Saint Casimir Parish  


May 29 - 30, 2021

     Beginning Wednesday, June 2ND, following the guidance of Governor DeWine, most of the COVID-19 restrictions will be removed.  The following will be allowed beginning Wednesday, June 2ND:
1. Face Masks:  Face masks are no longer required, but are strongly suggested for those who have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine or are otherwise vulnerable. Respect is to be shown to those following CDC and state and local guidelines, as well as for those, who for personal reasons, choose to continue to wear face masks and practice social distancing.
2.  Social Distancing:  Social distancing is no longer required. The use of all pews/seating areas is permitted.
3.  Holy Water:  The use of Holy Water fonts is permitted. Holy Water will be replaced and basins should be cleaned regularly.
4. Liturgical Processions:  Liturgical processions at the beginning and conclusion of the liturgy as well as offertory processions are permitted.
5.  Offertory collection:  The offertory collection is permitted.
6. The Sign of Peace:  The sign of peace among the faithful is permitted. It should be exchanged without physical contact between persons who are not of the same household or family.
7. Liturgical Ministers:  Liturgical ministers (altar servers, lectors, ushers, musicians, cantors, choirs, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion) are permitted.
8. Holy Communion:  The distribution of the Precious Blood remains suspended until further notice. It is highly recommended that one receive Holy Communion in the hand, but the right to receive on the tongue remains in place. A table with sanitizer should be located near the distribution station for those distributing Holy Communion who accidently physically contact a communicant, sanitizing immediately after contact and before proceeding to the next communicant.
9. Greeting of the faithful:  Clergy may greet parishioners, but with special care if the cleric has not yet been fully vaccinated or is otherwise vulnerable.
10.  Hymnals:  Hymnals and other books may be returned to the pews.
11. Cleaning of Church: A general cleaning of the church and other public places will take place on a regular schedule, with special attention given to frequently used surfaces such as door handles, bathroom fixtures, etc.
12: Hand Sanitizers: We will continue to provide hand sanitizers at the church entrances.
13. Miscellaneous:   We ask the faithful who are not feeling well to remain at home.
     Visitation to the homebound, hospitalized and nursing homes is permitted urging those visiting to use good hygiene and to refrain from visiting when they are not feeling well.
    Care should be taken to continue following CDC, state, and local    guidelines with regard to activities with children who have not yet been fully vaccinated.


God Bless You!  Fr. Joe Bacevic


Beginning next weekend, we will be hearing confessions at the old time: 4:00 on Saturday afternoons.  Confessions will be heard in the confessional.


The next meeting of our parish Pastoral Council will take place on Tuesday, June 8TH at 7:00 pm in the Rectory conference room.  We ask all council members to be present at this meeting.


We ask you to remember in your prayers the souls of Father Ronald Szudarek, and Deacon Charles Doerpers, who recently died.  May they live forever in the blessedness of heaven.


Monday , May 31, 2021, is Memorial Day.  This is the day that we honor our war dead.  This year our Memorial Day remembrance will begin with flag raising and ceremony honoring our dead in our front parking lot at 8:30 am, followed by Mass at 9:00 am.  All are invited to participate in this event.  Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no breakfast after the Mass.


With Memorial Day approaching, it is time for our Catholic War Veterans Post 613 to have their annual Poppy Distribution.  This activity enables the Post to continue their welfare programs for our veterans and their families.  They will be distributing poppies and accepting donations after all the Masses this weekend (May 29-30).  Please be generous in supporting their work.



May is the time our Holy Name Society recruits new members and collects their annual dues.  An envelope for this purpose is enclosed with the envelope packet.  Dues are only $5 for the year.  Like all other activities, the Holy Name Society has been inactive since February, 2020.  We are hoping to revive their activities in July of this year.  These activities include the Summer Picnic, Monthly Eucharistic Adoration, Christmas Giving Tree, and Monthly Split Raffle.  To join the Holy Name Society, simply put your dues in the envelope and drop it in the offering box in the Church. 


On Friday, June 4th, free COVID vaccinations will be offered at the St. Mary parish hall through NEON (Northeast Ohio Neighborhood Health Services). This is a great outreach to our parishes as well as our neighborhood community. Vaccinations will be administered from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Moderna vaccine will be administered. There is no need to register


Jesus, the risen Lord, enters the room in which the disciples had barricaded themselves out of fear and offers them two gifts: his peace and the breath of the Holy Spirit.  This scene and these words are familiar to us, having pondered them only a few weeks ago on the Second Sunday of Easter.  Today, on the feast of Pentecost, we focus on the sharing of the Holy Spirit.  Today’s responsorial psalm lifts up another aspect of the Holy Spirit as an agent of renewal in the world.  Commissioning the disciples to carry on his ministry, Jesus says, “As the father has sent me, so I send you.”  How do these words reverberate with your own faith journey in your family life?


With the end of the pandemic restrictions, we will no longer be recording Sunday Mass.  These were recorded on Friday afternoons and not “live streamed” and posted on Your Tube.  Our shut-ins who can’t come to church generally do not have access to a computer to follow us on You Tube so there is no reason for us to record Masses.  We thank our former secretary, Laura, for setting this up, Kestutis Civinskas who became the “producer” and camera operator, and Roma Bandza who faithfully provided music for these Masses.


Beginning in February, 2019, we began mailing weekly bulletins to those who requested them, and our weekly bulletin mailings increased to 30+ bulletins.  Now that the pandemic restrictions have been lifted, we will only send bulletins to our shut-ins. 


THIS WEEKEND -  May 29 - 30

NEXT WEEKEND - June 5 - 6

Sat. 8:30pm Sun. 8:30am Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am



Dave Oligny Judy Kowalski Jackie C-Taylor Nancy Anzlovar
Faye Roth John Milikas Maureen Anderson John Martinich