
Saint Casimir Parish
April 15 - 16, 2017
Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday, the day we are reminded of the Divine Mercy of
our Redeemer. Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, all of us are invited to
experience the Divine Mercy of the Lord. The Second Sunday of Easter was
proclaimed by Saint John Paul II as Divine Mercy Sunday in 1990, the day he
canonized Saint Faustina Kowalska. Divine Mercy Sunday was also the day Pope
Francis selected to canonize both Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II as
saints in the Church.
16 (Easter Sunday) is the last day to turn in your
orders for the Altar Society Spring flower and vegetable sale. Don’t delay -
return your order form in the collection basket or turn it in to the rectory.
If you need an extra day or two to complete your order, please contact Jackie
Taylor at 216-509-0401 to make arrangements.
Next Sunday,
April 23rd,
everyone is invited to participate in a family-style Coffee Social after the
10:00 Mass. All families in the Parish are invited to bring a plate of honey
cake/cookies to the lower hall and share the Easter season spirit (and your
goodies) with fellow parishioners.
Diocesan Department of Marriage and Family Ministry is pleased to announce that
the 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration Mass will be held on
Sunday, July 30, 2017, at 2:30pm at the Cathedral of St. John the
Evangelist. Everyone in the parish who will be celebrating their 50th
Wedding Anniversary this year is invited to participate. Those interested are
asked to contact Father Bacevice for a registration form. The forms are to be
returned to the rectory before the end of June.
Have you ever noticed how few Easter songs there are? Easter defies being
reduced to chestnuts on an open fire or snow and mistletoe and presents. Easter
demands a bold proclamation: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us
rejoice and be glad” or simply the repeated one word anthem: “Alleluia,
Alleluia, Alleluia.” These are our Easter songs.
Today begins the fifty days of Easter, our longest celebration in the
Church year, a season given over to joyful, faith-filled songs. The Scripture
readings of Easter morning give us a reason to rejoice. St. Peter provides the
story of Jesus from his Baptism, through his ministry, to his death and
resurrection. St. Peter who strongly denied knowing Jesus is now a bold witness
to the Risen Jesus. St. Paul follows calling the Corinthians to be the
unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Finally, the “beloved disciple”, the
most intuitive of believers, with eyes of faith, discerns resurrection in a
folded head-cloth, some scattered burial clothing, and an empty tomb.
On this special day, we wish everyone in our Parish Community and our
visitors a glorious day, full of love, peace and joy. We also invite you to live
their Faith each day, grow in your relationship with Our Lord Jesus, and join in
the celebration of the Eucharist each Sunday during the year.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
thank the members of the Altar Society for their work decorating the Church for
this Easter Season. We also thank those who made donations to pay for the
flowers. Together you made our Church a beautiful house of worship to celebrate
the Resurrection. God Bless all of you!
On this Easter Sunday we are pleased to unveil our new Resurrected Christ statue
in the front the Church.
This statue is a gift to the parish from the Altar Society and the Holy Name
Society. The old statue was old and was broken so many times that it could not
be fixed. This new statue is made of cast fiberglass and is much more durable.
We hope to get many years of use from it. |

WEEKEND - APRIL 15 - 16, 2017
NEXT WEEKEND - APRIL 22-23, 2017 |
Sat. 9:00pm |
Sun. 12:00pm
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Judy K./Erin
Jackie/ Dave O. |
Nancy A. |
Faye Roth |
Judy Kowalski |
Dave Oligny |
Dave Oligny,
Arv Valiukas
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Ted Egan,
Faye Roth
Dave Oligny |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor
John Milikas,
Faye Roth |
Arv Valiukas |
Dave Oligny,
Ted Egan
Donna Flynt |
Sinead, Deidra,
Sami, Briana |
Shawn |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |