
WEEKEND - February 11-12,
after all the Masses, both Saturday and Sunday, the Altar Society invites
everyone in the parish to savor a hearty bowl of soup (your choice of two kinds)
with bread, and to spend some time with your fellow parishioners. Eat in or
take-out in the lower hall after the Sunday 10:00 and 12:00 Masses; take-out in
the church vestibule after Saturday 5:30pm and Sunday 8:00am Masses. Adult
donation - $5,(second bowl -$3) children under 12 - $2. Proceeds go to the Altar
Society operating fund for 2017 and to purchase needed items for the Church.
We are pleased to report that
we received our quarterly distribution of $3,471.00 from the Rooted in Faith
Campaign. 30% of the money we raised for this campaign is given back to us. So
far, our parish has received $54,069.00 from the campaign. This is also a
reminder to those who have made pledges to send a payment on your pledge. (Your
pastor mailed his check last week.) If you were unable to donate during the
campaign, and would now want to make a pledge, please contact Father Bacevice.
This weekend
we will accept donations for our Latin American Mission in El Salvador. It is
the main support for two diocesan priests who work in two parishes served by our
Mission Office. This appeal also makes a contribution to the Collection for the
Church in Latin America that is managed by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops
and benefits projects and the formation of seminarians, religious and lay
leaders in 23 countries across Latin America.
February 16th is Lithuanian Independence Day, remembering the 99th
anniversary of the signing of Lithuania’s Declaration of Independence. Our
parish joins with the entire Lithuanian community in Cleveland to commemorate
this day.
Friday, February 17th, at 7:00pm in our Upper Hall, the
Vytautas Magnus University Chamber Orchestra from Kaunas, Lithuania, will
perform a “Celebrate Freedom Concert,” followed by refreshments. Adult concert
tickets: $20 in advance/$25 at the door; 18 and under - free. For tickets and to
reserve seats, contact Virginija Motiejunas:
Sunday, February 19th, the religious celebration will
take place beginning at 9:50am with flag raising at the Freedom Monument in our
Neff Rd. parking lot, followed by Mass. This year the children from our
Lithuanian School, and the Lithuanian Boy and Girl Scouts will raise the flags,
process into the Church, present the Offertory gifts and offer a communion
reflection. The independence celebration will conclude with the showing of the
film “The Partizan’s Wife” at the Gintaras Restaurant at the Lithuanian Club at
1:00pm. Admission is free.
We invite
everyone to celebrate Lithuanian Independence at the concert on Friday, February
17th, with our children on Sunday, February 19th or at the
Lithuanian Club on Sunday afternoon.
