Saint Casimir Parish  


April 10 - 11, 2021

Download Bishop Malesic's letter to the faithful.

       Last week as we celebrated the events of Holy Week and Easter, it was an especially good feeling for me as the previous year, 2020, we were closed and I did everything in private.  Our total weekend attendance was the best we’ve had in over one year, and though many of the trappings of Easter were missing – the singing, the processions, and the use of incense and holy water were omitted, it was still a joyous occasion.  We keep hearing hopeful news from health authorities and are still cautioned to be safe and follow the necessary protocols.  This is the only way that we will be able to conquer this pandemic and fully re-open.  As more and more of you receive your vaccine, and feel safe to return to Mass in church, we’ll be here to welcome you.  Until that time, we will continue to record weekly Masses.

        I recently asked every family in the parish to try to make a $200 one-time donation to help us catch up with our missed offertory offerings because of the pandemic.  Last week, we received $2,250.00 toward a goal of $9,600.  I want to thank those who made a donation for this, realizing that there are many in the parish that are unable to make a large donation but still gave from their heart.  I also am grateful to those who donated more than $200.  Your generosity is very much appreciated.
God b
less! Fr. Joe Bacevice


       Classes are going to begin to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.  To receive this sacrament, the student should be in the eighth grade (or 13 years old).  To register, contact Jackie at 216-509-0401.


       Birthright will be hosting a training program for new volunteers at their Eastside office in April.  Volunteer duties include answering the telephones, sorting baby clothes, making up layettes and helping pregnant women find community resources.  If you feel that God is calling you to help women, please call Toni for more information at 216-486-2800.


       On this Second Sunday of Easter, the responsorial psalm repeats three times “His mercy endures forever.”  In the gospel reading Jesus embodies the mercy of God, drawing near to those who had abandoned him in his greatest suffering, with the words, “peace be with you.”  How do you exhibit peace in your family?  God’s eternal mercy also calls us to joy.  How do you express this joy in your family life?


     All are asked and invited to take the Disciple Maker Survey of parish life as part of a diocesan-wide project to improve parish life.  The results of this survey will help our Parish Council make concrete plans for programs to improve the spiritual life of our parish.  The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and is accessed online.  You can go to:­ and select our parish, St. Casimir, or go to: to access our parish survey. To give everyone more time to participate, the last day to complete this survey will be April 18, 2021.


Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated on the Second Sunday of Easter when, in the light of Christ’s resurrection, we are reminded of His great mercy for us and our call to be merciful to one another.  On this Sunday we are reminded to ask God for His mercy, be merciful to others, and strive to completely trust in His Son, who is Divine Mercy Incarnate.  The message of mercy is that God loves us – all of us, no matter how great our sins.  He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, we receive his mercy, and let it flow through us to others.  It is a message we can call to mind simply by remembering A–B–C.

A – Always for His Mercy.  God wants us to approach Him in prayer constantly, asking forgiveness for our sins and asking him to pour out His mercy upon us and the whole world.

B – Be Merciful to Others.  God wants us to receive His mercy and then extend His love and forgiveness to other, just as He does.

C – Completely Trust in Jesus.  The graces of God’s mercy are dependent on our trust in Him.  The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will receive.  Pray for mercy and extend mercy to others.  Begin each day saying: “Jesus, I trust You!”
Pray the Divine Mercy chaplet.


      The next Catholic Cemeteries Grief Support group will meet on Sunday, April 18TH, at 3:00 pm in the cemetery offices at All Souls (Chardon), Calvary (Cleveland), Holy Cross (Brookpark) and All Saints (Northfield).  A virtual meeting will be held at 5:00 pm.  Meetings are open discussion format surrounding a monthly topic.  They do not build off each other so you can stop in any month and fit right in.  If you are not able to talk about your grief, come and listen and be in the presence of those who understand.  The April topics are Mothers’ Day Grief and Renewed Hope in the Midst of Grief.  An RSVP is required and attendees are required to wear a mask.  To register, contact Rhonda Abrams at 216-930-4866.


THIS WEEKEND -  April 10 - 11

NEXT WEEKEND - April 17 - 18

Sat. 8:30pm Sun. 8:30am Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am



Dave Oligny Donna Flynt Donna Flynt Nancy Anzlovar
Maureen Anderson John Martinich Faye Roth Ted Egan