Saint Casimir Parish

Old bulletins

Jan.11 Jan.18 Jan.25 Lietuviškai Feb.01 Feb.08





2014 Mar.15 Mar.22 Mar.29 Apr.05 Apr.12 Apr.19 Apr.26

May 05

May 10

May 17


May 23 - 24, 2015



     One of the most beautiful places around our nation’s capital is Arlington National Cemetery, just outside Washington, DC in Arlington, Virginia. The cemetery itself is meticulously maintained with rows of Crosses and Stars of David marking the graves of our servicemen and women and national leaders buried there. The most solemn place in the cemetery is the Tomb of the Unknowns. There Company E of the Third US Infantry Regiment – The Old Guard – keeps a constant vigil honoring servicemen “known only to God.” The cemetery and the tomb are signs of the respect we show to those who have lost their lives in service to our country.

     On Monday, the national holiday of Memorial Day, all of us are called to honor our war dead, those who gave their lives in defense of our country and for freedom throughout the world. As Catholics, the best way to honor our dead is to pray for them, particularly on Memorial Day.

     Our Catholic War Veterans Post 613 has, since its founding in 1946, provided a beautiful opportunity for us to gather to honor our war dead. On Monday beginning at 8:30am, they will lead us in a flag raising ceremony, followed by Mass. Immediately after Mass, they have arranged to serve breakfast in our hall. They invite everyone in the Parish to join with them in remembering those who have died in service to our country and to remember their members who have died.

     I have been a member of Post 613 since 1980, and have led the Memorial Day service each year. I invite all of you to join with me as we remind ourselves through prayer, that the freedom we enjoy here in this country came at a great price, and we offer our prayers for those who sacrificed their own lives that we could live in freedom.
                                                               God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice



Please remember in your prayers the soul of Jean Marks and Gertrude Olsafsky who recently died and were buried from our Parish. May they have eternal rest in the peace of God’s Kingdom.




During this Year of Consecrated Life we are invited to connect with religious congregations and to respond to the words of Pope Francis: “Wake up the World! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living! It is possible to live differently in this world.” To help make this happen, the Diocese has coordinated a diocesan-wide pilgrimage to congregational homes and ministry centers of 23 religious communities from June to September. Everyone is invited to discover the heart of consecrated life and to discover the beauty of our journey to God, who is the beginning and the end of life’s pilgrimage.

     Posters are in the Book Room and the side entrance to the Church, and on the bulletin board in the lower hall with more information. Brochures are also available near the Church Bulletin racks. Together on this journey to God, let us pray for each other as we live and witness our faith in Jesus Christ.




Monday, May 25th is Memorial Day. Our Catholic War Veterans Post 613 will have their annual Memorial Day commemoration here at St. Casimir: 8:30am - a service at the Freedom Memorial in our Neff Road parking lot, followed by Mass at 9:00am. The commemoration will conclude with breakfast in our lower hall. All are invited.


Memorial Day weekend signals the beginning of summer in Cleveland. This is the time of year that many are involved in outdoor activities and travel. We wish everyone a safe and relaxing summer, but we remind everyone to participate at Mass each weekend, even when traveling. We also remind everyone of their obligation to support our parish. As we continue to struggle financially, we need everyone’s support. So on the weekends you are not here for any reason, I ask you to make up for your missed offerings.



As we begin the summer season, mark your calendar for The FEST. Join us as we bring together thousands from across our diocese on Sunday, August 9th, from 12 noon until 10:00pm for a day of faith, family and fun. The 15th Annual Catholic Family Festival will be held on the grounds of the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. The FEST includes great Christian artists, engaging activities and displays for the entire family and is free and open to all. The day concludes with an inspiring outdoor Mass at 8:00pm. For more information, go online to: www.the




On Saturday, June 13, 2015, Deacon Lukas Laniauskas will be ordained to the order of Presbyter for service to the Society of Jesus of the Chicago-Detroit Province at the Queen of All Saints Basilica in Chicago, Illinois. The Presiding Bishop will be the Most Reverend Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Indianapolis. Father Laniauskas will celebrate a First Mass of Thanksgiving on Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 4:00pm at Camp Dainava in Manchester, Michigan. He also looks forward to coming home to St. Casimir’s to celebrate Mass sometime this autumn.

     As a Parish community, we thank God for the gift of Father Laniauskas’ vocation and offer our prayers that he have a blessed and fulfilled life serving the Church as a Jesuit Priest.  

     As plans are finalized for Father’s Mass here at St. Casimir’s, we will keep everyone informed.



“Child’s Gate to Learning” (CGL) supports neglected children in Lithuania. To raise funds, the Cleveland chapter is offering a boxed lunch for $10. All lunches must be ordered by May 20. Lunches must be picked up on Sunday, May 31st after the 10:00 Mass. Donations are welcomed. To order lunch, make a donation, or for information about CGL contact Egle Laniauskas ( or send your order to 6604 Ivana Court, Mentor, OH, 44060. Order forms can also be found in the Book Room


On Sunday, June 14, 2015, we will commemorate the 74th Anniversary of the Occupation of the Baltic States by the Soviet Union and remember the victims of the mass deportations of June 13-14, 1941. The Commemoration will be an Ecumenical Prayer Service at 2:00pm here at St. Casimir’s. All are invited to join with the Estonians and Latvians for this special day. Refreshments will be served afterward in the cafeteria. This event is sponsored by the Baltic American Committee of Cleveland.


As a service to its Lithuanian homebound readers, the Lithuanian newspaper, Draugas, has arranged to live-stream the Lithuanian Sunday Mass every week from Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Chicago. The Mass can be viewed every Sunday at 12:00noon EST on the website:  The recorded Masses are also archived on the same website and can be viewed online at a later time.


MAY 23 - 24



8:00 am 12:00pm





Jackie Caruso-Taylor Barb Pallo Erin Randel Sue Milikas

Barb Pallo

Donna Flynt

Eucharistic Ministers

Jackie Caruso-Taylor,
Sue & John Milikas

John Martinich
Arv Valiukas

Brian Kemer, Dave Oligny
Sami Caruso-Taylor

Sue & John Milikas
Maureen Anderson

John Martinich
Arv Valiukas

Ted Egan, Donna Flynt
Jackie Caruso-Taylor


Briana Shawn



