Saint Casimir Parish  


May 1 - 2, 2021

           The past year has been very difficult for so many of us.  Last year from mid-February through the end of May, our church was closed for public worship.  Though we opened eleven months ago, we were not able to welcome everyone back.  The Bishops of Ohio have continued the dispensation from Mass attendance, and for so many it was just too risky to come back.  Still after eleven months, we have only half our pre-pandemic attendance.  As more people who receive their vaccines might feel comfortable coming to Mass, we are prepared to welcome you back to Sunday Mass.  We continue to have restricted seating, well-marked “social distance” spaces in the aisles, and after every Mass we sanitize all the church pews.  In addition to still requiring everyone who comes to Mass to wear a mask, and having their temperature taken, we offer hand sanitizer at the entrances to the church and before distributing Holy Communion.  In the next few months, we hope to bring back our First Friday and Second Tuesday Holy Hour in Church.  We will continue to follow diocesan guidelines for these procedures and when we can, we will drop some of these regulations.  In the meantime, I urge everyone to get vaccinated.  If you have questions about the safety of vaccines, consult and follow your doctor’s advice.  In my column in the bulletin from May 31, 2020, I wrote: “So even with all these limitations, I’m glad we are open again.    I am confident that the day is coming when this virus and dis­ease in better understood and a vaccine and a cure is found and made available.  But it’s good to see all of you again.”  We now have a vaccine, so I hope to see more of you again soon.            
God b
less! Fr. Joe Bacevice


Monday , May 31, 2021, is Memorial Day.  This is the day that we honor our war dead.  This year our Memorial Day remembrance will begin with flag raising and ceremony honoring our dead in our front parking lot at 8:30 am, followed by Mass at 9:00 am.  All are invited to participate in this event.  Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no breakfast after the Mass.



We ask you to remember in your prayers the souls of Father William Karg, Michael Cefaratti, Nancy Alpin and Frank Skoda who recently died.  May they live forever in the blessedness of heaven.


May is the time our Holy Name Society recruits new members and collects their annual dues.  An envelope for this purpose is enclosed with the envelope packet.  Dues are only $5 for the year.  Like all other activities, the Holy Name Society has been inactive since February, 2020.  We are hoping to revive their activities in July of this year.  These activities include the Summer Picnic, Monthly Eucharistic Adoration, Christmas Giving Tree, and Monthly Split Raffle.  To join the Holy Name Society, simply put your dues in the envelope and drop it in the offering box in the Church. 


The next council meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 4TH at 7:00 pm on Zoom.  If anyone in the parish has any concerns or suggestions, please bring them to any member of the Council or Father Bacevice.  Their contact information is on the front cover of the Church Bulletin.


Listen LIVE to The Ordination of 4 New Priests in the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland! AM 1260 The Rock will be broadcasting the Ordination Mass for our four new Diocesan Priests on Saturday May 15th at 10:00 am. Please join hosts Dick Russ and Fr. Doug Brown as Bishop Edward Malesic confers the Sacrament of Holy Orders on these new shepherds at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.


At last Sunday’s Mass, we pondered the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd who tenderly cares for his sheep.  This week we are given a new image in order to explore our relationship with the Lord, that of a vine and branches.  In today’s gospel, the command to “remain” in Jesus is issued more than the exhortation to “bear fruit.”  What spiritual practices help you to “remain” rooted in the true vine in your family life?


THIS WEEKEND -  May 1 - 2

NEXT WEEKEND - May 8 - 9

Sat. 8:30pm Sun. 8:30am Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am



Jackie C-Taylor Donna Flynt Dave Oligny Nancy Anzlovar
Faye Roth John Milikas Jackie C-Taylor Ted Egan