Back in March, I wrote
about negotiating a lease for our school building
and that after many years, the building would once
again be used as it was intended: a school. Twice
last month, I wrote about how we were progressing
with the lease on the school building and how there
were going to be some changes taking place on our
Throughout the
process of negotiating the lease with the tenant and
keeping everyone informed, I said that all our
Parish organizations that have used the school
building would still be able to continue using the
facilities on our campus. Our larger organizations -
the Svyturys dancers, Lithuanian Scouts (both boys
and girls), Lithuanian
Saturday School,
choir and children’s choir - could continue to
operate in the school building in the gym or the
cafeteria, along with some classrooms for the
Lithuanian school. Smaller organizations such as the
Holy Name Society, Lithuanian pre-school, Lithuanian
adult education, and Senior scouts would be moved to
the house we own at 18031 Marcella Rd. These were
all tentative plans until the lease negotiations
were finished and the lease was actually signed.
After six months
of negotiation, Bishop Lennon and I signed the lease
last Tuesday. Though the lease does not take effect
until July 1,
the tenant is already in the building starting
needed renovations so the school could open by mid
I also said that
once the lease was signed, I would schedule a "Town
Hall" meeting during which I could present what this
lease means for us as a parish and answer your
questions. Since many in the parish are leaving for
Lithuania soon, the Pastoral Council, the Finance
Council and I will hold this meeting on Tuesday,
June 10th at 7:00 pm in the Cafeteria
(Lower Hall).
It is my
hope that many of you will be able to attend. I
trust that I will be able to answer all your
questions and reassure everyone in the Parish that
no one is being "kicked out."
God Bless! Fr. Joe
We ask you to remember in your
prayers the souls of Theresa Zewalk and Edith Johnson who
recently died and were buried through our parish. May they
have Eternal Rest in the peace of God’s Kingdom.
The Lithuanian Jesuit Fathers
and their affiliates invite those traveling to Lithuania
this summer to take advantage of two events. Saturday, June
28th, Mass at St. Francis Xavier in Kaunas
followed by tours of the Kaunas Jesuit School. Sunday, July
6th, Mass at St. Casimir Church in Vilnius with
choir music from the Chicago choirs "Dainava" and "Vyturys"
joined by the Vilnius Lithuanian Youth Choir "Krantas."
After Mass there will be a tour of the Vilnius Jesuit
school. For more information, contact them by e-mail:
Or contact them in Chicago:
630-243-6234. There
is an information poster in the Book Room.
On Sunday, June 15th,
we will commemorate the 73rd anniversary of the
occupation of the Baltic countries and remember the June
14-15, 1941 deportations of the Baltic people. The
commemoration with a guest speaker and an ecumenical service
will take place at 2:00pm
at the Latvian Lutheran Church located at corner of Detroit
Ave. and Andrews Road in Lakewood. After the service there
will be entertainment and refreshments in the parish hall.
All are invited to participate. |
"Touch our world one child at a
time." Today more and more children find themselves homeless.
"Blessing House" a crisis center for children in the Cleveland
area, provides children a safe and loving environment until they
can go home. The Sisters of Notre Dame invite single women ages
18-35 to volunteer at Blessing House
July 14-19, 2014. For more
information, contact Sr. Kathleen Hine, SND at
216-486-5555 or at
khine@ndeccorg Online
pre-registration is available at
Congratulations to Patricia
Campbell, the winner of the Holy Name Society May 50-50 Raffle.
She donated her prize of $113 to the parish. Thank You! The next
drawing will take place at their meeting on June 25th.
Tickets are available after all the Masses each weekend, at the
Rectory during office hours, and from any active members of the
Holy Name Society. Parishioners are invited to join the Holy
Name Society which meets the last Wednesday of every month at
the Marcella Rd. House.
A heartfelt thank you to all
who helped in any way to make the "Child's Gate to Learning"
fundraiser a success. The funds raised from the purchased meals
and your donations will provide the needed educational and
spiritual guidance for many disadvantaged children in
Lithuania. May God reward you abundantly.
Now that we are beginning to move organizations out of the
school building to their new home at 18031 Marcella, we need to
give the house a name. We will have a contest to name the house.
The name should reflect who we are as a parish and the use we
are giving to the house. The name should also be easily adapted
to both English and Lithuanian usage. (Diocesan restrictions do not
allow us to name the house after a person.) The contest is open
to any parishioner. Names may be sub-mitted to Father Bacevice
through mail, e-mail, or placed in the collection basket
on Sunday.
Be sure to include your name and address with your submission.
The prize for the winning name will be a $100 donation to the
parish organization of the winner’s choice, and a $50 prize to
the winner. The Parish Pastoral Council will decide the winning
entry at their September meeting. All entries must be received
by September 1st.
invite everyone to visit our new and improved parish website:
Although it is still being developed, we are already posting our
weekly bulletin, our monthly Ministry of Praise
newsletter, our schedule of events, as well as links to various
religious and Lithuanian sites that would be of interest to the
parishioners. In time we hope to have all our parish
organiza-tions have a page on the site. We welcome your comments
and suggestions. We thank Amanda Muliolis for all of her work in
setting up and maintaining the site. |