Monday, September 5th, is Labor Day. Because of
the holiday, our offices will be closed.
the Cleveland Indians for Mass and a ballgame for Catholic Family Day at
Progressive Field on Sunday, September 25, 2016. Mass will be celebrated
at the Ballpark at 10:15am.
Tickets can be purchased online with this link:
and enter the special passcode: “catholic”. For more information, call
or email
The Labor Day weekend
signals the beginning of the election season. This year we will elect people to
federal, state and local offices. As a tax exempt organization, the Internal
Revenue Service mandates that we may not participate in, or intervene in any
political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public
office. This is an absolute prohibition, and one instance of political
campaign intervention can lead
to the revocation of tax exempt status.
Practically speaking, this
prohibition includes the following: Making statements – through any medium – of
support or opposition for a particular candidate, political party, or political
action committee (PAC). No statements of support or opposition to candidates,
political parties or PACs should be made at parish events, or appear in parish
publications, parish website, or made through parish social media. Political
signs are not permitted on church property. Also prohibited is soliciting or
providing financial support of any candidate, political party, or PAC, providing
the same with in-kind support, soliciting signatures for candidates,
distributing voter education materials on parish property biased with respect to
any political party, candidate or PAC. If anyone has any questions about what is
permitted, please contact Father Bacevice.
Saturday, September 17 at 6:30pm at 1 Bratenahl Place the Lithuanian
Cultural Garden will celebrate its 80th birthday. Entertainment
by soloist Virginija Muliolis; refreshments served, drinks for purchase. For
tickets ($30) or a table call
Sunday, September
18 at 2:00pm the
Lithuanian Cultural Garden continues its 80th anniversary celebration
at the garden. Come for the ceremony and to listen to the Exultate choir.
to the Lithuanian Parliament will take place on October 9, 2016. Eligible
Lithuanian citizens living abroad are encouraged to vote. Registration and
voting information is posted in the Book Room and on the bulletin board in the
lower hall.
St. Jerome’s Annual Chinese Auction will take place on
Saturday, September 10, at the Bratenahl
Community Center,10300 Brighton Rd., Bratenahl, Ohio, 44108. Doors open at
12:00 noon and the auction begins at
1:30. For more information, contact Marcy Johns
The YCP Speakers Series is a monthly program in which executives share their
business experience and challenge young professionals to “Work in Witness for
Christ.” Brian Lombardi will share his experience of faith at Bronx Fives on
Tuesday, September 13th, at Borromeo Seminary in Wickliffe. Enjoy
free appetizers and drinks. Find out more at YCP Cleveland’s Facebook page. |
Where has
summer gone? Last week, many of our children returned to school and more will
return this week. In two weeks, we will celebrate Labor Day. The days are
getting shorter and the weather is finally cooling down. Our Parish
organizations will soon begin their programs after a summer break. For many in
the Parish, it is time to say farewell to summer and look forward to all the
activities that will occupy their time until next June.
Our Parish organizations will soon begin their programs after a summer break.
For many in the Parish, it is time to say farewell to summer and look forward to
all the activities that will occupy their time until next June.
As we begin new activities this fall, it is a good time
to re-commit ourselves to our Parish. Since we became St. Casimir Parish nearly
seven years ago, our goal was to unite the Lithuanian community into one Church
and open our doors to welcome others who want to be a part of our unique
multi-cultural, ethnic community. The Sunday Eucharist is the center of our
lives as Christian Catholics, and from this center, we branch out to provide
ministries to bring us closer together and meet our needs.
I personally invite all of you to re-commit yourself to
your Faith and to our Parish. Bring your joys and sorrows, your cares and
concerns and place them before our Lord in the Eucharist. From there, let us
together find happiness, contentment and fulfillment as we journey toward a
closer union with our Lord.
Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of
Marilyn Mulanax who died recently and was buried from our Parish. May
she have eternal
rest in the peace of God’s kingdom.
We are updating our Parish Organization Page on our
website. We ask heads of organizations to check their organization’s information
on our website (www.saintcasimirparish.org)
and report any needed additions, deletions; submit pictures or
information to Amanda Muliolis (atmuliolis@gmail.com)
Heads of organizations are asked to visit our website and their page frequently
and update information on a regular basis. This way, everyone in the parish will
know of your activities.
Sixth Annual Clambake/Steak Roast/Autumn Raffle will take place on
Saturday, October 22nd,
beginning after the 5:30 Mass in our upper hall. Raffle
tickets are now available at the back of the Church. All parishioners are
asked to pick up their envelope with Raffle tickets, as this will save us
the cost of mailing them to everyone. Dinner tickets will be available after
Labor Day. In addition to great food, there will be plenty of refreshments, a
basket auction, split raffles and sideboards. We invite everyone to participate
in the fund raiser to support our parish.
We are also looking for volunteers to help with this project. Set up, clean
up, bakers, and other volunteer positions need to be filled. Please sign up in
the Book Room to help us out. We look forward to seeing everyone on
October 22nd.
Again this year, we are
printing a program book for our Fall Fund Raiser. Parishioners, Parish
Organizations, and businesses are invited to advertise or send their greetings
showing support for our Parish. An ad can be placed for as little as $5. Ad
forms are in everyone’s ticket envelope and additional forms are available at
the back of the church. Everyone is invited to participate. |