
Casimir Parish
April 30 - May 1, 2016
We still
have several Mass openings for this year, both on weekdays
(beginning in May) and on weekends (beginning in July). For
those who would like to schedule Masses for 2016, please
contact our office. The usual offering for Mass is $10.
next Pancake Breakfast will be on Sunday, May 22nd,
after all the Masses, from
8:30am to
Adults - $7 and children 12 and younger - $4. Save $1 by
purchasing your ticket early. Tickets are available after
the weekend Masses at the main entrance to the Church, in
the lower hall after the
10:00 Mass,
and at the Rectory during the week. All proceeds benefit the
Last week
we received our quarterly distribution from the Rooted in
Faith campaign. Including the current check for
$2,603.00, we have received a total of $47,364.00 since the
program began. This money is being set aside to pay for
parish improvements. To those who are still paying their
pledges, I invite you to join me in sending in your
quarterly payment. If anyone is interested in donating to
this program, contact Angie Pavlik at the Catholic Community
Foundation at
ext. 1303. Thank you.
Our Holy Name Society appreciates your support. Each summer
the Holy Name Society sponsors and organizes an annual
summer picnic for all parishioners and provides hotdogs,
hamburgers, snacks and soft drinks. Many attendees bring
side dishes, salads and desserts. Everyone has a good time.
Consider using the May Holy Name Society offering envelope
to become an active or supporting member. Dues are only $5
for the year.
Post 613
of the Catholic War Veterans is having its annual Poppy
Distribution the weekend of
May 21-22,
before and after all Masses. The red poppy is a symbol of
the blood shed by our military and a reminder of the
sacrifice they made for us. Proceeds from the donations
received support the Post’s work with disabled and
hospitalized veterans.
St Jerome
Parish will again welcome the highly renowned City Music
Cleveland Chamber Orchestra for a free concert Thursday,
May 12. Doors will open at
7:00pm and
the concert will begin at 7:30pm. No tickets are required
for this family friendly event. The program will include
music by Mendelssohn and Dvorak. Avner Dorman is the
conductor and violin soloist Tessa Lark is the featured
performer. Join us before the concert in the school gym from
5:30-6:30 for a Chili and Loaded Baked Potato
dinner. Adult dinner - $8 and children under 12 - $4.
May 30th
is Memorial Day. Again this year, our Catholic War Veterans
Post 613 will have their annual Memorial Day commemoration
here at St. Casimir, beginning at
8:30am with
a service at the Freedom Memorial in our Neff Road parking
lot, followed by Mass at
9:00. The
commemoration will conclude with breakfast in our lower
hall. All are invited. |
Every week when I write the
bulletin, I have announcements that come in from
organizations, activities going on in the parish that need
to be publicized, announcements from the diocese, and other
messages that should be of interest to you. It seems that so
many things become a priority that we sometimes forget what
is really important.
This also happens in our personal lives. When I get
together with other priests, often our conversations turn to
what our immediate concerns are: how many people come to
Mass, the amount of the Sunday
offering, the number of funerals compared to the number of
baptisms, how will we afford to keep our doors open in the
future, and how are we going to find priests to serve
parishes in the future when we can’t find a priest to be
available to cover a vacation. It seems that we get so
caught up in the immediate issues that we lose sight of the
“big picture.”
In this week’s bulletin, I wrote two announcements that
brought me back to see the big picture. The first is words
of congratulation to Gabija and Vilius, two of our young
members who are receiving their First Communion. They don’t
worry about budgets and staffing issues or even parking
lots. They are here because they want to receive the gift of
our Lord’s body and blood so they can grow in their love for
Him. They show a simple faith that I believe all of us have
to return to so we can regain our perspective on our Church.
The second announcement regards the Eucharistic
Adoration in our Church. In the midst of our busy lives, we
are called to take some time - be it ten or fifteen minutes,
or an hour or more - to just be with Our Lord in quiet
prayer, mediation, or just sit in Our Lord’s presence.
All of us need to step back periodically, and focus on
our faith. We have our cultural activities, our social
activities, our work activities and our leisure activities.
If we don’t spend more time fostering our religious
activities, we may find ourselves giving up our precious
gift of faith. And without faith, why do we need to be here?
God Bless! Fr.
Joe Bacevice |
Sunday, May 1st, two of our children will
receive their First Communion at the 10:00am Mass. We
congratulate Gabija Mieldazys and Vilius Berzinskas on
this special day, and pray that they will grow in faith
and closer to God every day of their lives.
May 6th
is the First Friday of the Month. Eucharistic Holy Hour
will take place after the 7:30am Mass until 9:00am. All
are invited to spend some time in quiet prayer before
the Blessed Sacrament. Also, on Wednesday, May 11th,
we will have our monthly evening adoration from 6-9pm.
For those who are able to make a commitment to be
present for adoration at a specific time in May are
asked to sign up at the main entrance to the Church.
- 8, 2016 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Lector |
Nanacy Anzlovar |
Judy Kowalski |
Donna Flynt |
Roth |
Pallo |
Valiukas |
Eucharistic Ministers |
M.Anderson, B.Grauel
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Arv Valiukas |
Ted Egan,
Donna Flynt
Dave Oligny |
John Milikas
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Kowalski |
Donna Flynt,
Arv Valiukas
Maureen Anderson |
Server |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |