Monday a sound was heard in
our neighborhood that had
not been heard in many years
– at 12:00 noon and again at
the St. Casimir Parish bell
rang the Angelus.
On Tuesday
morning, it rang at
to announce the
Our new bell system was
finally installed after a
year of fund raising and
many other challenges. In
addition to the original
church bell, we have
electronic carillon bells
that are able chime the
hours of the day along with
a library of over 300
religious and patriotic
hymns for every season of
the Church year.
Now the bell will ring
to announce our scheduled
Masses, the twice daily
Angelus, and will toll for
all our funerals. The
donations covered the cost
of the bell system with
about $1,000 left over to
help cover the electrician
cost of $3,800. A donor
plaque will be made and
placed in the Church
My sincere thanks to
all the donors who made this
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
remember in your prayers the soul of
Totedo who recently died and was buried from out Parish. May
have eternal rest in the peace of God’s Kingdom.
September 18th, at
Bishop Lennon will administer the Sacrament of
Confirmation to 5 children from our Parish. We invite
everyone in the Parish to witness this event and participate
at this Mass.
Following the Mass there
will be a reception for the Bishop and the children in our
cafeteria. We are looking for volunteers to bake for and
host this reception. If you are able to help, please
sign up in the Book Room or contact Father Bacevice.
the month of August, as our young people plan for the
beginning of a new school year, we are also planning our
religious education program for the coming year. Children of
grade school age should be receiving formal religious
training, either in a Catholic school, or in a parish PSR
program. Two years of Catholic instruction is required for
First Communion, and Confirmation is administered in the
eighth grade. Families with children who need to enroll in
our PSR program, are asked to contact the parish office to
register before August 31st.
thank our volunteers and those who bought tickets and
enjoyed our pancake breakfast last Sunday. 116 people
participated. After expenses, the parish made $581.00. |
are pleased to announce that our Annual Fall fund raiser
Clambake and Raffle will take place on Saturday, October 25th,
beginning after the evening Mass in our upper hall. Autumn
Raffle tickets are now available in the back of the Church.
All parishioners are asked
to pick up their envelope with Raffle tickets at the main
entrance of the church, as this will save us the cost of mailing
them to everyone.
total of $2,000 will be given away in the Raffle. Tickets are $1
each, or a book of 12 for $10. Additional tickets are available
at the entrance to the Church and at the rectory. Tickets to the
Clambake/Steak Roast will be available before Labor Day. Dinner
tickets are $29.95 for either the Clambake (chicken bake) or
Steak dinner (no clams): extra clams - $10. We invite everyone
to participate in this parish fundraiser and support our Parish.
We are also looking for volunteers to help with this event.
There is a sign-up sheet in the Book Room.
Our 2014 Diocesan Catholic
Charities Parish Appeal is approaching its goal. Our Parish’s
goal for this year is $11,843.00, and so far you have pledged
$11,570.00 or 97.69% of our goal. If we can pledge an additional
$273, we will have reached our goal. Catholic Charities relies
on this annual appeal to meet the charitable needs of our
diocese and is one of the largest Catholic Charities in the
Join the Cleveland Indians for Mass
and a Ball game for Catholic Family Day at Progressive Field on
Sunday, September 28th . The pre-game Mass will be
celebrated in the Ball Park at 10:15am.
Ticket prices start at $14 and can be purchased online at
http://tinyurl.com/kmtyg8z Enter the special offer code
"baseball." For more information, contact Jackie Plys at
Only one week left to

Only one week left to submit your name suggestion for our house
on Marcella Road
The name should reflect who we are as a parish as
well as the use of the house, and be easily adapted to both
English and Lithuanian usage. (Diocesan restrictions do not
allow naming the house after a person.) Submit your suggestion
along with your name and address to Fr. Bacevice by mail,
e-mail, or in the collection basket. The winner will receive $50
and a $100 donation will be made to the parish organization of
the winner’s choice. The Pastoral Council will decide the
winning entry at their September meeting. All entries must be
received by September 1st.
Someone once said "marriages may be
made in heaven, but they sure take a lot of work on earth." Have
you become so distracted by outside pressures that you have
neglected your spouse? Retrouvaille can help you put your
troubled marriage back on track. The next Cleveland
Retrouvaille weekend will be held
September 19-21. For more
information or to register, contact Diane or Al Miskinis in
complete confidence at
330-665-3506 or
1-800-470-2230, or go to