
Saint Casimir Parish
May 27 - 28, 2017
The Matthew 8:20
Ministry, sponsored by the Diocesan Holy Name Society, provides hot meals and
clothes for the homeless in Cleveland on the first and third Friday of each
month. There is a great need for men’s socks and underwear. Our Parish Holy Name
Society will be collecting money to help provide these items between now and
June 4th. If you wish to contribute, place your donations in an
envelope marked Matthew 8:20 Ministry and place it in the collection basket.
Donations can also be dropped off at the Rectory or given to any active member
of the Holy Name Society.
Sunday, June 11th, at 2:00pm,
the Baltic American Committee of Cleveland is sponsoring a prayer service to
commemorate the 76th anniversary of the occupation of the Baltic
States and remember the victims of the mass deportations of June 13-14, 1941,
here at St. Casimir’s. After the service refreshments will be served at the
Lithuanian Club. All are invited to join with our Lithuanian, Latvian and
Estonian communities for this commemoration.
As we celebrate Memorial Day and enter into the summer season, join thousands
from across our region for a day of faith, family and fun (all for FREE) at The
FEST. Mark your calendar for Sunday, August 6, and join us in Wickliffe.
It is the perfect family day. Come and hear the best national Christian artists:
Laura Story, Matt Maher, Crowder and For King and For Country. There are great
displays, lots of activities for the kids, games and fun. All the details can be
found at:
It’s the highlight of the summer. Join us at The FEST. Special thanks to our
friends who allows us to keep the FEST free and open to all: Marc’s, Sherwood
Foods, PNC Bank, Notre Dame College, and Advance Ohio.
The Catholic bishops of the world are planning to meet in October, 2018 for the
15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The theme of
this gathering is: ”Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment.” In preparation for
this major synod on youth, Pope Francis wants to gather input from the Catholic
Faithful. Consequently, the Diocese of Cleveland has made available a survey
questionnaire to gather information on the current state of the young in our
diocese that will included as part of the pre-synod discernment document.
The survey can be found on the diocesan website
All are invited and encouraged to participate by taking this short survey. The
bishops of the United States pray that the results of this survey will help them
more fully understand the experience of young people in our Church and in our
country – their hopes, dreams, fears and struggles – so that the synod may bear
fruit in offering more insight and direction to our ministry with young people. |
One of the most beautiful places around our nation’s capital is Arlington
National Cemetery, just outside Washington, DC in Arlington, Virginia. The
cemetery itself is meticulously maintained with rows of Crosses and Stars of
David marking the graves of our servicemen and women and national leaders buried
there. The most solemn place in the cemetery is the Tomb of the Unknowns. There
Company E of the Third US Infantry Regiment – The Old Guard – keeps a constant
vigil honoring servicemen “known only to God.” The cemetery and the tomb are
signs of the respect we show to those who have lost their lives in service to
our country.
On Monday, the national holiday of Memorial Day, all of us are called to
honor our war dead, those who gave their lives in defense of our country and for
freedom throughout the world. As Catholics, the best way to honor our dead is to
pray for them, particularly on Memorial Day.
Our Catholic War Veterans Post 613 has, since its founding in 1946,
provided a beautiful opportunity for us to gather to honor our war dead. On
Monday beginning at 8:30am, they will lead us in a flag raising ceremony,
followed by Mass. Immediately after Mass, they have arranged to serve breakfast
in our hall. They invite everyone in the Parish to join with them in remembering
those who have died in service to our country and to remember their members who
have died.
I have been a member of Post 613 since 1980, and have led the Memorial Day
service each year. I invite all of you to join with me as we remind ourselves
through prayer, that the freedom we enjoy here in this country came at a great
price, and we offer our prayers for those who sacrificed their own lives that we
could live in freedom.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
ask you to remember in your prayers the following who have recently died and
were buried through our parish: Mary Brezar, Wildtraut Solomayer, and Petronele
Karosas. May they have eternal rest in the peace of God’s kingdom.
Memorial Day weekend, our Catholic War Veterans Post 613 will have their annual
Poppy Distribution. This activity enables the Post to continue their welfare
programs for our veterans and their families. They will be distributing poppies
and accepting donations after all the Masses the weekend of May 27-28.
Please be generous in supporting their work.

THIS WEEKEND - MAY 27-28, 2017
NEXT WEEKEND - JUNE 3 - 4, 2017 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Caruso-Taylor |
Arv Valiukas |
Donna Flynt |
Lou Pecek |
Anzlovar |
Faye Roth |
Faye Roth
Maureen Anderson |
Martinich |
Donna Flynt,
Ted Egan
Dave Oligny |
John Milikas,
Barbara Grauel |
Kowalski |
Faye Roth,
Dave Oligny
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |