Saint Casimir Parish

Old bulletins

2014 Jan. 07 Jan. 14 Jan. 21                


January 27 - 28, 2018

CATHOLIC CHARITIES –possible letter error

Many parishioners received letters in January inviting their support of the annual Catholic Charities Appeal, and I encourage everyone to support the appeal. However, many of those letters indicated that the donations would be credited to St. Casimir Parish on Sowinski Avenue. If anyone received a letter with that incorrect information, DO NOT REPLY TO IT and contact our office immediately. We will notify Catholic Charities of the error and a new letter will be sent out with the correct parish listed. There were errors made in the accounting last year, and anyone who did not list St. Casimir, NEFF RD. as their parish had their account moved to the other St. Casimir Parish. Each parish is given a goal for the Catholic Charities Annual Parish Appeal and pastors are pressured to meet those goals. We want to make sure that our Parish is correctly credited with the donations from our members. 


On Monday, February 19th, we will be hosting all the parishes in Collinwood for our Lenten Cluster Mass. After Mass, everyone is invited to our Lower Hall for food and fellowship. We need volunteers to bake, set up and clean up. Those willing to help out are asked to sign up at the main entrance to the church or contact Ingrid Civinskas at: or call 440-838-0652.




Parishioner contribution statements for 2017 are now available. Those who requested a statement last year were mailed one this year. For those who need a statement, drop a note with your name and envelope number in the collection basket or call the office during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.) Statements will be sent in the mail.


All are invited to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the restoration of Lithuania’s Independence. The celebration will take place on Saturday, February 17th, beginning at 2:00pm at Cleveland State University’s Main Classroom Auditorium (1899 E 22nd St., Cleveland). Close to 200 performers – singers and dancers from Toronto and Montreal, Canada, and Cleveland will entertain with song and dance. Following the performance, beginning at 6:00pm, there will be a banquet at the Crown Place at Playhouse Square (1260 Euclid Ave., Cleveland) Tickets to the performance are $25 (age 21 & under $10) and banquet tickets are $50. Bus transportation will be available before and after the concert from the Lithuanian Club. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Virginia Rubinski 216-486-9023.



Saturday February 24th, at 7:00pm in the St. Casimir Parish Auditorium there will be a special concert to continue celebrating Lithuanian Independence. Soloists from Lithuania, Liudas Mikalauskas and Nida Grigalavičiūtė with accompanist Vytautas Lukošius will perform some of the most acclaimed Lithuanian songs from the past 100 years. Tickets are $20 (no charge for those under 21) and are available in the cafeteria after the 10:00 Mass or by calling Zita at 216-355-0829 or Virginija at 261-526-5609.


     Did you know that on a average week, over 400 people come into our church building? When you come to Church whether it is for Sunday Mass or a weekday Mass, for a wedding or for a funeral or a baptism, what do you expect when you walk in? Most would say a comfortable, clean church.

     Did you ever look at the little things when you come in? Many bless themselves with Holy Water. Our Holy Water fonts are always clean and have sufficient Holy Water in them. When you go into a church pew, there is no clutter and the worship aids (missalettes and music books) are neatly put in the pew racks. The floor is clean and dry. There are no burned out lights. The sanctuary is clean and decorated for the appropriate liturgical season. Our church linens are changed and cleaned regularly. Fresh candles are put in the shrines for those who light devotional candles.

     All these things that we take for granted are maintained on an almost daily basis. This work, like so much other work, is done by our employees and dedicated volunteers. Mike, our maintenance man, takes care of the heavy cleaning in and around the church. The other work is done all by volunteers - Marija Bartkus, Faye Roth, and Jackie Caruso-Taylor take care of the other work. When major celebrations come like Christmas and Easter, more volunteers, especially members of the Altar Society come to help. In addition to these volunteers, Rimas Minkunas and Joe Koeth stay after the 10:00 and 12:00 Mass every week to straighten up the church pews, pick up papers and look for items left by people to put in the lost and found.

     These people do a lot to make sure that every time you come to St. Casimir’s, you will have a clean, comfortable place to spend time in prayer and in public worship. When you see our volunteers, offer them a word of thanks. Also, we are always looking for additional volunteers to help with this work. If anyone is interested in helping out, let me know what you would like to do, and I will put you in touch with the right person.

 God Bless ! Fr. Joe Bacevice



This weekend we will be accepting donations for Latin American Missions and El Salvador . This is the only appeal made by the Diocesan Mission Office for the Cleveland Latin American Mission in El Salvador. It is the main support for two diocesan priests who work in the two parishes served by our Mission Office. This appeal also makes a contribution to the Collection for the Church in Latin America that is managed by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and benefits projects and the formation of seminarians, religious and lay leaders in 23 countries across Latin America. Please be generous.


Saturday, February 3rd, is the Feast of St. Blaise, the day we traditionally bless throats. In honor of St. Blaise, we will bless throats after all the Masses next weekend.



JANUARY 27 - 28, 2018

FEBRUARY 3 - 4, 2018

Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm


Nancy Anzlovar Barb Pallo Arv Valiukas Faye Roth Judy Kowalski Erin Randel
Jackie Caruso-Taylor Judy Kowalski
Dave Oligny

Maureen Anderson

John Milikas

Donna Flynt


Peter Briana Sinead Peter Briana Deidre