Saint Casimir Parish  


March 13 - 14, 2021

      This week marks one year that parish life changed.  We were notified at 4:00 pm on Monday, March 16, 2020, that we were to close the church and cancel all activities immediately.  That was just three hours before we were hosting the Collinwood Cluster Mass.  I was hosting the other Collinwood priests and our guest homilist and dinner was already in the oven.  Not to waste my home made Kugelis and sausage and sauerkraut, we still got together for dinner.  In our conversation that evening, we expected that we would be open again by Easter.  Easter came and went with our Churches closed, and we finally re-opened on the Feast of Pentecost, May 31, 2020.  Now one year after this began, we are still dispensed from the obligation to participate at Mass.  Less than half of you returned for Sunday Mass.  Some are watching us celebrate Mass on You Tube.  Many more are finding other ways to keep the day holy.  Daily life is so different.  It took one year, and our schools are finally open again, with a hybrid system of a few days in class and a few days at home with a tablet computer every week.  Our activities had to be cancelled and we are looking forward to opening in the weeks and months ahead.  Many learned about Zoom meetings and socials.  And after a long winter, we’re starting to go out of our houses again.  There are still restrictions on our activities, but we have adapted.  Vaccines are more available and many are receiving them.  Despite the good things we see happening, we still need to be vigilant.  Over one-half million people died of COVID right here in the United States.  So may we continue to demonstrate love of God and of our neighbor.  In addition, may we remember to pray for everyone involved as we weather this storm.  As Pope Francis reminds us, we should be reaching out to our communities and praying in solidarity with the Church around the world.  He offered this prayer to Mary, mother of Jesus: O Mary, you always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and hope.  We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who at the cross took part in Jesus’ pain, keeping your faith firm.  You, Salvation of the People, know what we need and we are sure you will provide so that as in Cana of Galilee, we may return to joy and to feasting after this time of trial.  Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father, and to do as we are told by Jesus, who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows to lead us, through the cross to the joy of the resurrection.  Amen.

God b
less! Fr. Joe Bacevice


We will pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent after the 7:30 am Mass in English, and every Sunday during Lent after the 11:00 am Mass in Lithuanian. All are invited to take part in these devotional prayers.


Confessions are now being heard in the church every Saturday from 3-4 pm.


All are asked and invited to take the Disciple Maker Survey of parish life as part of a diocesan-wide project to improve parish life.  The results of this survey will help our Parish Council make concrete plans for programs to improve the spiritual life of our parish.  The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and is accessed online.  You can go to:­leaders­.org/clevelanddmi and select our parish, St. Casimir, or go to: https://portal.catholicleaders­.org/dmi/survey/k323a23ky0 to access our parish survey. The last day to complete this survey will be Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021.


Spring is right around the corner! Now is the perfect time to order from our plant sale. Fliers can be found by the bulletins in church, or on our website. If using our website, once you click on plant sale info, please click on link at top of page to download to printable order form. Orders forms can also be emailed or mailed to you, please call the rectory and leave your address or email. Questions: call Jackie Taylor 216- 509- 0401.


This weekend we are accepting offering to support Catholic Relief  Services.  Please be generous and support this important work of our Church.


Two week from now we celebrate Palm Sunday and begin Holy Week.  Holy week ends with the celebration of Easter on Sunday, April 4TH.  Palms will be blessed and distributed at all the Masses on Palm Sunday, March 28TH.  They will also be available between the Masses in the Church.  On Holy Thursday, April 1ST, we will celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00 pm in the Church (bi-lingual), followed by a period of adoration.  On Good Friday, April 2ND, we will commemorate the Lord’s Passion at 3:00 pm (bi-lingual).  On Saturday, April 3RD, there will be NO FOOD BLESSING.  We will celebrate the Solemn Easter Vigil at 8:30 pm (En.). On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate Mass at 8:30 am (En.) and 11:00 am (Lith.).  Because we are still living with the COVID pandemic, Holy Week and Easter services will be simplified.


During Holy Week confessions will be heard on Monday evening 5-6 pm, and Tuesday and Wednesday mornings after the 7:30 am Mass.  Confessions will NOT be heard on Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday. 


Today’s gospel refers to an event that occurred as the people of Israel sojourned in the desert after their escape from slavery in Egypt and before entering the Promised Land.  The people were, weary from their travel, complained bitterly against God and Moses.  It was a time of darkness for them.  In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells Nicodemus: “The light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light.”  Where do you perceive light encountering darkness in your family and community at this moment?6-1-pictures-2.gif


THIS WEEKEND -  March 13 - 14

NEXT WEEKEND - March 20 -21

Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am



Faye Roth Judy Kowalski Dave Oligny Faye Roth
Maureen Anderson John Martinich Faye Roth John Milikas