Four new priests were ordained for service to the Diocese of Cleveland
this weekend. They are Reverend Alexander Clark from Akron, Reverend
Cameron Popik from Berea, Reverend Alexander Spenik from Peninsula, and
Reverend James Winings from Shaker Heights. We congratulate them on
this occasion and wish them a lifetime of blessings as they begin their
service as priests for our diocese. In addition to our new priests, we
congratulate Reverend Chad Johnson from Canton who was ordained with
them for service to the Diocese of Youngstown.
AND WELCOME NEW DEACONS! Deacon Matthew Lawler was
recently ordained for service to the Diocese of Cleveland as a permanent
deacon. The following were recently ordained for service to the Church
as transitional deacons: Deacon Ian Kelly of Parma, Deacon Joseph
Menkhaus of Cuyahoga Heights, Deacon Scott Swinerton of Olmsted Falls,
and Deacon Michael Verbsky of Chardon. In addition Deacon John Ryu of
South Korea was ordained for service to the Archdiocese of Daegu, South
Korea. These transitional deacons begin their final stage of formation
and will be ordained as priests next spring.
God bless!
Fr. Joe Bacevice |
ask you to remember in your prayers the souls of
James Plesec and Zachary Zak, who recently died. May they live forever
in the blessedness of heaven.
Monday ,
May 31, 2021, is Memorial Day. This is the day that we honor our war dead.
This year our Memorial Day remembrance will begin with flag raising and ceremony
honoring our dead in our front parking lot at 8:30 am, followed by Mass at 9:00
am. All are invited to participate in this event. Because of the COVID-19
pandemic, there will be no breakfast after the Mass.
Those who ordered from the
Plant Sale are reminded that the orders will be ready for pick up next Saturday,
May 22, 2-6 pm and Sunday, May 23, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm. This year, pick up will
be curbside. Park in the Neff Rd lot and volunteers will get your information
load your car. If you signed up with a time, come at the time you requested.
For those who did not indicate a date or time, they will be contacted by phone
or email with times available. There is a limited supply of flowers available
for sale. If interested in purchasing any of those, contact Jackie at
216-509-0401 for availability and price and to answer your questions. Thank you
to all who ordered. We had a very successful sale! |
May is the time
our Holy Name Society recruits new members and collects their annual dues. An
envelope for this purpose is enclosed with the envelope packet. Dues are only
$5 for the year. Like all other activities, the Holy Name Society has been
inactive since February, 2020. We are hoping to revive their activities in July
of this year. These activities include the Summer Picnic, Monthly Eucharistic
Adoration, Christmas Giving Tree, and Monthly Split Raffle. To join the Holy
Name Society, simply put your dues in the envelope and drop it in the offering
box in the Church.
Monday, May 17TH,
we will begin accepting Masses for 2022. Masses will be accepted on a “first
come, first served” basis. Families are restricted to two weekend Masses, only
one which can be at 11:00 am. There is no restriction on the number of daily
Masses. Because of social distancing requirements, those who wish of schedule
Masses in person are asked to call and make an appointment. Masses can also be
scheduled by placing the list and appropriate stipend in the collection boxes in
Church or they can be mailed to the office. The Mass offering must accompany
the request. The usual Mass offering is $10. Once Masses are scheduled, they
will not be moved.
Last fall we were invited to
pledge our support of the Heart of a Shepherd campaign. This $30 million
campaign is an extraordinary effort to better meet and serve the needs of St.
Mary and Borromeo seminaries, support clergy pensions, provide relief from
clergy tuition debt, and support parishes during this pandemic. As a result of
our parish’s outstanding generosity, we raised over $75,210 from 58 households
and so far we have received pledge fulfillments totaling $24,508. Thank you so
much to parishioners who participated in the campaign and thank you to all who
continued to pray for the success of this effort. We are humbled and inspired
by your generosity and your love of our seminarians and priests. Your timely
pledge payments remain critically important. The Catholic Community Foundation
will work with you if you need assistance. Please know that you have plenty of
options to fulfill your pledge, including via check, credit card, electronic
funds transfer, IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution, or through planned gifts
from your estate or beneficiary designation of an IRA or life insurance policy.
For more information, contact the Heart of a Shepherd campaign office e-mail
or telephone: 216-902-1300.
The wonders of the risen Lord
continue to astonish and amaze the apostles. Not only has Jesus overcome the
finality of death, new he is taken up into heaven where he takes his seat at the
right hand of God. Today’s psalm is an apt response for those first apostles,
and also for us modern-day disciples as we reflect on the mystery of the
Ascension. In the gospel we hear that Jesus, seated at the right hand of God,
continues to work within the disciples as they preach and do good works. How do
you experience Jesus’ presence working within your family life? |