Casimir Parish
April 9 - 10, 2016
thank those who volunteered their time to make our showing
of the documentary film “The Original Image of Divine Mercy”
a success. About 150 people viewed the documentary in three
showings here at St. Casimir’s last week. Thanks to those
who helped set up and clean up the gym and cafeteria, those
who took care of our concession stand and served as
greeters. From the comments we heard, the people appreciated
having the opportunity to see the documentary and it gave
them a deeper insight into the mystery of Jesus’ Divine
Mercy. Thanks to you all.
Stay informed with the latest Catholic news from the Diocese
of Cleveland. Subscribe to the Northeast Ohio Catholic
e-newsletter, the free weekly, electronic newsletter of the
Diocese of Cleveland. It is delivered to your email inbox
Thursday, sharing timely news about the faith,
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used car can become food, medicine and rent for the poor in
our community. When you donate your late model car, truck,
RV or boat to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, not only will
you receive a tax deduction, you will be free from the
troubles of insuring, licensing, repairing and selling your
vehicle. We’ll even provide free towing within 24 hours.
It’s quick and easy to donate. Call
1-800-322-8284 or donate online:
Department of Marriage and Family Ministry, the Office of
Worship and the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist are
pleased to announce the 50th Wedding Anniversary
Celebration. The Mass will be held on
Sunday, July 31 at 2:30pm
at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist with the Most
Reverend Richard G. Lennon as celebrant. Anyone in the
parish who will be celebrating their 50th Wedding
Anniversary this year is invited to participate. Contact
Father Bacevice for a registration form. Registration forms
are to be completed by June 27.
Senior Scouts “Zidinys” invite all parishioners and friends
to the Exultate fund raiser “Together in Song” on Saturday,
April 23rd, at
7:00pm in
our Upper Hall (gym). Tickets are $20 and are available from
Terese Urbaitis, tel.
few times each year, I have to speak about our parish
finances and the challenges we face. I am very happy to
report that though our finances are still a challenge, we
are not in any serious financial danger. Thanks to planning,
budgeting, and utilizing our assets responsibly, we are able
to meet our operating expenses. Also, during the past year,
we were able to raise nearly $25,000 to begin making repairs
to our Neff Road parking lot and we are now seeking bids
from different contractors for parking lot repairs and for
stone work on the entrance to the Church, Rectory and School
buildings. Parking lot repairs will cost approximately
$39,000. I am still waiting for some bids on the stone work.
There are still other repairs that have to be done.
There is repair work that needs to be done on the Church
roof. The rectory and convent roofs will soon need to be
replaced. All of these projects need to be completed, and
what is holding us back right now is the lack of finances.
Over the coming months, I will be working with both the
Pastoral Council and the Finance Council to plan events to
raise the needed funds.
I also want to appeal to everyone in the parish,
particularly those who have lowered their level of support
to the parish, to prayerfully consider their obligation to
support their parish according to their means. I believe
that together we have the ability to make all the necessary
repairs to our buildings and property.
We have a beautiful Church complex that can serve the
Lithuanian community and our neighborhood for many years to
come. All of us should do our part to support the parish, as
those who have come before us have done. Then we can leave
this beautiful parish to the generations of Catholics who
will come after us.
God Bless! Fr.
Joe Bacevice |
ask you to remember in your prayers the souls of Rodney
Oberstar and Kristina Kampe who died recently and were
buried from our Parish. May they have eternal rest in
the Peace of God’s Kingdom.
one week left to place your flower and vegetable
orders from the Altar Society’s annual plant sale. Order
blanks can be found at the entrances to the church on the
bulletin tables. Take home an order blank and look it over
to see which plants you would like to order. Orders
will be accepted until Sunday - April 17. Return
your order in the collection basket, drop it off at the
rectory or mail it back. Support your parish and beautify
your yard. It’s a win-win!
EASTER WEEKEND - APRIL 9 - 10, 2016 |
16 - 17, 2016 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Lector |
Donna Flynt |
Barb Pallo |
Nancy Anzlovar |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Judy Kowalski |
Donna Flynt |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Donna Flynt,
Faye Roth
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
John Martinich |
Dave Oligny
Ted Egan |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor
B. Grauel,
M. Anderson |
John Milikas |
Donna Flynt,
Faye Roth
Arv Valiukas |
Server |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |