Saint Casimir Parish

Old bulletins

05-10-11 05-17-18 05-24-25 05-31-6-1 Lietuviškai



06-21-22 06-28-29 07-04-05 07-12-13
07-19-20 07-19-27 08-02-03 08-09-10 08-16-17 08-23-24 08-30-31 09-06-07


09-20-21 09-27-28 10-06-07
10-11-12 10-18-19 10-25-26 11-01-02 11-08-09 11-15-16 11-22-23 11-29-30 12-06-07 12-13-14 12-20-21  

December 27 -28, 2014


     Every year at this time, I like to share my reflections with you about our parish and how we are doing regarding fulfilling our mission as a Catholic Parish in the Diocese of Cleveland.

     As 2014 draws to a close, I believe we had a pretty good year. We had some real challenges. We faced each of them and I believe we made real progress as a parish.

     Financially, the first half of the year was quite a challenge. With no tenant in the school building, the utility costs were quite a burden. We were able to meet our expenses by borrowing from our restricted funds. When we finally signed a lease with Breakthrough Schools, we were almost out of money. Since the beginning of July, we were able to pay back our restricted funds, meet our expenses, and begin saving for future repairs to our buildings and property. But we did take on debt as we borrowed money from diocese to make capital repairs. We will begin to pay the money back in January and will pay off the loan in 5 years.

     Having a school back in the building, our organizations had to make some adaptations. Our Lithuanian school shares space with the school, our Svyturys dancers share space in the gym with the school, and our Lithuanian and non-Lithuanian scouting programs are now sharing space with the school.

     As a parish, we can all be proud of the fact that we have two men in formation for ordained ministry. Deacon Lukas Laniauskas, SJ will be ordained a priest this spring, and Christian Raddell is in his second year at Borromeo Seminary.

     Our Holy Name Society had a successful year. Their "Giving tree" program increased by $300 to help the needy in the parish, and they continue to support our monthly Eucharistic devotions. Our Altar Society again raised the funds needed to purchase flowers for the church not only at Christmas and Easter, but throughout the year. This year we renovated and opened "Hope House", a former rental property, for meetings of parish organizations. It has been well received. We continue to have new families register in the parish, but we are also losing families through death.

     As I look forward to 2015, I see a lot of reason for hope. Our Finance Council is carefully watching our budget so we can continue to thrive and make improvements. The Pastoral Council and I will be putting together an activity schedule and develop new activities and events that will be of interest and benefit to all parishioners. Our biggest challenge in this new year will be to develop new and effective outreach programs aimed especially to the immigrant Lithuanians in northern Ohio, along with programs to reach out to those who for whatever reason have fallen away from the Church and welcome them home.

     We have the talent and the resources to accomplish much as a parish. In the New Year, let us all work together to make our parish a truly vibrant, welcoming Catholic Community that we are called to be.  

                                                       God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice

  May 2015 be a year of





Thursday, January 1st, is the Feast of Mary, Mother of God, a holy day of obligation. Masses will be celebrated here at St. Casimir’s on Wednesday, December 31st at 5:30pm, and Thursday, January 1st at 11:00am. We encourage everyone to fulfill this obligation by participating at Mass on Mary’s Feast.


Friday, January 2nd, is the First Friday of the month. Following the 7:30am Mass there will be our monthly Holy Hour. All are invited to spend time in prayer before Blessed Sacrament Friday morning form 8:00 to 9:00am.


We thank everyone who worked so hard to make our parish celebration of Christmas such a beautiful experience. Thanks goes to our Altar Society and volunteers who planned and decorated our Church, to our music ministers and choir, and to our lectors and Mass servers for their assistance at the celebration of our Christmas Masses. God Bless all of you.



The Upper Hall (gym) along with the stage, vestibule, classrooms, and upper level will be CLOSED FOR ALL ACTIVITIES from Monday, December 22, 2014 through Sunday, January 11, 2015, for renovations. The ceilings and walls will be painted, and the floor will be sanded, refinished and striped for basketball. The majority of the work will be done to the floor, so it is critical that no one enter the gym during this period.


     The Altar Society thanks everyone who donated for Christmas Flowers this year and helped decorate the Church for Christmas. Because of your generosity ($725.00 was collected), the Altar Society was able to purchase quality plants directly from the grower and purchase other items needed to decorate the Church. 
They also remind everyone that their third annual “Soup of the Soul" fund-raiser will take place after all the Masses the weekend of
January 24-25. Money raised is used to purchase flowers and items needed in the Church.


The After-10:00 Mass Coffee schedule is being organized for 2015. All organizations and parish families are invited to continue hosting the coffee socials. New participants are also invited to join. To volunteer, please contact any of the following by December 28: Dalia Armonas:
Gudėnas: / 216-481-0465
or Ingrid Civinskas: / 440-838-0652.


  DECEMBER 27-28



Sat. 5:30pm

Sun. 8:00am

Sun. 12:00pm







Barb Pallo Erin

Arv Valiukas

Jackie C-Taylor

Arv Valiukas Dave Oligny

Eucharistic Ministers

Faye, Jackie,
Barb Grauel

J. Martinich

Arv, Dave,

Arv Valiukas,
Chris Raddell,
Sami C-Taylor

Jackie C-Taylor,
S. & J. Milikas

Arv Valiukas,
Judy Kowalski

Dave Oligny,
D. Flynt







