Welcome to 2019. Traditionally on the Feast of the Epiphany,
the important dates of the Church year are announced.
The Christmas Season ends with the Feast of the Baptism of the
Lord on January 14th. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March
6th. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, April 14th,
and the Resurrection of the Lord is celebrated on Sunday, April 21st,
Easter Sunday. The Ascension of the Lord is celebrated on Sunday,
June 2nd, and the Easter season concludes with the
celebration of the Feast of the Holy Spirit on Sunday, June 9th.
The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ – Corpus Christi – is
celebrated on Sunday, June 23rd. The Feast of Christ the
King takes place on Sunday, November 24th. The new Year
of Grace, 2020, begins on Sunday, December 1st, the First
Sunday of Advent.
This year will also be significant for us as a parish because
on Friday, October 25th, our parish will be ten years
old. When we had our fifth anniversary, we celebrated with a parish
directory and encouraged everyone to participate in our Clambake and
Autumn Raffle. At the Pastoral Council meeting this Tuesday, I will
ask the Pastoral Council to form a committee to plan several events
and projects to make our 10th Anniversary memorable. I’m
also open to listen to ideas from anyone else in the parish. Please
contact me. I hope to make this anniversary truly memorable for all
of us.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice |
ask you to remember in our prayers the souls of Josephine Argenzio and
Zita Varnelis-Kampe who died recently and were buried from our
Parish. May they be at peace forever in the blessedness
of heaven.
On Wednesday, January 9th, we will have our
Eucharistic Adoration from 6-7pm also in the Church. All are invited to stop
in and spend some time in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Christmas Season ends this weekend. Altar Society members will be removing the
Christmas Church decorations after the 12:00 Mass next Sunday, January 13.
Please come help us with this work. The more help we have, the faster the work
will go. |
first meeting of our Pastoral Council will take place on Tuesday, January
8th, at 7:30pm in the Rectory. We ask all new members of the
council to read our Parish Council Constitution which can be found on our
website. At this meeting we will select the officers for the coming year.
Our Council members for 2019 are: Nancy Anzlovar, Anthony Bacevice, Dana
Cipkus, Ted Egan, Loretta Gudenas, Giedre Jesmantas, Judy Kowalski, Faye
Roth, Gerald Thompson and Albert Yevchak. We thank them for their commitment
and willingness to serve.
The lay ecclesial ministry
formation process assists in the education, training, and formation of lay
people leading to certification as a Lay Ecclesial Minister. Certified Lay
Ecclesial Ministers work in collaboration with the ordained to serve the needs
of parishes and Catholic institutions in the Diocese of Cleveland. They may
serve in a variety of leadership roles as Pastoral Associates, Catechetical
Leaders, Ministers of Sacramental Preparation, Youth Ministers, Social Outreach
Coordinators, Bereavement Ministers, Music Ministers, Campus Ministers and
Ministers of Adult Faith Formation. An Information Night for all those
interested in the lay ecclesial ministry formation process will take place on
Wednesday, January 16, 2019 from 7-9pm at the Center for Pastoral
Leadership. If you cannot attend and would like more information, please call
the Lay Ecclesial Ministry Office at 440-943-7670.
Our diocesan Diaconate
Formation Office is accepting inquiries for men interested in the diaconate. To
be considered, an applicant must be Roman Catholic, at least 30 years of age
(minimum age for ordination is 35), who is an active member of his parish with
the support of his pastor. He must be in good health, of sound moral character,
mature in faith, regularly practice in the sacramental life of the Church and
have a sense of vocation to service. If married, he must be in a valid Catholic
marriage for a minimum of five years, have the support of his wife and family
and be in a strong, stable marriage. If unmarried, he must be willing and able
to commit to celibacy. An upper age limit for application has not been
established for the Cleveland diocese, but the expectation is that ordained
deacons will have the health and energy to provide a minimum of ten years of
ordained ministry to the diocese of Cleveland. The deadline for inquiries to our
Diocesan Diaconate Aspirancy Program, which will begin in September 2019, is
March 1, 2019. Men who are interested in applying to the 2019 program are asked
to write to Deacon David S. Kushner, Director of Diaconate Formation, Center for
Pastoral Leadership, 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 by the March 1,
2019 deadline, or telephone the Diaconate Formation Office at 440-943-7651.