Saint Casimir Parish  


March 6 - 7, 2021

     There is a new interactive way of assessing the spiritual health of parish life available across the Diocese this Lent. Developed by the Pennsylvania-based Catholic Leadership Institute, the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) is a survey tool created to allow you to reflect upon your own spiritual growth and discipleship, identify the ways in which our parish effectively supports that growth and look at opportunities to support that growth more in the future, provide valuable input to help me and the Parish Council make decisions and plan effectively, and finally help me and Parish Council have a sense of where to focus our evangelization efforts.  This survey can be completed online. To access and complete the survey, go to and select our parish, St. Casimir. The survey will be available for all parishioners across the Diocese to participate in from February 20 – March 22.  It just takes a few minutes to complete and it will give me and the Parish Council valuable information to plan our future.  If you have any problems accessing this survey, contact me.

God b
less! Fr. Joe Bacevice


We will pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent after the 7:30 am Mass in English, and every Sunday during Lent after the 11:00 am Mass in Lithuanian. All are invited to take part in these devotional prayers.


Confessions are now being heard in the church every Saturday from 3-4 pm.


Each year, the Lithuanian Bishops have asked Lithuanian Parishes throughout the world for a day of prayer for Lithuania on the first Sunday of March.  As a Lithuanian parish, this weekend we offer our prayers for our bothers and sisters in Lithuania and throughout the world that they grow closer to God through a greater participation in the sacramental life of the Church.


We ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of Algirdas Andrašiūnas who died recently.  May he live forever in the joy of the Resurrection.


Daylight Savings Time begins next Sunday, March 14th, at 2:00 am.  Remember to set your clocks AHEAD one hour before going to bed next Saturday, otherwise you will be late for Mass.


This weekend begins our Annual Plant Sale.  Orders forms are included in this week’s bulletin.  If you need more or are unable to get to church, they can be emailed or mailed to you.  Please call or email Janet at the rectory to request a copy. The order form will also be on our website. Orders and payment are due on April 4 (Easter) and pick-up will be curbside on May 22-23. Questions call Jackie Taylor (216) 509-0401.


The Annual Anniversary Mass: We pray for your peace and consolation and we remember your dearly departed loved ones from the past year in our special One-Year Anniversary Mass. This Mass is celebrated annually on March 19th, the feast day of St. Joseph, the patron saint of a happy death. This year’s One-Year Anniversary Mass will be celebrated at 10:00am on March 19, 2021 at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 4341 E 131st Street, Garfield Heights, OH 44105. For more information contact Rhonda at 216-930-4866.


In watching Jesus drive the money changers and merchants from the temple, his disciples remember the verse from the book of Psalms: “Zeal for your house has consumed me.” In St. John’s gospel, Jesus’s cleansing of the temple is at the beginning of the gospel instead of the end. In the gospel, Jesus purifies the temple.  How does your family and faith community maintain a sacred worship space for the people of God to worship?


THIS WEEKEND -  March 6 - 7

NEXT WEEKEND - March 13 - 14

Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am



Dave Ogilny Judy Kowalski Faye Roth Judy Kowalski
John Milikas Ted Egan Maureen Anderson John Martinich