit bids for work on replacing the front steps to the church building.  It is because of your generosity that we are able to move forward with these plans.


THIS WEEKEND -  February 20 - 21

NEXT WEEKEND - February 27 - 28

Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am



Dave Oligny Judy Kowalski Faye Roth Nancy Anzlovar
Faye Roth John Milikas Maureen Anderson John Martinich