I was looking at the
calendar recently and
wondered where summer went.
It was a busy time here,
getting our school building
ready to become a school
again. In a few weeks,
Bishop Lennon will be coming
to our Parish to administer
Confirmation, and next
month, on the day of our
clam bake, we will celebrate
our Fifth Anniversary as St.
Casimir Parish.
In honor of this
anniversary, we published a
pictorial directory of our
parish. We will begin
distributing the directories
next weekend, after all the
Masses at the main entrance
to the church and in the
cafeteria after the
Mass. Those who participated
in this program by having a
photograph taken will
receive a free directory. We
hope to have all the
directories distributed by
the end of September.
As we begin a new
activity year, it’s good to
remind ourselves why we are
here. At the top of the Mass
page of the bulletin each
week, we publish our Parish
Mission Statement. All of us
should take the time to read
it on a regular basis to
serve as a reminder of who
we are, what were called to,
and what our goals are.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
the past several months we were soliciting names for our
House on Marcella Road. Thirty-two names were submitted. At
last Tuesday’s meeting, our Pastoral Council officially
named the house "Hope House" – "Vilties Namai."
The name was
explained: "As we move forward as a parish, a faith
community, and as individuals, we do so placing our trust in
God. We look to the future with hope that we may all work
together and make our parish a vibrant and thriving parish.
The groups that meet in Hope House - Vilties Namai, do so
with the goal of bringing our parish members together and
making our parish stronger." The name was submitted by Julie
Zivile Vaitkus. A $100 donation in her name will be made to
the Altar Society.
We thank the Holy Name
Society for their generosity to our Parish. At their last
meeting, the members voted to pay $1,000 for the new air
conditioning system in Hope House and donated $100 toward
the electrical wiring needed for our new bell system. They
also volunteered to host the reception for Bishop Lennon
after the Confirmation Mass on September 18th. A
big and sincere thank you.
Congratulations to Faith
Thompson, the winner of the August split raffle. At total of
370 tickets were sold, so the prize was $185.
thank Ingrida Civinskas for her generous donation for altar
flowers. The flowers gracing the altar this week are in
loving memory of her parents, Helene and Vincas Samatauskas. |
weekend we commemorate the earliest appearance of our Blessed
Mother in Europe, in the small town of Siluva, Lithuania in
1608. We are handing out a flier that has the entire story of
Our Lady of Siluva, and after Communion we will recite the
prayer to Our Lady of Siluva. Let us all pray this weekend that
our Blessed Mother under the name of Our Lady of Siluva protect
Lithuania, the homeland of so many in the Parish, and that she
intercede with her Divine Son that peace reign in our troubled
Catholic Relief Services has asked the Bishops of the United
States to take up a second collection to provide humanitarian
relief and pastoral support for our affected brothers and
sisters in the Middle East. The funds will be sent to Catholic
Relief Services and will be used by them and other Catholic
agencies working in partnership with the local Church to meet
the most urgent humanitarian needs facing the people in Iraq,
Gaza, Syria, and surrounding countries where refugees have fled.
We will take up this collection at St. Casimir’s next weekend.
Donations can be placed in an envelope marked "Middle East" and
put in the collection basket. Checks should be made out to St.
Casimir Parish. Please be generous.
For the past year and half, Bishop
Lennon has spoken on different topics twice each month at
following the noon
Mass at the Cathedral. This month, Bishop Lennon will speak
about Organization at the Vatican on Wednesday, September 10th,
and Thursday, September 25th. All are invited.
If you do not speak
Lithuanian but would like to learn, or if you speak it with
difficulty and want to improve your grammar and vocabulary,
and/or have an interest in Lithuanian history, customs, and
culture, these classes are for you. You have the choice of
several options:
1)Conversation only, no written homework , 30
minutes per week,
2)Conversation and grammar, some homework, 75
3)Conversation and audit grammar (no homework),
4)Presentations in English on Lithuanian history
and culture, 75 minutes per month. For more information and
registration, contact
Vida Bucmys at
Sisters of Notre Dame invite you to attend their 52nd
Annual Barbecue and Boutique to be held on Sunday, September 21
and Sunday, September 28, from noon
until 5:00pm. Enjoy
barbecued chicken or ribs, chips, apple pie, coleslaw and
beverages. Select Sisters’ handmade items in the Boutique.
Tickets are available at the door: $12/chicken, $15/ribs. Held
at Notre Dame Educational Center, 13000 Auburn Rd., Chardon,
Ohio, south of Mayfield Rd. (Rt. 322) at the Notre Dame
Cathedral Latin Campus. Take out dinners are also available. |