
Casimir Parish
May 9 - 10, 2015

This Sunday,
is Mothers Day, the day we
honor our mothers. On this
day, we remember the prayer
of blessing given to new
mothers on the day their
child is baptized: "God
the Father, through his Son,
the Virgin Mary’s child, has
brought joy to all Christian
mothers, as they see the
hope of eternal light shine
on their children. May he
bless (our mothers). They
now thank God for the gift
of their children. May they
be one with their children
in thanking God for ever in
heaven, in Christ Jesus our
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
We thank everyone who worked to make our pancake breakfast
last week a success. 120 people enjoyed the breakfast. After
expenses, the Parish made a profit of about $606.00.
Wednesday, May 13th,
we will have our monthly Eucharistic Adoration in the church
6:00-9:00pm. All are invited to spend some
quiet time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. For those
able to make a commitment to spend time in prayer, we ask
you to sign up for a specific time. The sign-up sheet is
located in the main entrance to the Church.
Usually at this time of year, we begin accepting Masses for
the following year. However, because we have so many open
dates for Masses this year, we will not open the 2016 Mass
book until we fill this year’s Mass Book. Those who wish to
schedule Masses this for this year, are asked to contact the
Parish office.
Euclid Hospital has volunteers who distribute
Holy Communion to patients 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.
The commitment of time is 1 to 1˝ hours each week. To
volunteer for this ministry, contact Gerry Graf (216-383-1368)
or Mary Lynn Pesto (216-486-5875).
As the activity year winds down, many
start thinking about summer activities. This is the time of
year I start thinking about next year, particularly
regarding religious education. It is the parish’s
responsibility to see that the children are receiving
religious education and are participating in the life of the
Church. For our younger children, preparation is needed for
their First Communion. Diocesan policy requires two years of
religious education prior to receiving First Communion. For
those approaching their teen years, preparation is needed to
receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. For those in Catholic
School, there is a seven week program and for those not in
Catholic School, an additional two years of religious
education is needed.
Families who have children who will be
receiving their First Communion or Confirmation are asked to
contact Fr. Bacevice or Jackie Caruso-Taylor to register for
Sunday, June 14, 2015,
we will commemorate the 74th Anniversary of the
Occupation of the Baltic States by the Soviet Union and
remember the victims of the mass deportations of June 13-14,
1941. The Commemoration will be an Ecumenical Prayer Service
2:00pm here at St. Casimir’s. All are invited
to join with the Estonians and Latvians for this special
day. Refreshments will be served afterward in the cafeteria.
This event is sponsored by the Baltic American Committee of
Cleveland. |
This weekend we are accepting donations to support the
Office of Catechetical Services. This office works to
enhance the catechetical initiative (PSR programs)
throughout the Diocese, supports faith formation for all
including adult faith formation, catechetical leader
training and catechist formation for teachers of religion,
media literacy, and the Newman Campus Ministry program.
Please use the envelopes provided for this collection and
please be generous.
Last weekend we announced that we will
also take up a special collection to aid the Victims of the
Earthquake in Nepal. Place your donation in an envelope
marked “Earthquake Relief” and put it in the collection
basket this week. Checks should be made out to St. Casimir
Parish. Please be generous.
Altar Society thanks everyone who placed an order for
flowers and vegetables. This year we have more orders to
fill than ever before. And so – we need your help on the day
the flowers are delivered to help unload the truck and sort
the orders – more than ever before.
We need your
help on Saturday, May 16, between 9:45am and 2:00pm.
If you can come help out for all or even just a part
of the time, please let us know.
There is a sign-up
sheet at the main entrance of the church, or call Jackie
Taylor 216-509-0401 or Julie Vaitkus 216-392-5170. Many
hands make light work. Thank you!
During May, our Holy
Name Society (HNS) is recruiting new members to expand their
organization. Membership is open to all parishioners who
wish to either be active or inactive members. The HNS is
worldwide Catholic organization that promotes the Holy Name
of Jesus, fosters prayer, good citizenship, and assists in
the mission of the Parish. They meet monthly on the last
Wednesday at 7:00pm. Annual dues are just $5; a membership
envelope is included in the current envelope pack.
Saturday, June 13, 2015, Deacon Lukas Laniauskas will be
ordained to the order of Presbyter for service to the
Society of Jesus of the Chicago-Detroit Province at the
Queen of All Saints Basilica in
Chicago, Illinois. The Presiding Bishop will be the Most
Reverend Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of
Indianapolis. Father Laniauskas will celebrate a First Mass
of Thanksgiving on Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 4:00pm at
Camp Dainava in
Manchester, Michigan. He also looks forward to coming
home to St. Casimir’s to
celebrate Mass sometime this autumn.
As a
Parish community, we thank God for the gift of Father
Laniauskas’ vocation and offer our prayers that he have a
blessed and fulfilled life serving the Church as a Jesuit
plans are finalized for Father’s Mass here at St. Casimir’s,
we will keep everyone informed.
Monday, May 25th is Memorial Day.
Our Catholic War Veterans Post 613 will have their annual
Memorial Day commemoration here at St. Casimir: 8:30am - a
service at the Freedom Memorial in our Neff Road parking
lot, followed by Mass at 9:00am. The commemoration will
conclude with breakfast in our lower hall. All are invited.
“Child’s Gate to Learning” (CGL) supports neglected children
in Lithuania. To
raise funds, the Cleveland chapter is offering a boxed lunch
for $10. All lunches must be ordered by May 20. Lunches
must be picked up on Sunday, May 31st after the
10:00 Mass. Donations are welcomed. To order lunch, make
a donation, or for information about CGL contact Egle
Laniauskas (
or send your order to 6604 Ivana Court, Mentor, OH, 44060.
Order forms can also be found in the Book Room
- 10 |
WEEKEND – MAY 16 - 17 |
5:30pm |
8:00 am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Lector |
Sue Milikas |
Judy Kowalski |
Erin Randel |
Roth |
Anzlovar |
Oligny |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Sue Milikas,
John Milikas,
Barbara Grauel |
Judy Kowalski
John Martinich |
Arv Valiukas,
Dave Oligny
Donna Flynt |
Maureen Anderson
Barbara Grauel |
Jackie C-Taylor |
Oligny, Donna Flynt
Brian Kemer |
Server |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sami |