Saint Casimir Parish

Old bulletins

05-10-11 05-17-18 05-24-25

05-31-6-1 Lietuviškai



06-21-22 06-28-29 07-04-05 07-12-13

July 19-20, 2014


    One of the most important activities in our Parish should be the religious education of our young people. This is something that I take seriously. Our Parish has unique challenges in this regard. First, there are not that many families with young children in our Parish. Second, we are a multi-cultural and multi-lingual parish and we have to be sensitive to the cultural and language needs of our people. Third, about half of our young people live more than 10 miles from the parish, making it difficult to commute to religious education classes. With these challenges, we still offer religious education to our young people through the eighth grade.

     During the month of August, school will begin for the new year, and we are setting up our religious education program for the school year. Children who will be receiving their First Communion at our Parish are required to have two years of religious education instruction, either here at St. Casimir, in a Catholic School or another PSR program. Families with children going into the First or Second Grade this fall are asked to contact the rectory to register their children for PSR classes.

     The Sacrament Confirmation is administered to students in the eighth or ninth grade. According to Diocesan policy, they are required to participate in a Confirmation program. Classes began last school year for Confirmation and this year’s class is set to receive their Confirmation from Bishop Lennon here on Thursday, September 18th. We will begin another Confirmation class when it is needed.

     Our sacramental preparation programs follow the guidelines set by our own Diocese and conform to the regulations adopted by the Lithuanian Conference of Catholic bishops. We ask that all children be registered for PSR classes by August 31st .


                                        God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice




    Next weekend Redemptorist missionary Fr. Miroslaw Dawlewicz will speak on behalf of the Redemptorists ministries in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In the time of renewal for the Catholic Church in Russia, the Redemptorists have started apostolic activities in the territories of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan. Currently there are 26 Polish Redemptorists working there. They have plans to build a church and parish pastoral center in Togliatti (Central Russia), a city of almost 1 million people that does not have a Catholic Church.

     We will be taking up a second collection at all the Masses next weekend to support this work. Please be generous.




Our Holy Name Society will have their 3rd Annual Picnic for Parishioners on Wednesday, July 30th, from 5-8pm in the back yard of the convent. Hamburgers, hot dogs, side dishes and soft drinks will be served. This event is FREE and open to all parishioners. The monthly raffle drawing will also take place at the picnic and tickets will be available. Come July 30th and enjoy the cookout with your fellow parishioners.





Please remember in your prayers the soul of Lois Peck, who died last week and was buried from our Parish. May she have eternal rest in the peace of God’s Kingdom.



We are pleased to announce that we have surpassed our goal for the new carillon system and renovation of our Church Bell. The extra money that has come in will help pay of the electrical work needed to activate the bell. The electricians will be working in the church this week. We hope to have the bells operating by the end of summer. Thank you to all who contributed and special thanks to those who made the extra effort this past week for us to meet our goal.




Our next Pancake Breakfast will take place on Sunday, August 17th from 8:30am until 1:30pm. Tickets are now available after all the weekend Masses at the main entrance to the Church (in the lower hall after the 10:00 Mass) and at the Rectory during the week. Tickets will also be available at the door. Adult tickets: age 14 and up are $7 ($6 in advance); children: age 6 to 13 – are $4 ($3 in advance). We are also looking for volunteers to help with this fund-raiser. There is a sign up sheet for this in the Book Room. We invite everyone to support this tasty fund-raiser for our parish




Looking for a great family day this summer? Join us for the FEST on Sunday, August 3rd on the seminary grounds in Wickliffe. The 56 acre campus becomes the home of our 14th Annual Catholic Family Festival. It is a day that celebrates faith and family. It’s fun and it’s free. Join thousands from across the region for national Christian bands along with great faith-based activities and displays for the whole family. The day ends with an outdoor Mass at 8:00pm followed by fireworks. For information, go to their website:




Now that we are beginning to move organizations out of the school building to their new home at 18031 Marcella, we need to give the house a name. We will have a contest to name the house. The name should reflect who we are as a parish and the use we are giving to the house. The name should also be easily adapted to both English and Lithuanian usage. (Diocesan restrictions do not allow us to name the house after a person.) The contest is open to any parishioner. Names may be sub-mitted to Father Bacevice through mail, e-mail, or placed in the collection basket on Sunday. Be sure to include your name and address with your submission. The prize for the winning name will be a $100 donation to the parish organization of the winner’s choice, and a $50 prize to the winner. The Parish Pastoral Council will decide the winning entry at their September meeting. All entries must be received by September 1st.




Over the next several weeks, there will be some construction equipment in our parking lots, especially our Neff Road lot. This will present some challenges to those using our lots. Remember to park only in marked parking spaces, leave the handicapped spaces for those who truly need them, do not park on the sidewalks or block the tunnel to the Marcella Road lot. For those using the Marcella Road lot, do not park in the spaces by the convent as they are reserved for the Sisters living and visiting there, do not park in front of the garage doors or block them in any way. Finally, keep the aisles open so cars can get in and out of the lots.


THIS weekend –  JULY 19-20









Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Arv Valiukas

Dave Oligny

Jackie Caruso-Taylor Judy Kowalski Nancy Anzlovar

Eucharistic Ministers

Jackie Caruso-Taylor
F. Roth, B. Grauel

Arv Valiukas
John Milikas

Dave Oligny
Sami Caruso-Taylor

Jackie Caruso-Taylor
John Milikas,
M. Anderson

Judy Kowalski
Sami Caruso-Taylor

Faye Roth,
Dave Oligny
Arv Valiukas




Briana Sami Shawn Sinead