Today marks the beginning of the most solemn
week of the Church year – Holy Week. During this week we are called to
remember and reflect on our Lord Jesus’ days of suffering, death and
finally His Resurrection. All of us are invited to walk with our Lord,
from His triumphal entry into Jerusalem which we remember today, His
gift of Himself in the Eucharist at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday,
His trial, suffering and death on Good Friday, to his Resurrection on
Easter, I invite everyone in the Parish to participate in these special
moments in Jesus’ life. Taking time participate in these events either
in person or virtually, serves to deepen our appreciation for the gift
of salvation, deepen our relationship with our Lord, and deepen our
commitment to be His followers. This year, our Holy Week services will
be much simpler to comply with current Covid restrictions.
Just remember, last year we were completely closed.
God bless!
Fr. Joe Bacevice |
We ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of
Gene Benas.
May he live forever in the blessedness of God’s heavenly Kingdom.
During Holy Week confessions
will be heard on Monday evening 5-6 pm, and Tuesday and Wednesday mornings after
the 7:30 am Mass. Confessions will NOT be heard on Holy Thursday, Good Friday
or Holy Saturday.
Time is running out! Next weekend is the last weekend to return plant sale
orders and payments. If mailing, do it soon to we will receive it on time.
Remember, it is a win, win. You beautify your yard and help the parish at the
same time. Any questions, call Jackie Taylor: 216-509-0401. |
All are asked and invited to
take the Disciple Maker Survey of parish life as part of a diocesan-wide project
to improve parish life. The results of this survey will help our Parish Council
make concrete plans for programs to improve the spiritual life of our parish.
The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and is accessed online. You can
go to:
and select our
parish, St. Casimir, or go to:
to access our parish survey.
give everyone more time to participate, the last day to complete this survey
will be April 18, 2021.
Two week from now we
celebrate Palm Sunday and begin Holy Week. Holy week ends with the celebration
of Easter on Sunday, April 4TH. Palms will be blessed and
distributed at all the Masses on Palm Sunday, March 28TH. They will
also be available between the Masses in the Church. On Holy Thursday, April 1ST,
we will celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00 pm in the Church
(bi-lingual), followed by a period of adoration. On Good Friday, April 2ND,
we will commemorate the Lord’s Passion at 3:00 pm (bi-lingual). On Saturday,
April 3RD, there will be NO FOOD BLESSING. We will celebrate the
Solemn Easter Vigil at 8:30 pm (En.). On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate Mass
at 8:30 am (En.) and 11:00 am (Lith.). Because we are still living with the
COVID pandemic, Holy Week and Easter services will be simplified.
The passion narratives were the first part of each gospel to be written.
They form the beating heart of what we believe about Jesus. At the Mount of
Olives, Jesus tells the disciples, “All of you will have your faith shaken.”
What role does questioning or doubt have in the spiritual life? After his
death, a centurion says of Jesus, “Truly this man was the Son of God!” What has
Jesus done in your life that inspires you and your family to say the same?