A few weeks ago, I
wrote that we hired a new
director of music for our
parish and that she will be
playing at all the Masses
here at St. Casimir’s. I
look forward to introducing
her to you at all the Masses
next weekend.
As we make ready to
welcome our new music
director, we say goodbye to
the musicians who have been
responsible for liturgical
music at our 5:30 and 12:00
This weekend, I extend
my sincere thanks and
appreciation to Donatas
Nasvytis, who has played the
organ at the
Mass for the past 28 years.
Donatas has faithfully
volunteered his time and
talent for almost three
decades, and he will be
missed by all of us. We wish
him well and thank him for
his many years of dedicated
We also bid farewell to
Tim Lake, who played the
guitar and led the singing
at the
12:00 Mass for the
past 3 years. Our music
ministry and worship here at
St. Casimir’s has been
enriched by his music.
I also want to express
my thanks to those who
stepped in to lead the
singing at the
Mass since the middle of
August. I’ve always known
that our parish has many
fine singers, and it was
wonderful to hear the voices
of both the leaders and the
congregation join in song
during Mass.
We will continue using
the same English language
worship aids – the
Missalettes – for the next
year. Beginning next week,
we will have new Lithuanian
language hymnals.
If you like to sing and
would like to help lead the
singing at Mass, please get
in touch with me. We are
looking for song leaders to
help lead the singing at all
our Masses and your voice is
needed. Consider helping.
God Bless!
Fr. Joe Bacevice
Friday, October 3rd is the First
Friday of the month. We will have
our monthly holy hour from 8:00-9:00am.
All are invited to spend some time in quiet prayer before
the Blessed Sacrament on Friday.
Parish Directories - for
those who participated in the program - can be
up at the main entrance to the Church after the weekend
English Masses, in the Lower Hall after the
10:00 Mass or at the Rectory during
regular business hours (Mon-Fri 10-6).
Next weekend our parish will take up the Collection for the
Catholic Communications Campaign (CCC). This Collection
communicates the Good News through Catholic social media
activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television,
radio, and print media. Half of all proceeds remain
in our diocese, so please be generous in this Collection.
CCC is how the Good news gets around to you.
the first two weeks of October, every parish in our diocese
conducts the annual "October Count," where we count the number
of people who come to each Mass. This information is sent to the
diocese and is used along with the numbers on our parish
register to determine how well we as Church are practicing our
faith. The results of these statistics is also used to help
determine where we need to improve our practices, how our
priests and deacons are distributed, helps us set priorities for
programs, and helps determine the future of our individual
We urge everyone in the parish
to make an extra effort over the next two weekends to
participate at Mass here at St. Casimir.
We are looking for a few good people to run for a seat on
our Pastoral Council. Application forms are available in the
Book Room. Applications will be accepted until October 27th.
Any member of the parish, age 16 and older, with a few
exceptions, is eligible to run for a seat on the Pastoral
Council. We invite you to seriously consider serving on this
important council in our Parish.
Have you purchased your Fall Raffle tickets?
Raffle tickets were mailed to
those who did not pick them up last week. Additional tickets
are available at the rectory during the week or in the Book
Room by the main entrance of the Church.
Dinner tickets are now
Tickets for the Clambake and
Steak Roast dinners, and extra Clam tickets are now
available. They will be sold after the weekend Masses at the
back of the Church and in the lower hall, and also during
the week at the rectory. Clambake and Steak Roast dinner
tickets are $29.95 each and extra clams are $10. The last
day to purchase tickets is Sunday, October 19th.
Helpers are needed
For our clambake to be a
success, we need volunteers to help with just about every
aspect of the event. We have several different sign up
sheets in the Book room. If you can help us by baking a
dessert, decorating or setting up the hall, helping with
cleanup, or driving guests to their cars at Jakubs, please
sign up in the book room.
Show your support for our
parish in the program book
We invite you to have your
greetings printed in the book or purchase advertising in the
book. And advertising form is included in with this week’s
bulletin. Additional copies are in the Book Room and in the
clambake this year falls on the 5th Anniversary of our First
Mass as St. Casimir Parish.
We want everyone to a part of this
celebration and look forward to seeing you there.
27-28 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Lector |
Faye Roth |
Milikas |
Oligny |
Jackie Caruso Taylor |
Barb Pallo |
Erin Randel |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Barbara Grauel
Jackie Caruso Taylor |
John MIlikas |
Dave Oligny,
Arv Valiukas |
Jackie Caruso Taylor,
Faye Roth,
M. Anderson |
Judy Kowalski
John Martinich |
Donna Flynt,
Dave Oligny
Arv Valiukas |
Servers |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |