It is hard to
believe that we are already half way through summer.
So far this summer we have been busy with planning
and coordinating renovations to the school building
so the occupancy certificate can be issued. The
Lakeshore Intergenerational School will open the
second week in August.
While this work
has been going on, we are looking forward to a new
activity year at St. Casimir’s. Our Holy Name
Society is having their annual cook out for the
parish on Wednesday, July 30th, from
5:00-7:00pm in the convent
yard. There is no cost for this event. Our next
pancake breakfast will take place on August 17th
after all the Masses. Tickets will go on sale next
weekend. Bishop Lennon will be coming to our Parish
to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation on
Thursday, September 18th, at
7:00pm. The Pastoral
Council set the date for our Clambake and Autumn
Raffle, which will be on Saturday, October 25th
in our upper hall. This date also happens to be the
5th Anniversary of our existence as St.
Casimir Parish. The Pastoral Council, the Liturgy
Committee and I will be working on plans for our
anniversary. If anyone in the parish has thoughts or
ideas about this, I would like to hear from you.
With the new
tenant in our building, we have to make sure there
are no conflicts when activities are scheduled. We
ask all organizations that will be using the school
building for activities to contact the Parish office
with tentative dates. Part of our agreement with the
tenant is that we share our activity schedules each
month, so there will be no conflicts between parish
events and school events. Toward the end of August,
we will schedule a meeting with the heads of all
organizations to schedule the events for the coming
year. Once the meeting date is set, the heads of all
organizations will be notified.
With everyone’s
cooperation, all of us can look forward to a faith
and culture filled activity year.
Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice

Please remember in your prayers the soul of Millie Miller
who died last week and was buried from our Parish. May she
have eternal rest in the peace of God’s Kingdom.
The First Catholic Slovak Ladies
Association, Anna Hurban Cleveland District will hold their
Annual Day of Recollection on Friday, July 25 at
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid. Bishop
Roger Gries will celebrate the 11:00am
Mass, Fr. Gerard Gonda, OSB will preside at the Benediction and
Rosary at 2:00pm.
Luncheon reservations are limited and must be requested in
advance byJuly 19th. Tickets cost $15. For
reservations, call Johanna Oros
or Catherine Ruzinok
of today, we have raised $17,735.00 for our church bells. Last
week, we signed the contract to repair the bell and install the
new carillon system. With a price increase, the total cost will
be $21,057.00, which leaves us $3,322.00 short of completing the
project. We’re making our final appeal for donors. All those who
donate to this fund will be named on a plaque commemorating the
restoration of the church bell and the new carillon system.
Donations can be dropped in the collection basket or mailed to
the rectory. The bell should be repaired and the new system
installed by the end of September.
for a great family day this summer? Join us for the FEST
on Sunday, August 3rd
on the seminary grounds in Wickliffe. The 56 acre campus
becomes the home of our 14th Annual Catholic
Family Festival. It is a day that celebrates faith and
family. It’s fun and it’s free. Join thousands from
across the region for national Christian bands along
with great faith-based activities and displays for the
whole family. The day ends with an outdoor Mass at
followed by fireworks. For information, go to their
Over the next several weeks, there will be some construction
equipment in our parking lots, especially our Neff Road lot.
This will present some challenges to those using our lots.
Remember to park only in marked parking spaces, leave the
handicapped spaces for those who truly need them, do not park on
the sidewalks or block the tunnel to the Marcella Road lot. For
those using the Marcella Road lot, do not park in the spaces by
the convent as they are reserved for the Sisters living and
visiting there, do not park in front of the garage doors or
block them in any way. Finally, keep the aisles open so cars can
get in and out of the lots.
Now that we are beginning to move organizations out of the
school building to their new home at 18031 Marcella, we need to
give the house a name. We will have a contest to name the house.
The name should reflect who we are as a parish and the use we
are giving to the house. The name should also be easily adapted
to both English and Lithuanian usage. (Diocesan restrictions do not
allow us to name the house after a person.) The contest is open
to any parishioner. Names may be sub-mitted to Father Bacevice
through mail, e-mail, or placed in the collection basket
on Sunday.
Be sure to include your name and address with your submission.
The prize for the winning name will be a $100 donation to the
parish organization of the winner’s choice, and a $50 prize to
the winner. The Parish Pastoral Council will decide the winning
entry at their September meeting. All entries must be received
by September 1st.