
Casimir Parish
January 23 - 24, 2016
Annual contribution statements for 2015
are now available, and
will be sent only to those who request them. Those
wanting a statement can call the rectory during business
hours or drop a note in the collection basket.
February 14, at 11:30am in the school confe-rence room,
guest speaker Gintautas Gaska will present a power point
presentation about St. Faustina, the Apostle of Mercy, and
the Year of Mercy. The talk will be in Lithuanian.
The event is hosted by the Cleveland senior chapter of the
Catholic Youth Organization Ateitininkai.
Young adults in their 20's and 30's are invited to a
retreat, “Jesus, the Face of God’s Mercy” at Bethany Retreat
Center in Chardon, Ohio. The retreat begins
Saturday, February 13th at
9:00am and runs until
Sunday, February 14th at
noon. The event includes
young adult witness talks, time for quiet and for sharing,
the Sacrament of Reconciliation and
Mass. The cost is $40. For more information, contact Sr.
Kate Hine, SND at or call
440-476-6094. Register at
Love Powers Our Mission at Catholic Charities!
Many parishioners received letters in January inviting their
support of the Annual Appeal. We are all family. We are our
brother’s keeper. In this, the Year of Mercy, we invite you
to join Catholic Charities in feeding the hungry, sowing
God’s love, bringing light to darkness, and spreading peace.
Your support of the 2016 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal is
an act of mercy that will change the lives of your brothers
and sisters in Christ.
We appreciate your donation and will take special care
to use it wisely in providing essential programs and
services to people throughout all eight counties of the
Diocese of Cleveland. We invite you to view stories of
inspiration and more information at
Please pray for the good work of Catholic Charities and
make a pledge today.
During the Year of Mercy the Tribunal of our Diocese, under
the guidance of Bishop Lennon, seeks to embrace in a wider
manner those who feel themselves estranged from the Church.
Using webnar technology, six parishes will host the First
Step Program at
7:00pm on
Tuesday, February 16: St. Christopher (Rocky
River), Holy Family (Stow), St. Mary (Wooster), St. Gabriel
(Concord Twp.), and St. Jerome (Cleveland). The sessions
will take place in each parish school. Trained personnel
will be available to facilitate the session. There is no
need to pre-register. For information, contact Fr. Bacevice.
Lithuanian Independence Day is February 16th. Our
Parish will have a religious celebration at the
Mass on
Sunday, February 14th.
The civic celebration will take place on Saturday, February
20th beginning at
7:00pm at
the Lithuanian Hall. Ginte Damusyte, a member of the
Lithuanian Diplomatic Corps, will be the featured speaker
followed by a program of music and dancing. For tickets ($20
in advance, $25 at the door) call Call Zita Mascinskas
or Virginija Motiejunas
All are invited to celebrate our faith and culture as
Lithuanians on February 14th and February 20th. |
Every week I read
through all the notices from the Diocese, from the United
States Bishops Conference, from the Lithuanian Bishops, from
our parish organizations and civic organizations and decide
what goes into the weekly bulletin.
In reading
everything over the past few weeks, I could see how some
would think that all I am concerned with is money. Last
weekend, we had two special offerings – support for Catholic
University and assistance for those affected by the terrible
floods and weather in the Southern and Western United
States. This weekend, we are accepting offerings to support
our missions in El Salvador and the Church Latin America. I
also announced last week, that the weekend of
February 6-7, we will have the
Catholic Charities “in-pew” Appeal for 2016. At the same
time, I am subtly asking for donations for our parking lot
fund so we can begin repairs this spring, and reminding
everyone to support the 4th Annual “Soup for the
Soul” fund raiser so the Altar Society will have funds to
purchase necessities for the Church.
There has been less emphasis given to upcoming events
like Lithuanian Independence Day, Lent, or even the Jubilee
Year of Mercy. Yet all of these events and programs make up
who we are. As the Catholic Church, we are part of a
world-wide, nation-wide, diocesan-wide and local community,
with a mission to live our lives as people of faith. Our
faith calls us to reach out to our brothers and sisters in
need and to be effective stewards of what is entrusted to
us. As a result, much of our mission is tied to money.
Since our parish is
a non-profit and a charity, our sole support comes from you,
our members. We in turn need to support the work of the
Diocesan Church, by paying our “assessments” and collecting
special offerings. Our Diocesan Church runs the programs of
our diocesan church, supports the Catholic Conference of
Ohio and the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in
their work, as well as the Vatican in the work of the
Universal Church.
So when you see an
announcement asking for support, think about all we support
to carry out the mission of the Church - beginning here at
St. Casimir’s and going all the way to St. Peter’s in Rome.
God Bless! Fr.
Joe Bacevice |
again offer our THANKS to the First Catholic Slovak
Ladies Association (FCSLA), Branch 10, for their
donation of $1,000 toward our Parking Lot Fund. So far
$23,000.00 has been donated to this fund ($18,000 from
the FCSLA). Our goal for the entire project is $100,000.
We hope to raise $50,000 by this summer to we can begin
the project. If anyone is able to make a substantial
donation for this project, contact Father Bacevice.
Next weekend,
January 23-24,
we will accept donations for our Cleveland Latin American
Mission in El Salvador. It is the main support for two
diocesan priests who work in two parishes served by our
Mission Office. This appeal also makes a contribution to the
Collection for the Church in Latin America that is managed
by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and benefits
projects and the formation of seminarians, religious and lay
leaders in 23 countries across Latin America.
JANUARY 23 - 24, 2016 |
JANUARY 30- 31, 2016 |
5:30pm |
8:00 am |
12:00pm |
Sat. 5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Lector |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Judy Kowalski |
Erin Randel |
Nancy Anzlovar |
Barb Pallo |
Donna Flynt |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor
Faye Roth,
John Milikas |
Arv Valiukas |
Donna Flynt,
Ted Egan
Maureen Anderson |
Faye Roth,
Barbara Grauel,
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
John Martinich |
Ted Egan
Donna Flynt |
Server |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |