Saint Casimir Parish  

Earlier bulletins Jan.06 Jan.13     Lietuviškai            
2014 2018                      

January 19 - 20, 2018 m.


     Last Tuesday, January 15th was my 42nd ordination anniversary. After the morning Mass that day, members of the Pastoral Council gave me a nice card and a gift to remember the day.

     I have spent some time over the past few days reflecting on those 42 years of service as a priest in our diocese. I’ve had many different duties over the years, such as being the Master of Ceremonies for the late Archbishop Lyke, serving as Defender of the Bond at our Tribunal and Appeals Court for almost 36 years, being a board member of our Diocesan Facilities Services Corporation for 8 years, serving as the Presbyteral Convener for the Central East District of the Diocese for 3 years, and have been on the Diocesan Building Commission for 7 years. During the past 42 years I have served in 5 parishes and spent 6 months in Rome studying. I have been involved in ethnic ministry for 40 years serving the Lithuanians here in Cleveland along with the Hispanic community at St. Francis in Cleveland.

     As I look back on all of this, I do so with gratitude for the great experiences I’ve had, the people I’ve served, along with the hope that I’ve made a difference in peoples lives. I have many great memories of friends and acquaintances I’ve had, and I look forward to the years ahead where I can continue having having the best job in the world. Over the years, many have thanked me for my service, and now I thank you for all you have shared with me.  


                      God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice


The Diocese of Cleveland honors the Church’s teaching that every life is cherished, chosen and sent. Each year, the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist celebrates the Mass for Life on January 22nd, the anniversary date of Roe v. Wade. Members of all parishes and students from all high schools are encouraged to join in prayer at the special liturgy on Tuesday, January 22nd at 10:00am. Following Mass, the Rosary for Life will be prayed. In our society, it is easy to see ways that the dignity of human life is disregarded. God creates every person for eternal union with himself and continually invites us to embrace the teaching that every life is chosen.



We will be accepting donations for Latin American Missions and El Salvador next weekend. This is the only appeal made by the Diocesan Mission Office for the Cleveland Latin American Mission in El Salvador. It is the main support for two diocesan priests who work in the two parishes served by our Mission Office. This appeal also makes a contribution to the Collection for the Church in Latin America that is managed by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and benefits projects and the formation of seminarians, religious and lay leaders in 23 countries across Latin America. Please be generous.


A very big thank you to all of the good-hearted volunteers who did not hesitate to give of their precious time last Sunday and came to help take down the Christmas decorations in church. You are our treasure!


The week of January 18–25, is proclaimed by the Church as the week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Our prayers this week reflect our Lord’s prayer that all of us may be one.


“The right created by the Supreme Court in Roe is a constitutional right of some human beings to kill other human beings. I do not mean for my description to be provocative, but simply direct – blunt about facts. One need not presume that the human fetus has a right not to be killed in order to recognize that, as a descriptive matter, Roe creates a right for one class of human beings to kill other human beings.” (University of St. Thomas Law professor Michael Paulson)


A sincere thanks goes to the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association for their recent donation of $600 to our parish. This organization matches our fund-raising activities up to $600 and this gift is their donation as a result of our Annual Clambake.



We are getting to the worst part of the annual influenza (flu) season, with many people succumbing to the virus. The flu virus is an irritation for many, but for our elderly, it can be dangerous. During this winter season, if you are feeling ill, please do not drink the Precious Blood from the chalice at communion time. The chalices are thoroughly cleaned after each Mass and our communion ministers are instructed to use hand sanitizer both before and after distributing communion. We urge everyone to take the proper steps to stay healthy and keep others healthy during this winter season.



Until now, we have had a mild winter with very little snow, but winter has finally arrived. With cold temperatures and measure-able snow fall, we face the challenges of winter in Cleveland. Snow and ice are everywhere, so I remind everyone to be very careful when you are out in the winter. At St. Casimir’s we try to keep our property clear of snow and ice, but that is not always possible. A fall for anyone, especially our older members is dangerous, and for our older members, the cold is dangerous. As we face very cold and snowy weather, please be careful and use common sense about going out in this weather, even going out to Church. Remember, God does not expect the impossible from any of us. We also remind our younger members to look in on older parents, neighbors and friends. Finally, if you miss Mass on a given Sunday, please make up for your missed offering. Unfortunately, our expenses never take a break.



Parishioner contribution statements for 2018 are now available. Those who requested a statement last year were mailed one this year. For those who need a statement, drop a note with your name and envelope number in the collection basket or call the office during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 10:00am to 5:00pm.) Statements will be sent in the mail.


THIS WEEKEND -  JANUARY 19 - 20, 2018

NEXT WEEKEND -  JANUARY 26 - 27, 2018

Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm


Jackie Caruso-Taylor Barb Pallo Arv Valiukas Faye Roth Arv Valiukas Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Faye Roth,
Maureen Anderson
Jackie Caruso-Taylor

John Martinich

Arv Valiukas,
Ted Egan
Donna Flynt

Faye Roth,
John Milikas
Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Judy Kowalski

Jackie & Bri Caruso-Taylor
Ted Egan


Peter Briana Sinead Peter Briana Deirdre