
Casimir Parish
February 14 - 15, 2015

Not too long ago, I was
speaking with some people
about the trip I took to
Lithuania and we were
comparing what I experienced
with what others experienced
visiting Lithuania when it
was under the Soviet Union.
In 25 years, Lithuania
transformed itself, not only
with infrastructure but in
education, agriculture,
business and tourism. What
was once a depressing,
sluggish state became a
growing nation and a vibrant
part of the world community.
What made this change?
The answer comes in two
words: freedom and spirit.
The time was right for the
people who were enslaved to
taste freedom, and the
people were willing to risk
everything, even their lives
to stand up to what was
called the Evil Empire and
declare their independence
Much of the same things
could be said with
Lithuania’s Declaration of
Independence back in 1918.
Under domination of a
failing Russia, the people
longed for freedom and
risked everything, even
their lives, to gather
together declare their
independence and establish
themselves as an independent
nation. After that
Declaration, what was once a
small serfdom became a free
and growing nation and a
vibrant part of the world
This weekend, so many
people around the world are
gathering to reflect on and
celebrate freedom – their
own freedom and the freedom
of their homeland. Whether
one is Lithuanian or not, it
is a time to celebrate the
freedom of the Lithuanian
people today and to reflect
on the precious gift of
freedom. With the trouble in
the Middle East and the
conflict between Russia and
Ukraine, we see that gift of
freedom being threatened
again. So, it is also a time
for all of us to renew our
efforts to make every person
in our world a free person,
who can determine his or her
own future free from fear,
and be a vibrant member of
the entire world community.
God Bless! Fr. Joe
2015m. Catholic Charities metinis vajus
prasideda visose mūsų vyskupijos parapijose šį savaitgalį
Mišių metu. Šis vajus nėra speciali rinkliava. Verčiau,
Catholic Charities metinis vajus yra proga visiems
katalikams pasižadėti duoti svarią auką, kurią galima mokėti
dalimis, ir padėti Catholic Charities teikti pagelbą „mažiausiams
iš mūsų.“
Daugelis parapijiečių jau yra gavę
vajaus prašymo laišką paštu iš vyskupo Lennon. Jei gavote
laišką paštu, atsiliepkite į jį. Suoluose dalinamame
vokelyje bus langelis, kuriame galėsite pažymėti, jog esate
atsiliepę į prašymą paštu. Jei nesate gavę laiško,
atsiliepkite į prašymą šiandien bažnyčioje!
Kažkas nuostabaus įvyksta kuomet
jungiamės Kristuje su kitais. Daugiau negu 276,000 žmonių
kiekviename šiaurės Ohio valstijos mieste ir užmiestyje yra
aptarnaujami šios organizacijos programų ir tarnysčių.
Kviečiame apsvarstyti Catholic Charities darbus ir duoti
svarią auką metiniam vajui ir taip melstis, kad 2015m. vajus
būtų sėkmingas.
The annual collection to support the Black
and Indian Missions takes place nest weekend. This is the
oldest designated collection in the United States. We ask
everyone to be generous in supporting this important work of
the Catholic Church.
season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18th.
Ashes will be distributed at our Masses at 7:30am in English
and 7:00pm in Lithuanian. With this bulletin is an insert
which contains the spiritual opportunities available at our
Parish and in Collinwood during this season, along with the
dietary regulations regarding fasting and abstaining from
meat. Extra copies will be available during the entire
Lenten season. We invite you to make use of the
opportunities provided for your own spiritual growth.
We thank
the Altar Society for their generous donation of $1,000. to
the Parish to purchase new Communion Cups and Church Linens.
The Holy Name Society has also donating $100 for this
purpose. These new items will certainly enhance the beauty
and dignity of the Sacred Liturgy we celebrate each week.

Sunday, March
we as a parish will celebrate the Feast of St.
Casimir, patron saint of our Parish and of
Lithuania. On Sunday,
March 1st,
we will celebrate one Mass (bilingual) for the
entire Parish at
For those unable to participate at this Mass, we
will celebrate our
evening Mass at
After Mass, we invite everyone to our Upper
Hall (gym), where brunch will be served. Tickets
to the brunch and program will be available for
sale next weekend: after the weekend Masses at
the main entrance of the Church, in the Lower
Hall after the
Mass and at the rectory during the week. Adult
tickets are $10 and children 12 and under are
free. Only 200 tickets are available, so we urge
you to purchase them early.
We encourage everyone in the parish to come
together to celebrate our heritage and our faith
and share these gifts with each other. |
are looking for volunteers to help with our St. Casimir Day
celebration. We will need help setting up
on Saturday and cleaning up on
Sunday, along with help with cooking and serving
food. If you are willing to help us, please sign up in the
Book Room.
Also, on Monday, March 9th,
we will be hosting all the parishes in Collinwood for our
Lenten Cluster Mass. After the Mass, everyone is invited to
our Lower Hall for food and fellowship. We need volunteers
to bake, set up and clean up. Those willing to help out,
please sign up in the Book Room or contact Steven Matas at:
or call
The Cleveland Right to
Life is sponsoring “Bringing America Back to Life” on Friday
and Saturday, March 6-7, 2015, at the Embassy Suites, 5800
Rockside Woods Blvd., Independence, Ohio. The two-day event
features local, national, and internationally recognized
speakers addressing the challenges and opportunities
currently facing the Right-to-Life movement. To register for
any part of the convention, pick up a convention brochure in
the Book Room. |
weekend –
14 - 15 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Lector |
Sue Milikas |
Judy Kowalski |
Erin Randel |
Faye Roth |
Barb Pallo |
Donna Flynt |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Faye Roth,
John Milikas
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Judy Kowalski,
John Martinich |
Brian Kemer,
Dave Oligny
Donna Flynt |
Faye Roth, M.Anderson
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Arv Valiukas,
John Martinich |
Donna Flynt,
Dave Oligny,
Brian Kemer |
Servers |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |