Saint Casimir Parish  


May 8 - 9, 2021

       Our Lord’s words heard in today’s Gospel, “as the Father loves me, so I also love you.  Remain in my love” is an intimate expression of friendship, showing that the relationship between Jesus and his followers changed dramatically.  No longer are they servants or slaves, but friends.  Nothing is to be hidden from each other.  There is equality.  An intimate relationship with God – or our spouses or our friends – requires that we realize that such a bond demands sharing with them our joys and disappointments, for God and the other person is important to our life experience.  To have this relationship demands communication. We cannot know God if we do not spend time in prayer, just as we cannot know our spouse or our friends if we do not speak to them.  Strong intimate relationships do not happen in just five minutes, but over time.  We must remember that for any relationship to flourish and grow, we must be open to change and growth for and with the one whom we are intimate.  If we are intimate with Jesus, we will be able to change to his way, truth and life. What might need changing or improving in you in order to allow the Lord a complete and unrestricted entrance into your life?  Are you willing to change?          
God b
less! Fr. Joe Bacevice


We ask you to remember in your prayers the souls of Benedictine Abbot Clement Zeleznik and Father James Becherer who recently died.  May they live forever in the blessedness of heaven.


Monday , May 31, 2021, is Memorial Day.  This is the day that we honor our war dead.  This year our Memorial Day remembrance will begin with flag raising and ceremony honoring our dead in our front parking lot at 8:30 am, followed by Mass at 9:00 am.  All are invited to participate in this event.  Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no breakfast after the Mass.


Listen LIVE to The Ordination of 4 New Priests in the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland! AM 1260 The Rock will be broadcasting the Ordination Mass for our four new Diocesan Priests on Saturday May 15th at 10:00 am. Please join hosts Dick Russ and Fr. Doug Brown as Bishop Edward Malesic confers the Sacrament of Holy Orders on these new shepherds at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.


Today’s gospel comes from Jesus’ discourse at the Last Supper in St. John’s gospel.  Last Sunday, we pondered the first half of the parable of the True Vine, and this week we contemplate the second part.  In the gospel, Jesus expresses his desire that “my joy may be in you and your joy might be complete.”  Where do you find joy at this moment in your family life?


This Sunday, is Mothers Day, the day we honor our mothers. On this day, we remember the prayer of blessing given to new mothers on the day their child is baptized: "God the Father, through his Son, the Virgin Mary’s child, has brought joy to all Christian mothers, as they see the hope of eternal light shine on their children. May he bless (our mothers). They now thank God for the gift of their children. May they be one with their children in thanking God for ever in heaven, in Christ Jesus our Lord."


May is the time our Holy Name Society recruits new members and collects their annual dues.  An envelope for this purpose is enclosed with the envelope packet.  Dues are only $5 for the year.  Like all other activities, the Holy Name Society has been inactive since February, 2020.  We are hoping to revive their activities in July of this year.  These activities include the Summer Picnic, Monthly Eucharistic Adoration, Christmas Giving Tree, and Monthly Split Raffle.  To join the Holy Name Society, simply put your dues in the envelope and drop it in the offering box in the Church. 


Monday, May 17TH, we will begin accepting Masses for 2022.  Masses will be accepted on a “first come, first served” basis.  Families are restricted to two weekend Masses, only one which can be at 11:00 am.  There is no restriction on the number of daily Masses.  Because of social distancing requirements, those who wish of schedule Masses in person are asked to call and make an appointment.  Masses can also be scheduled by placing the list and appropriate stipend in the collection boxes in Church or they can be mailed to the office.  The Mass offering must accompany the request.  The usual Mass offering is $10.  Once Masses are scheduled, they will not be moved.


Each year in the Diocese of Cleveland, a special offering is taken up in all the parishes to support the ministries of the Office of Catechetical Services. This Diocesan Secretariat focuses on providing guidance and support that promotes the evangelizing mission of the Church through the catechetical efforts of all parishes and Newman Campus ministries in the Diocese. Ministries, which will benefit from this collection include: faith formation for adults, teens and children, and family-based faith formation, as well as the ongoing formation of Parish Catechetical Leaders and catechists as missionary disciples. Newman Catholic Campus Ministries provides opportunities for students to deepen a relationship with Christ through prayer and worship, community, faith and Bible studies, retreats and service. This weekend we are accepting offerings for the Office of Catechetical Services.  A contribution to this office is an investment in the faith formation of people of all ages throughout the Diocese of Cleveland. Please be generous.


THIS WEEKEND -  May 8 - 9

NEXT WEEKEND - May 15 - 16

Sat. 8:30pm Sun. 8:30am Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am



Dave Oligny Nancy Anzlovar

         Dave Oligny         

Judy Kowalski
Jackie C-Taylor Ted Egan

Faye Roth

John Martinich