Saint Casimir Parish

Old bulletins

Jan. 07 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Lietuviškai Feb.04 Feb.11        


February 17 - 18, 2018


This Monday, February 19th, we will be hosting all the parishes in Collinwood for our Lenten Cluster Mass. After Mass, everyone is invited to our Lower Hall for food and fellowship. We need volunteers to bake, set up and clean up. Those willing to help out are asked to sign up at the main entrance to the church or contact Ingrid Civinskas at: or call 440-838-0652.



Every Friday at 7:00pm during Lent, we pray the Stations of the Cross. This week they will be led by the Altar Society. All are encouraged to participate in this traditional Lenten devotion.


The annual collection to support the Black and Indian Missions takes place this weekend. This is the oldest designated collection in the United States. We ask everyone to be generous in supporting this important work of the Catholic Church.


All Churches in our Diocese will be open on Wednes-day, February 28th, from 5 to 8pm for Confessions. All are invited to take advantage of this unique oppor-tunity to receive this sacrament. We reach out especially to those who have been away for a while so we can provide an opportunity for them to return to the sacramental life of the Church.


On Sunday, March 4th, the feast of our patron, St. Casimir, we will have a Feast of St. Casimir Breakfast. In his honor, we will serve a special breakfast after all the Masses, (8:30am to 1:30pm) with a menu of homemade strata, along with sausage and hash brown potatoes. Tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for children under 14. Save $1 by purchasing your tickets early. They are now on sale after Mass at the main entrance to the Church (in the Lower Hall) and at the Rectory during the week. All are invited to enjoy this special breakfast as we celebrate our patron saint.


This weekend as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the restoration of Lithuania’s independence we extend a special thanks to Dr. Linas Vaitkus for his gift of commemorative lapel pins to mark this occasion. We also thank the senior chapter of the Lithuanian Catholic organization “Ateitis” for their very generous donation for altar flowers on this special day.


Saturday February 24th, at 7:00pm in the St. Casimir Parish Auditorium there will be a special concert to continue celebrating Lithuanian Independence. Soloists from Lithuania, Liudas Mikalauskas and Nida Grigalavičiūtė with accompanist Vytautas Lukošius will perform some of the most acclaimed Lithuanian songs from the past 100 years. Tickets are $20 (no charge for those under 21) and are available in the cafeteria after the 10:00 Mass or by calling Zita at 216-355-0829 or Virginija at 261-526-5609.


     When I speak with people about the trip I took to Lithuania a few years ago, and compare my experiences with what others experienced visiting Lithuania when it was under the rule of the Soviet Union, the transformation that has taken place is remarkable. In just over 27 years, Lithuania not only transformed its infrastructure, but also its education, agriculture, business and tourism. What had once been a grim and oppressed state became a growing nation and a vibrant part of the world community.

     What made this change? The answer comes in two words: freedom and spirit. In 1990 the time was right for the people who were enslaved to taste freedom, and they were willing to risk everything - even their lives - to stand up to what was called the Evil Empire, and to declare their independence again.

     Much of the same was true when Lithuania declared its Independence in 1918. Oppressed by a failing Russia, people longed for freedom and risked everything - even their lives - to declare their country’s independence and to establish themselves as an independent nation. After that brave Declaration, what had once been a serfdom of Russia became a free and growing nation and a vibrant part of the world community.

     This weekend we gather here with our youngsters to celebrate Lithuania’s Independence - not only its restoration in 1990, but to celebrate the special occasion of the Centenary of Lithuania’s Independence originally declared in 1918. Whether one is Lithuanian or not, it is a time to celebrate the freedom of the Lithuanian people today and to reflect on the precious gift of freedom. With the ongoing troubles and wars in other parts of the world, we see that the gift of freedom continues to be threatened. So as we celebrate this special ocassion, let us all also renew our efforts to ensure that every person in our world is a free person, one who can determine his or her own future, free from fear, and be a vibrant member of the world community.


 God Bless ! Fr. Joe Bacevice



We ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of  Evelyn Newyear and Casimir Palubinskas, who died last week and were buried from our parish. May they have eternal rest in the peace of God’s kingdom.


This weekend we welcome Rev. Paul Maliska, Pastor of two Lithuanian Parishes in Montreal. He is here with the Lithuanian choir from Montreal as part of the 100th Anniversary celebration of the Signing of the Lithuanian Declaration of Independence. They joined together with the choirs and dancers from Toronto and Cleveland to celebrate this joyous occasion. We thank all of you for your performance on Saturday, and wish our visitors a joyous visit in Cleveland, along with a safe trip home.




Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm


Jackie Caruso-Taylor Arv Valiukas Sarah Oligny Faye Roth Barb Pallo Donna Flynt

Faye Roth

John Martinich

Ted Egan

Barbara Grauel

Judy Kowalski

Dave Oligny


Peter Briana Deidre Peter Briana Sinead